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NeuroImage, Volume 26
Volume 26, Number 1, May 2005
- Mika Seppä
, Matti Hämäläinen:
Visualizing human brain surface from T1-weighted MR images using texture-mapped triangle meshes. 1-12 - Stephen D. Hall
, Ian E. Holliday, Arjan Hillebrand
, Krish D. Singh
, Paul L. Furlong
, Avgis Hadjipapas
, Gareth R. Barnes
The missing link: analogous human and primate cortical gamma oscillations. 13-17 - Masako Okamoto, Ippeita Dan:
Automated cortical projection of head-surface locations for transcranial functional brain mapping. 18-28 - M. Khubchandani, Naranamangalam R. Jagannathan
, H. N. Mallick, Velayudhan Mohan Kumar
Functional MRI shows activation of the medial preoptic area during sleep. 29-35 - Xiwen Sun, Xiaochu Zhang
, Xiangchuan Chen
, Peng Zhang
, Min Bao
, Daren Zhang, Jing Chen, Sheng He, Xiaoping Hu
Age-dependent brain activation during forward and backward digit recall revealed by fMRI. 36-47 - K. Torquati, Vittorio Pizzella
, Claudio Babiloni
, Cosimo Del Gratta, Stefania Della Penna
, Antonio Ferretti
, Raffaella Franciotti, Paolo Maria Rossini, Gian Luca Romani:
Nociceptive and non-nociceptive sub-regions in the human secondary somatosensory cortex: An MEG study using fMRI constraints. 48-56 - Jacob Jelsing, Egill Rostrup
, Karin Markenroth
, Olaf B. Paulson
, Hans Jørgen G. Gundersen, Ralf Hemmingsen, Bente Pakkenberg
Assessment of in vivo MR imaging compared to physical sections in vitro - A quantitative study of brain volumes using stereology. 57-65 - Teemu Rinne, Alexander Degerman, Kimmo Alho
Superior temporal and inferior frontal cortices are activated by infrequent sound duration decrements: an fMRI study. 66-72 - Afra M. Wohlschläger, Karsten Specht, C. Lie, Hartmut Mohlberg, Andreas Wohlschläger, Kay A. Bente, Uwe Pietrzyk
, Tony Stöcker
, Karl Zilles
, Katrin Amunts
, Gereon R. Fink
Linking retinotopic fMRI mapping and anatomical probability maps of human occipital areas V1 and V2. 73-82 - Michel Cyr
, Marc G. Caron, G. Allan Johnson
, Aki Laakso
Magnetic resonance imaging at microscopic resolution reveals subtle morphological changes in a mouse model of dopaminergic hyperfunction. 83-90 - Joachim Gross
, Bettina Pollok, M. Dirks, Lars Timmermann
, Markus Butz
, Alfons Schnitzler
Task-dependent oscillations during unimanual and bimanual movements in the human primary motor cortex and SMA studied with magnetoencephalography. 91-98 - Tor D. Wager, Matthew C. Keller
, Steven C. Lacey, John Jonides:
Increased sensitivity in neuroimaging analyses using robust regression. 99-113 - Luigi De Gennaro
, Michele Ferrara
, Fabrizio Vecchio
, Giuseppe Curcio
, Mario Bertini:
An electroencephalographic fingerprint of human sleep. 114-122 - Jürgen Gallinat, Andreas Ströhle, Undine E. Lang
, Malek Bajbouj, Peter Kalus, Christiane Montag, Frank Seifert, Catrin Wernicke, Hans Rommelspacher, Herbert Rinneberg, Florian Schubert:
Association of human hippocampal neurochemistry, serotonin transporter genetic variation, and anxiety. 123-131 - Sheng-Kwei Song, Jun Yoshino, Tuan Q. Le, Shiow-Jiuan Lin, Shu-Wei Sun, Anne H. Cross
, Regina C. Armstrong:
Demyelination increases radial diffusivity in corpus callosum of mouse brain. 132-140 - Pritha Das
, Andrew H. Kemp
, Belinda J. Liddell
, Kerri J. Brown, Gloria Olivieri, Anthony Peduto, Evian Gordon, Leanne M. Williams:
Pathways for fear perception: modulation of amygdala activity by thalamo-cortical systems. 141-148 - Gilles Pourtois
, Gregor Thut
, Rolando Grave de Peralta, Christoph M. Michel
, Patrik Vuilleumier
Two electrophysiological stages of spatial orienting towards fearful faces: early temporo-parietal activation preceding gain control in extrastriate visual cortex. 149-163 - Elisabeth Rounis, Lucy Lee, Hartwig R. Siebner, James B. Rowe
, Karl J. Friston
, John C. Rothwell
, Richard S. J. Frackowiak
Frequency specific changes in regional cerebral blood flow and motor system connectivity following rTMS to the primary motor cortex. 164-176 - Clayton E. Curtis, Felice T. Sun, Lee M. Miller, Mark D'Esposito
Coherence between fMRI time-series distinguishes two spatial working memory networks. 177-183 - Andreas R. Luft, Larry W. Forrester, Richard F. Macko, Sandy McCombe-Waller, Jill Whitall, Federico Villagra, Daniel F. Hanley
Brain activation of lower extremity movement in chronically impaired stroke survivors. 184-194 - Hao Huang
, Jiangyang Zhang
, Hangyi Jiang, Setsu Wakana, Lidia Poetscher, Michael I. Miller, Peter C. M. van Zijl
, Argye E. Hillis, Robert Wytik, Susumu Mori:
DTI tractography based parcellation of white matter: Application to the mid-sagittal morphology of corpus callosum. 195-205 - Ute Habel
, Martina Klein, Thilo Kellermann
, N. Jon Shah
, Frank Schneider
Same or different? Neural correlates of happy and sad mood in healthy males. 206-214 - Joaquín M. Fuster, Michael Guiou, Allen Ardestani, Andrew Cannestra, Sameer Sheth, Yong-Di Zhou, Arthur W. Toga, Mark Bodner:
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in cognitive neuroscience of the primate brain. 215-220 - Ina Bornkessel
, Stefan Zysset, Angela D. Friederici, D. Yves von Cramon, Matthias Schlesewsky:
Who did what to whom? The neural basis of argument hierarchies during language comprehension. 221-233 - Koji Matsuo, Yoichi Onodera, Taku Hamamoto, Kenro Muraki, Nobumasa Kato, Tadafumi Kato
Hypofrontality and microvascular dysregulation in remitted late-onset depression assessed by functional near-infrared spectroscopy. 234-242 - Christina Triantafyllou, Richard D. Hoge, Gunnar Krueger, Christopher J. Wiggins, Andreas Potthast, Graham C. Wiggins, Lawrence L. Wald
Comparison of physiological noise at 1.5 T, 3 T and 7 T and optimization of fMRI acquisition parameters. 243-250 - Jason P. Mitchell, C. Neil Macrae, Mahzarin R. Banaji:
Forming impressions of people versus inanimate objects: Social-cognitive processing in the medial prefrontal cortex. 251-257 - Elisabetta Pagani
, Massimo Filippi
, Maria Assunta Rocca
, Mark A. Horsfield
A method for obtaining tract-specific diffusion tensor MRI measurements in the presence of disease: application to patients with clinically isolated syndromes suggestive of multiple sclerosis. 258-265 - Todd C. Handy
, Jana Schaich Borg, David J. Turk, Christine M. Tipper
, Scott T. Grafton, Michael S. Gazzaniga:
Placing a tool in the spotlight: spatial attention modulates visuomotor responses in cortex. 266-276 - Toshihide Imaruoka, Jun Saiki
, Satoru Miyauchi:
Maintaining coherence of dynamic objects requires coordination of neural systems extended from anterior frontal to posterior parietal brain cortices. 277-284 - Milan Brázdil
, Martin Dobsík, Michal Mikl, Petr Hlustík
, Pavel Daniel, Marta Pazourková, Petr Krupa
, Ivan Rektor:
Combined event-related fMRI and intracerebral ERP study of an auditory oddball task. 285-293
- Vincent L. Gracco, Pascale Tremblay
, G. Bruce Pike
Imaging speech production using fMRI. 294-301 - Matthew J. Brookes
, Andrew M. Gibson, Stephen D. Hall
, Paul L. Furlong
, Gareth R. Barnes
, Arjan Hillebrand
, Krish D. Singh
, Ian E. Holliday, Susan T. Francis, Peter G. Morris:
GLM-beamformer method demonstrates stationary field, alpha ERD and gamma ERS co-localisation with fMRI BOLD response in visual cortex. 302-308 - Khalid Hamandi
, Afraim Salek-Haddadi, Adam D. Liston, Helmut Laufs
, David R. Fish, Louis Lemieux
fMRI temporal clustering analysis in patients with frequent interictal epileptiform discharges: Comparison with EEG-driven analysis. 309-316
Volume 26, Number 2, June 2005
- Stephen LaConte, Stephen C. Strother
, Vladimir Cherkassky, Jon R. Anderson, Xiaoping Hu
Support vector machines for temporal classification of block design fMRI data. 317-329 - Chang'an A. Zhan
, Timothy Ledgeway
, Curtis L. Baker Jr.:
Contrast response in visual cortex: Quantitative assessment with intrinsic optical signal imaging and neural firing. 330-346 - Ole Jensen
, Pranay Goel, Nancy Kopell, Mikko Pohja, Riitta Hari, Bard Ermentrout:
On the human sensorimotor-cortex beta rhythm: Sources and modeling. 347-355 - Jérémie Mattout
, Mélanie Pélégrini-Issac
, Line Garnero, Habib Benali:
Multivariate source prelocalization (MSP): Use of functionally informed basis functions for better conditioning the MEG inverse problem. 356-373 - J. R. Foucher, P. Vidailhet, S. Chanraud, D. Gounot, D. Grucker, Delphine Pins
, C. Damsa, J.-M. Danion:
Functional integration in schizophrenia: too little or too much? Preliminary results on fMRI data. 374-388 - M. M. Strauss, Nikos Makris, I. Aharon, Mark G. Vangel, Julie M. Goodman, David N. Kennedy, G. P. Gasic, Hans C. Breiter:
fMRI of sensitization to angry faces. 389-413 - Emiliano Macaluso
, Christopher D. Frith
, Jon Driver:
Multisensory stimulation with or without saccades: fMRI evidence for crossmodal effects on sensory-specific cortices that reflect multisensory location-congruence rather than task-relevance. 414-425 - Naoki Miura
, Jobu Watanabe, Kazuki Iwata, Yuko Sassa, Jorge J. Riera
, Hideo Tsuchiya, Shigeru Sato, Kaoru Horie, Makoto Takahashi, Masaharu Kitamura, Ryuta Kawashima:
Cortical activation during reading of ancient versus modern Japanese texts: fMRI study. 426-431 - Hanbing Lu, David A. Soltysik, B. Douglas Ward, James S. Hyde:
Temporal evolution of the CBV-fMRI signal to rat whisker stimulation of variable duration and intensity: A linearity analysis. 432-440 - Ann Van de Winckel
, Stefan Sunaert
, Nicole Wenderoth, Ronald R. Peeters
, Paul Van Hecke, Hilde Feys, Els Horemans, Guy Marchal, Stephan P. Swinnen
, Carlo Perfetti, Willy De Weerdt:
Passive somatosensory discrimination tasks in healthy volunteers: Differential networks involved in familiar versus unfamiliar shape and length discrimination. 441-453 - Anja Stemme, Gustavo Deco, Astrid Busch, Werner X. Schneider:
Neurons and the synaptic basis of the fMRI signal associated with cognitive flexibility. 454-470 - Jin Fan, Bruce D. McCandliss, John Fossella, Jonathan I. Flombaum, Michael I. Posner:
The activation of attentional networks. 471-479 - Karen I. Bolla, Dana A. Eldreth, John A. Matochik, Jean-Lud Cadet:
Neural substrates of faulty decision-making in abstinent marijuana users. 480-492 - Eileen Luders, Katherine L. Narr, Paul M. Thompson
, Roger P. Woods, David E. Rex, Lutz Jäncke, Helmuth Steinmetz
, Arthur W. Toga:
Mapping cortical gray matter in the young adult brain: Effects of gender. 493-501 - Uicheul Yoon, Jong-Min Lee, Bang-Bon Koo
, Yong-Wook Shin
, Kyung Jin Lee, In-Young Kim, Jun Soo Kwon, Sun I. Kim:
Quantitative analysis of group-specific brain tissue probability map for schizophrenic patients. 502-512 - Gudrun Lange, Jason Steffener, Dane B. Cook, Benjamin Martin Bly, Christopher Christodoulou, Wen-Ching Liu, John DeLuca, Benjamin H. Natelson:
Objective evidence of cognitive complaints in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A BOLD fMRI study of verbal working memory. 513-524 - Cécile B. Grandin, Anne Bol, Anne M. Smith, Christian Michel, Guy Cosnard:
Absolute CBF and CBV measurements by MRI bolus tracking before and after acetazolamide challenge: Repeatabilily and comparison with PET in humans. 525-535 - Eveline A. De Bruin, Hilleke E. Hulshoff Pol
, Hugo G. Schnack, Joost Janssen
, Suzanne Bijl, Alan C. Evans, J. Leon Kenemans, René S. Kahn, Marinus N. Verbaten:
Focal brain matter differences associated with lifetime alcohol intake and visual attention in male but not in female non-alcohol-dependent drinkers. 536-545 - Derek K. Jones
, Mark R. Symms, Mara Cercignani
, Robert J. Howard
The effect of filter size on VBM analyses of DT-MRI data. 546-554 - John G. Geake, Peter C. Hansen
Neural correlates of intelligence as revealed by fMRI of fluid analogies. 555-564 - Ann Tieleman, Ruth Seurinck
, Karel Deblaere, Pieter Vandemaele, Guy Vingerhoets, Eric Achten:
Stimulus pacing affects the activation of the medial temporal lobe during a semantic classification task: An fMRI study. 565-572 - Laurent Renier, Olivier Collignon, Colline Poirier
, Dai Tranduy, Annick Vanlierde, Anne Bol, Claude Veraart, Anne G. De Volder:
Cross-modal activation of visual cortex during depth perception using auditory substitution of vision. 573-580 - Andreas Hennenlotter, Ulrike Schroeder, Peter Erhard, Florian Castrop, Bernhard Haslinger, Daniela Stoecker, Klaus W. Lange, Andres O. Ceballos-Baumann:
A common neural basis for receptive and expressive communication of pleasant facial affect. 581-591 - Claude Alain, Karen Reinke, Kelly L. McDonald, Wilkin Chau, Fred Tam, Anda Pacurar, Simon J. Graham:
Left thalamo-cortical network implicated in successful speech separation and identification. 592-599 - Matthew L. Senjem
, Jeffrey L. Gunter, Maria M. Shiung, Ronald C. Petersen, Clifford R. Jack Jr.
Comparison of different methodological implementations of voxel-based morphometry in neurodegenerative disease. 600-608 - Peter L. Remijnse, Marjan M. A. Nielen, Harry B. M. Uylings, Dick J. Veltman:
Neural correlates of a reversal learning task with an affectively neutral baseline: An event-related fMRI study. 609-618 - David M. Rector, Kathleen Carter, Petr L. Volegov
, John S. George:
Spatio-temporal mapping of rat whisker barrels with fast scattered light signals. 619-627 - Mercedes Atienza
, Jose Luis Cantero, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga
Precise timing accounts for posttraining sleep-dependent enhancements of the auditory mismatch negativity. 628-634
- Keith J. Worsley:
Spatial smoothing of autocorrelations to control the degrees of freedom in fMRI analysis. 635-641
- Paul G. Mullins
, Laura Rowland
, Rex E. Jung
, Wilmer L. Sibbitt Jr.
A novel technique to study the brain's response to pain: Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 642-646
Volume 26, Number 3, July 2005
- Martha W. Burton, Paul C. Locasto, Donna Krebs-Noble, Rao P. Gullapalli:
A systematic investigation of the functional neuroanatomy of auditory and visual phonological processing. 647-661 - Karen Zentgraf
, Rudolf Stark, Mathias Reiser
, Stefan Künzell
, Anne Schienle
, Peter Kirsch
, Bertram Walter, Dieter Vaitl, Jörn Munzert:
Differential activation of pre-SMA and SMA proper during action observation: Effects of instructions. 662-672 - Gustavo K. Rohde, Alan S. Barnett, Peter J. Basser, Carlo Pierpaoli:
Estimating intensity variance due to noise in registered images: Applications to diffusion tensor MRI. 673-684 - Thomas Gasser, Oliver Ganslandt, I. Erol Sandalcioglu, Dietmar Stolke, Rudolf Fahlbusch, Christopher Nimsky
Intraoperative functional MRI: Implementation and preliminary experience. 685-693 - Tomoki Asari, Seiki Konishi, Koji Jimura, Yasushi Miyashita
Multiple components of lateral posterior parietal activation associated with cognitive set shifting. 694-702 - Yang Zhang
, Patricia K. Kuhl, Toshiaki Imada, Makoto Kotani, Yoh'ichi Tohkura:
Effects of language experience: Neural commitment to language-specific auditory patterns. 703-720 - Thomas Stephan, Angela Deutschländer, Annina Nolte, Erich Schneider, Martin Wiesmann, Thomas Brandt, Marianne Dieterich:
Functional MRI of galvanic vestibular stimulation with alternating currents at different frequencies. 721-732 - Jöran Lepsien, Ivan C. Griffin, Joseph T. Devlin
, Anna Christina Nobre
Directing spatial attention in mental representations: Interactions between attentional orienting and working-memory load. 733-743 - S. Magnitsky, D. J. Watson, R. M. Walton, S. Pickup, Jeff W. M. Bulte, J. H. Wolfe, Harish Poptani
In vivo and ex vivo MRI detection of localized and disseminated neural stem cell grafts in the mouse brain. 744-754 - Michela Romani, Paola Cesari
, Cosimo Urgesi
, Stefano Facchini, Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Motor facilitation of the human cortico-spinal system during observation of bio-mechanically impossible movements. 755-763 - Marjatta Pohja, Stephan Salenius, Riitta Hari:
Reproducibility of cortex-muscle coherence. 764-770 - Jong Sea Lee, Moon-Ku Han
, Sung Hyun Kim, O.-Ki Kwon, Jae Hyoung Kim:
Fiber tracking by diffusion tensor imaging in corticospinal tract stroke: Topographical correlation with clinical symptoms. 771-776 - Floris P. de Lange
, Joke S. Kalkman, Gijs Bleijenberg, Peter Hagoort, Jos W. M. van der Meer, Ivan Toni:
Gray matter volume reduction in the chronic fatigue syndrome. 777-781 - Michael C. Stevens
, Vince D. Calhoun
, Kent A. Kiehl:
Hemispheric differences in hemodynamics elicited by auditory oddball stimuli. 782-792 - Andrej Stancak, Tuukka T. Raij, Marjatta Pohja, Nina Forss
, Riitta Hari:
Oscillatory motor cortex-muscle coupling during painful laser and nonpainful tactile stimulation. 793-800 - Virginia B. Penhune, Julien Doyon:
Cerebellum and M1 interaction during early learning of timed motor sequences. 801-812 - Hideshi Sakamoto, Rin Fukuda, Tomoyuki Okuaki, Mark Rogers
, Kiyoto Kasai
, Toru Machida, Ichiro Shirouzu, Hidenori Yamasue, Tsuyoshi Akiyama, Nobumasa Kato:
Parahippocampal activation evoked by masked traumatic images in posttraumatic stress disorder: A functional MRI study. 813-821 - Paola Valsasina
, Maria Assunta Rocca
, Federica Agosta
, Beatrice Benedetti, Mark A. Horsfield
, Antonio Gallo
, Marco Rovaris
, Giancarlo Comi, Massimo Filippi
Mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy histogram analysis of the cervical cord in MS patients. 822-828 - Susanne Erk, Sonja Martin, Henrik Walter
Emotional context during encoding of neutral items modulates brain activation not only during encoding but also during recognition. 829-838 - John Ashburner
, Karl J. Friston
Unified segmentation. 839-851 - Conny F. Schmidt, Peter Boesiger, Alumit Ishai:
Comparison of fMRI activation as measured with gradient- and spin-echo EPI during visual perception. 852-859 - Philippe-Olivier Harvey, Philippe Fossati, Jean-Baptiste Pochon, Richard Levy, Guillaume LeBastard, Stéphane Lehéricy, Jean-François Allilaire, Bruno Dubois:
Cognitive control and brain resources in major depression: An fMRI study using the n-back task. 860-869 - Toni Auranen, Aapo Nummenmaa, Matti S. Hämäläinen, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Jouko Lampinen, Aki Vehtari
, Mikko Sams:
Bayesian analysis of the neuromagnetic inverse problem with ℓp-norm priors. 870-884 - Mika Naganawa
, Yuichi Kimura, Tadashi Nariai, Kenji Ishii, Keiichi Oda, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kunihiro Chihara, Kiichi Ishiwata:
Omission of serial arterial blood sampling in neuroreceptor imaging with independent component analysis. 885-890 - Adolf Pfefferbaum, Elfar Adalsteinsson, Edith V. Sullivan
Frontal circuitry degradation marks healthy adult aging: Evidence from diffusion tensor imaging. 891-899 - Hervé Lemaître, Fabrice Crivello
, Blandine Grassiot, Annick Alpérovitch, Christophe Tzourio
, Bernard Mazoyer
Age- and sex-related effects on the neuroanatomy of healthy elderly. 900-911 - Thomas Eckert, Anna Barnes
, Vijay Dhawan
, Steve Frucht, Mark Forrest Gordon, Andrew S. Feigin, David Eidelberg
FDG PET in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonian disorders. 912-921 - Judith M. Ford, Matthew B. Johnson, Susan L. Whitfield, William O. Faustman, Daniel H. Mathalon
Delayed hemodynamic responses in schizophrenia. 922-931 - Satoshi Umeda, Yoshihide Akine, Motoichiro Kato, Taro Muramatsu, Masaru Mimura, Susumu Kandatsu, Shuji Tanada, Takayuki Obata
, Hiroo Ikehira, Tetsuya Suhara:
Functional network in the prefrontal cortex during episodic memory retrieval. 932-940 - Paul E. Rasser, Patrick J. Johnston
, Jim Lagopoulos, Philip B. Ward
, Ulrich Schall
, Renate Thienel
, Stefan Bender, Arthur W. Toga, Paul M. Thompson
Functional MRI BOLD response to Tower of London performance of first-episode schizophrenia patients using cortical pattern matching. 941-951 - Jan W. Van Strien, Rogier E. Hagenbeek, Cornelis J. Stam
, Serge A. R. B. Rombouts
, Frederik Barkhof
Changes in brain electrical activity during extended continuous word recognition. 952-959
- Torben Ellegaard Lund, Minna D. Nørgaard, Egill Rostrup
, James B. Rowe
, Olaf B. Paulson
Motion or activity: their role in intra- and inter-subject variation in fMRI. 960-964
- Rex E. Jung
, Richard J. Haier, Ronald A. Yeo, Laura Rowland
, Helen Petropoulos, Andrea S. Levine, Wilmer L. Sibbitt
, William M. Brooks
Sex differences in N-acetylaspartate correlates of general intelligence: An 1H-MRS study of normal human brain. 965-972
- Eduardo Martínez-Montes, Pedro A. Valdés-Sosa
, Fumikazu Miwakeichi, Robin I. Goldman, Mark S. Cohen:
Corrigendum to "Concurrent EEG/fMRI analysis by multiway partial least squares" [NeuroImage 22 (2004) 1023-1034]. 973
Volume 26, Number 4, July 2005
- Darren R. Gitelman
, Anna Christina Nobre
, Sreepadma Sonty, Todd B. Parrish
, M.-Marsel Mesulam:
Language network specializations: An analysis with parallel task designs and functional magnetic resonance imaging. 975-985 - Nancy J. Lobaugh, Hélène Chevalier, Magali Batty, Margot J. Taylor:
Accelerated and amplified neural responses in visual discrimination: Two features are processed faster than one. 986-995 - Jens Steinbrink
, Florian C. D. Kempf, Arno Villringer
, Hellmuth Obrig:
The fast optical signal - Robust or elusive when non-invasively measured in the human adult? 996-1008 - Michael S. Mega
, Ivo D. Dinov
, John C. Mazziotta, Mario Manese, Paul M. Thompson
, Chris Lindshield, Jacob Moussai, Nah Tran, Kirsten Olsen, Chris I. Zoumalan, Roger P. Woods, Arthur W. Toga:
Automated brain tissue assessment in the elderly and demented population: Construction and validation of a sub-volume probabilistic brain atlas. 1009-1018 - Rutvik Desai
, Einat Liebenthal
, Edward T. Possing, Eric Waldron, Jeffrey R. Binder
Volumetric vs. surface-based alignment for localization of auditory cortex activation. 1019-1029 - Klaus Kessler
, Frank Schmitz, Joachim Gross
, Bernhard Hommel
, Kimron L. Shapiro
, Alfons Schnitzler
Target consolidation under high temporal processing demands as revealed by MEG. 1030-1041 - Jiangyang Zhang
, Michael I. Miller, Celine Plachez
, Linda J. Richards
, Paul Yarowsky
, Peter C. M. van Zijl
, Susumu Mori:
Mapping postnatal mouse brain development with diffusion tensor microimaging. 1042-1051 - Veena Kumari
, Elena Antonova, Elizabeth Zachariah, Adrian Galea, Ingrid Aasen, Ulrich Ettinger
, Martina T. Mitterschiffthaler, Tonmoy Sharma:
Structural brain correlates of prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response in healthy humans. 1052-1058 - Lars M. Rimol
, Karsten Specht
, Susanne Weis, Robert Savoy, Kenneth Hugdahl:
Processing of sub-syllabic speech units in the posterior temporal lobe: An fMRI study. 1059-1067 - Michael P. Sanfilipo, Ralph H. B. Benedict, Jitendra Sharma, Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, Rohit Bakshi:
The relationship between whole brain volume and disability in multiple sclerosis: A comparison of normalized gray vs. white matter with misclassification correction. 1068-1077 - Serge A. R. B. Rombouts
, Rutger Goekoop, Cornelis J. Stam
, Frederik Barkhof
, Philip Scheltens
Delayed rather than decreased BOLD response as a marker for early Alzheimer's disease. 1078-1085 - Antonio Ferretti
, Massimo Caulo, Cosimo Del Gratta, Rosalia Di Matteo, Arcangelo Merla, Francesco Montorsi, Vittorio Pizzella
, Paolo Pompa, Patrizio Rigatti, Paolo Maria Rossini, Andrea Salonia
, Armando Tartaro
, Gian Luca Romani:
Dynamics of male sexual arousal: distinct components of brain activation revealed by fMRI. 1086-1096 - Robert Risinger, Betty Jo Salmeron
, Thomas J. Ross
, Shelley L. Amen, Michael Sanfilipo, Raymond G. Hoffmann, Alan Bloom, Hugh Garavan, Elliot A. Stein:
Neural correlates of high and craving during cocaine self-administration using BOLD fMRI. 1097-1108 - Marek Kubicki, Hyun Wook Park, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Paul G. Nestor, Robert V. Mulkern, Stephan E. Maier, Margaret Niznikiewicz, Erin E. Connor, James J. Levitt, Michael Frumin, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Robert W. McCarley
, Martha Elizabeth Shenton
DTI and MTR abnormalities in schizophrenia: Analysis of white matter integrity. 1109-1118 - Nico Bunzeck
, Torsten Wüstenberg, Kai Lutz, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Lutz Jäncke:
Scanning silence: Mental imagery of complex sounds. 1119-1127 - Evelyn Eger
, Stefan Robert Schweinberger, Raymond J. Dolan
, Richard N. Henson:
Familiarity enhances invariance of face representations in human ventral visual cortex: fMRI evidence. 1128-1139 - Sarah E. Donohue, Carter Wendelken, Eveline A. Crone, Silvia A. Bunge:
Retrieving rules for behavior from long-term memory. 1140-1149 - Gerda Andringa
, Benjamin Drukarch
, John G. J. M. Bol, Kora de Bruin, Karolina Sorman, Jan B. A. Habraken, Jan Booij:
Pinhole SPECT imaging of dopamine transporters correlates with dopamine transporter immunohistochemical analysis in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson's disease. 1150-1158 - Andrea Falini
, Marco Bozzali
, Giuseppe Magnani
, G. Pero, Anna Gambini, Beatrice Benedetti, R. Mossini, M. Franceschi, Giancarlo Comi, Giuseppe Scotti, Massimo Filippi
A whole brain MR spectroscopy study from patients with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. 1159-1163 - Lindsay Snook, Lori-Anne Paulson, Dawne Roy, Linda Phillips, Christian Beaulieu
Diffusion tensor imaging of neurodevelopment in children and young adults. 1164-1173 - Maxime Guye, Jean-Philippe Ranjeva, Y. Le Fur, Fabrice Bartolomei, Sylviane Confort-Gouny, Jean Régis, Patrick Chauvel
, Patrick J. Cozzone:
1H-MRS imaging in intractable frontal lobe epilepsies characterized by depth electrode recording. 1174-1183 - Valer Jurcak, Masako Okamoto, Archana K. Singh, Ippeita Dan:
Virtual 10-20 measurement on MR images for inter-modal linking of transcranial and tomographic neuroimaging methods. 1184-1192 - David C. Knight
, Hanh T. Nguyen, Peter A. Bandettini:
The role of the human amygdala in the production of conditioned fear responses. 1193-1200 - Masahiro Fujita
, Sami S. Zoghbi, Matthew S. Crescenzo, Jinsoo Hong, John L. Musachio, Jian-Qiang Lu
, Jeih-San Liow, Nicholas Seneca, Dnyanesh N. Tipre, Vanessa L. Cropley
, Masao Imaizumi, Antony D. Gee
, Jürgen Seidel, Michael V. Green, Victor W. Pike, Robert B. Innis:
Quantification of brain phosphodiesterase 4 in rat with (R)-[11C]Rolipram-PET. 1201-1210
- Temujin Gautama, Marc M. Van Hulle:
Estimating the global order of the fMRI noise model. 1211-1217

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