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IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume 42
Volume 42, Number 1, January 2004
- Piotr Pacyna:
IS-IS deployment in IP networks [Book Review]. 8 - Piotr Cholda:
Reliability, survivability, and quality of large scale telecommunications systems [Book Review]. 8-10 - Andrzej Jajszczyk:
Managing IP networks: challenges and opportunities [Book Review]. 10-12 - Marcus Brunner, Hussein T. Mouftah, Mehmet Ulema:
Management of optical networks and services. 34-35 - Wissam Fawaz
, Belkacem Daheb, Olivier Audouin, Michel Du-Pond, Guy Pujolle:
Service level agreement and provisioning in optical networks. 36-43 - Wojciech M. Golab, Raouf Boutaba:
Policy-driven automated reconfiguration for performance management in WDM optical networks. 44-51 - Wesam Alanqar, Admela Jukan:
Extending end-to-end optical service provisioning and restoration in carrier networks: opportunities, issues, and challenges. 52-60 - Wayne D. Grover:
The protected working capacity envelope concept: an alternate paradigm for automated service provisioning. 62-69 - Pin-Han Ho, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Shared protection in mesh WDM networks. 70-76 - Lei Lei
, Aibo Liu, Yuefeng Ji:
A joint resilience scheme with interlayer backup resource sharing in IP over WDM networks. 78-84 - Han-Chieh Chao
, Heinrich J. Stüttgen, Daniel G. Waddington:
IPv6: the basis for the next generation internet. 86-87 - Mallik Tatipamula, Patrick Grossetete, Hiroshi Esaki:
IPv6 integration and coexistence strategies for next-generation networks. 88-96 - Yann Adam, Bruno Fillinger, Isabelle Astic, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Patrick Brigant:
Deployment and test of IPv6 services in the VTHD network. 98-104 - David Fernández
, Tomás de Miguel, Fermín Galán:
Study and emulation of IPv6 Internet-exchange-based addressing models. 105-112 - Stefano M. Faccin, Poornima Lalwaney, Basavaraj Patil:
IP multimedia services: analysis of mobile IP and SIP interactions in 3G networks. 113-120 - Stefan Egger, Torsten Braun
Multicast for small conferences: a scalable multicast mechanism on IPv6. 121-126 - Scott Weber, Liang Cheng:
A survey of anycast in IPv6 networks. 127-132
Volume 42, Number 2, February 2004
- Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos, Chunming Qiao:
Our first anniversary issue. - Ransom Stephens:
Analyzing jitter at high data rates. - Muhammad Ali:
Shareability in optical networks: beyond bandwidth optimization. - Georgios Ellinas
, Jean-François P. Labourdette, J. A. Walker, Sid Chaudhuri, Lih Lin, Evan Goldstein, Krishna Bala:
Network control and management challenges in opaque networks utilizing transparent optical switches. - Oleg Stoukatch, Alexander Alexandrovich Shelupanov
, Evgeniy Goloivn:
Student paper contest on Information Security SIBINFO. 27-30 - Madanmohan Rao:
Asia: center of the world's wireless explosion. 28-29 - Álvaro Suárez Sarmiento, Elsa M. Macías
The Fourth Conference on Telematics Engineering (JITEL 2003). 29 - Yurdaer N. Doganata:
8th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'03). 30 - Prathima Agrawal, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jens Zander:
Guest Editorial: Multimedia multicast/broadcast services in 3G/4G networks. 62-63 - Ashutosh Dutta, Henning Schulzrinne:
MarconiNet: overlay mobile content distribution network. 64-75 - Jun Wang, Ragulan Sinnarajah, Tao Chen, Yongbin Wei, Edward Tiedemann:
Broadcast and multicast services in cdma2000. 76-82 - Parag Agashe, Ramin Rezaiifar, Paul Bender:
cdma2000® high rate broadcast packet data air interface design. 83-89 - Steven S. Gorshe, Zdzislaw Papir:
Guest editorial: Broadband access varieties. 90 - John D. Angelopoulos, Helen-Catherine Leligou
, Theodore Argyriou, Stelios Zontos, Edwin Ringoot, Tom Van Caenegem:
Efficient transport of packets with QoS in an FSAN-aligned GPON. 92-98 - Mingliu Zhang, Richard S. Wolff:
Crossing the digital divide: cost-effective broadband wireless access for rural and remote areas. 99-105 - Shahid H. Bokhari, Masood Ahmed, Saqib bin Sohail, Rizwan H. Khan, Jalil A. Mirza, Muhammad Ali:
A networking laboratory for the developing world. 106-113 - Jan Cheyns, Chris Develder
, Erik Van Breusegem, Didier Colle, Filip De Turck, Paul Lagasse, Mario Pickavet
, Piet Demeester:
Clos lives on in optical packet switching. 114-121 - Ajay Dholakia, Evangelos Eleftheriou, Thomas Mittelholzer, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Capacity-approaching codes: can they be applied to the magnetic recording channel? 122-130 - Alex Hills, Jon Schlegel:
Rollabout: a wireless design tool. 132-138
Volume 42, Number 3, March 2004
- Nicolae Oacã:
Wireless Access: A Solution For Late Liberalized And Price Sensitive Markets!? 1-4 - Roch H. Glitho, Andrzej Jajszczyk:
Welcome to the inaugural issue of IEEE Radio Communications Supplement. - Joseph Mitola III:
Introducing the Radio Communications Supplement. - Timo Weiss, Friedrich K. Jondral:
Spectrum pooling: an innovative strategy for the enhancement of spectrum efficiency. - Luis Alonso
, Ramón Agustí
Automatic rate adaptation and energy-saving mechanisms based on cross-layer information for packet-switched data networks. - Lee Pucker, Geoff Holt:
Extending the SCA core framework inside the modem architecture of a software defined radio. - Jim Hoffmeyer, Il-Pyung Park, Milap Majmundar, Stephen Blust:
Radio software download for commercial wireless reconfigurable devices. - Steven S. Gorshe, Glenn Parsons, Michael W. Truskowski, Maarten Vissers:
Ethernet WAN transport. 62-63 - Vish Ramamurti, John Siwko, George Young, Mike Pepe:
Initial implementations of point-to-point Ethernet over SONET/SDH transport. 64-70 - Dirceu Cavendish:
Operation, administration, and maintenance of Ethernet services in wide area networks. 72-79 - Girish Chiruvolu, An Ge, David Elie-Dit-Cosaque, Maher Ali, Jessy Rouyer:
Issues and approaches on extending Ethernet beyond LANs. 80-86 - Lothar Zier, Wolfgang Fischer, Frank Brockners:
Ethernet-based public communication services: challenge and opportunity. 88-95 - Sonia Bot:
Key technical considerations when using Ethernet solutions in existing ATM and frame relay networks. 96-102 - Enrique Hernandez-Valencia, Gady Rosenfeld:
The building blocks of a data-aware transport network: deploying viable Ethernet and virtual wire services via multiservice ADMs. 104-111 - Fredrik Davik, Mete Yilmaz, Stein Gjessing, Necdet Uzun
IEEE 802.17 resilient packet ring tutorial. 112-118 - Thomas Afferton, Robert D. Doverspike, Charles R. Kalmanek, K. K. Ramakrishnan:
Packet-aware transport for metro networks. 120-127 - Ian F. Akyildiz, Yücel Altunbasak, Faramarz Fekri
, Raghupathy Sivakumar:
AdaptNet: an adaptive protocol suite for the next-generation wireless Internet. 128-136 - Petri Mähönen, Janne Riihijärvi, Marina Petrova, Zach Shelby:
Hop-by-hop toward future mobile broadband IP. 138-146
Volume 42, Number 4, April 2004
- Hikmet Sari:
DLT in Latin America. 21-24 - Arturo Azcorra, Ignacio Soto
, Iván Vidal
, Carlos García García, Francisco Valera
, Rafael Sánchez
, Angel Perez:
Designing an advanced regional research network. 22-23 - Maja Matijasevic, Igor S. Pandzic, Algirdas Pakstas:
Guest editorial - Networked virtual environments. 26-27 - Chris Joslin, Thomas Di Giacomo, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann:
Collaborative virtual environments: from birth to standardization. 28-33 - Emmanuel Frécon:
DIVE: communication architecture and programming model. 34-40 - Denis Gracanin
, Yunxian Zhou, Luiz A. DaSilva:
Quality of service for networked virtual environments. 42-48 - Lea Skorin-Kapov, Darko Huljenic, Dario Mikic, Danko Vilendecic:
Analysis of end-to-end QoS for networked virtual reality services in UMTS. 49-55 - Radha Telikepalli, Tadeusz Drwiega, James Yan:
Storage area network extension solutions and their performance assessment. 56-63 - Shaojian Fu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman
SCTP: state of the art in research, products, and technical challenges. 64-76 - Matthias Götz, Manuel Rapp, Klaus Dostert:
Power line channel characteristics and their effect on communication system design. 78-86 - Evangelos Eleftheriou, Sedat Ölçer, Hamid R. Sadjadpour:
Application of capacity approaching coding techniques to digital subscriber lines. 88-94
Volume 42, Number 5, May 2004
- Debbie Kedar, Shlomi Arnon
Urban optical wireless communication networks: the main challenges and possible solutions. - Chava Vijaya Saradhi, Gurusamy Mohan
, Luying Zhou:
Differentiated QoS for survivable WDM optical networks. - Fei Xue, S. J. Ben Yoo:
High-capacity multiservice optical label switching for the next-generation Internet. - Roberto de Marca:
Society news - Candidates announced for board of governors. 8-14 - Ellis Pines:
Conference preview - SUPERCOMM 2004: milestone on the road to recovery. 18-19 - Giuliano Di Vitantonio:
Global communications newsletter - The new imperative for innovation in II: measurable business value. 29-32 - Boris I. Krouk, Olga B. Zhuravleva:
A distance learning program to raise skills of managers from russian telecommunication enterprises. 30-31 - Bartolomé Arroyo-Fernández, José Fernandes, Ramjee Prasad:
Guest Editorial - Composite reconfigurable wireless networks: the EU R&D path toward 4G. 62-63 - Luis Muñoz
, Ramón Agüero
, Johnny Choque
, Jose Angel Irastorza
, Luis Sánchez
, Marina Petrova, Petri Mähönen:
Empowering next-generation wireless personal communication networks. 64-70 - Paul Leaves, Klaus Moessner
, Rahim Tafazolli
, David Grandblaise, Didier Bourse, Ralf Tönjes, Michele Breveglieri:
Dynamic spectrum allocation in composite reconfigurable wireless networks. 72-81 - Omar Benali, Karim El-Khazen, David Garrec, Michel Guiraudou, Georges Martinez:
A framework for an evolutionary path toward 4G by means of cooperation of networks. 82-89 - Panagiotis Demestichas, Guillaume Vivier, Karim El-Khazen, Michael E. Theologou:
Evolution in wireless systems management concepts: from composite radio environments to reconfigurability. 90-98 - Nikos Georganopoulos, Tim Farnham, Rollo Burgess, Thorsten Schöler, Juergen Sessler, Zoran Golubicic, Soodesh Buljore:
Terminal-centric view of software. reconfigurable system architecture and enabling components and technologies. 100-110 - Dave Marples, Stan Moyer:
Guest editorial - Topics i n consumer communications and networking. 112-113 - Sean Rooney, Daniel Bauer, Rudy Deydier:
A federated peer-to-peer network game architecture. 114-122 - Tom D. Lookabaugh, Douglas C. Sicker
Selective encryption for consumer applications. 124-129 - Qi He, Dapeng Oliver Wu
, Pradeep K. Khosla:
The quest for personal control over mobile location privacy. 130-136 - Frank T. H. den Hartog, Mike Balm, Cécile M. de Jong, J. J. B. Kwaaitaai:
Convergence of residential gateway technology. 138-143 - Richard S. Hall, Humberto Cervantes
Challenges in building service-oriented applications for OSGi. 144-149 - Mohammed Atiquzzaman
, Mohsen Guizani:
Guest editorial - Topics in internet technology. 150 - Hussein M. Alnuweiri, Lai-Yat Kelvin Wong, Tariq Al-Khasib:
Performance of new link state advertisement mechanisms in routing protocols with traffic engineering extensions. 151-162 - Satoshi Doi, Shingo Ata, Hiroshi Kitamura, Masayuki Murata
IPv6 anycast for simple and effective service-oriented communications. 163-171
Volume 42, Number 6, June 2004
- Curtis A. Siller Jr.:
The president's page - Legions of volunteers, bedrocks of the society. 6-7 - Christian Allegre, Omar Cherkaoui:
RISQ 2003/CANARIE'S 2003 Advanced Network Workshop Joint Event [Global Communications NewsIetter]. 25 - Matteo Gumier, Riccardo Scopigno:
HPSR 2003: Marconi's ultimate steps in quality and security for carrier-class multimedia over IP services [Global Communications NewsIetter]. 26-28 - Josemaria Malgosa-Sanahuja, Joan García-Haro:
The directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions [Global Communications NewsIetter]. 28 - Stephan Lang, Raghu Mysore Rao, Babak Daneshrad:
Design and development of a 5.25 GHz software defined wireless OFDM communication platform. - Mehmet Kemal Özdemir, Ercument Arvas, Hüseyin Arslan
Dynamics of spatial correlation and implications on MIMO systems. - Weidong Xiang, Thomas G. Pratt, Xudong Wang:
A software radio testbed for two-transmitter two-receiver space-time coding OFDM wireless LAN. - Kamya Yekeh Yazdandoost, Ryuji Kohno:
Ultra wideband antenna. - Pascal Lorenz
, Abbas Jamalipour, Denis A. Khotimsky:
Guest editorial: Quality of service in IP and wireless networks. 70-71 - Joachim Hillebrand
, Christian Prehofer, Roland Bless, Martina Zitterbart:
Quality-of-service signaling for next-generation IP-based mobile networks. 72-79 - Sotiris Maniatis, Eugenia G. Nikolouzou, Iakovos S. Venieris:
End-to-end QoS specification issues in the converged all-IP wired and wireless environment. 80-86 - Algimantas Kajackas, Vaidas Batkauskas, Arturas Medeisis
Individual QoS rating for voice services in cellular networks. 88-93 - Yang Xu, Martin Westhead, Fred Baker:
An investigation of multilevel service provision for voice over IP under catastrophic congestion. 94-100 - Gero Schollmeier, Christian Winkler:
Providing sustainable QoS in next-generation networks. 102-107 - Kartik Gopalan
, Tzi-cker Chiueh, Yow-Jian Lin:
Load balancing routing with bandwidth-delay guarantees. 108-113 - Yoichi Maeda:
Guest editorial: Standards for virtual private networks. 114-115 - Marco Carugi, Jeremy De Clercq:
Virtual private network services: scenarios, requirements and architectural constructs from a standardization perspective. 116-122 - Paul Knight, Chris Lewis:
Layer 2 and 3 virtual private networks: taxonomy, technology, and standardization efforts. 124-131 - Tomonori Takeda, Ichiro Inoue, Raymond Aubin, Marco Carugi:
Layer 1 virtual private networks: service concepts, architecture requirements, and related advances in standardization. 132-138 - Jianliang Zheng, Myung J. Lee:
Will IEEE 802.15.4 make ubiquitous networking a reality?: a discussion on a potential low power, low bit rate standard. 140-146
Volume 42, Number 7, July 2004
- Klaus-Dieter Hackbarth, Roberto Ortiz, Carlos Diaz:
Global communications newsletter - Services and their customization for a DVB-S network (The reposit project). 21-22 - Andrzej Jajszczyk:
Digital Bridges: Developing Countries in the Knowledge Economy -[Book Review]. 22-24 - Christos V. Verikoukis, Zoi Mili, Pantelis Angelidis:
Developments of the telecommunications regulation framework in the western balkans. 23-24 - Koichi Asatani, Hiromi Ueda, Clayton M. Lockhart:
Guest editorial - voice over IP and quality of service. 26 - Akira Takahashi, Hideaki Yoshino, Nobuhiko Kitawaki:
Perceptual QoS assessment technologies for VoIP. 28-34 - J. H. James, Bing Chen, Laurie Garrison:
Implementing VoIP: a voice transmission performance progress report. 36-41 - Kenichi Mase:
Toward scalable admission control for VoIP networks. 42-47 - Carolyn R. Johnson, Yaakov Kogan, Yonatan Levy, Farhad Saheban, Percy Tarapore:
VoIP reliability: a service provider's perspective. 48-54 - Aiko Pras, Jürgen Schönwälder
, Olivier Festor:
Guest editorial - XML-based management of networks and services. 56-57 - George Pavlou, Paris Flegkas, Stelios Gouveris, Antonio Liotta
On management technologies and the potential of Web services. 58-66 - Jorge E. López de Vergara
, Víctor A. Villagrá
, Julio Berrocal:
Applying the Web ontology language to management information definitions. 68-74 - Torsten Klie, Frank Strauß:
Integrating SNMP agents with XML-based management systems. 76-83 - Mi-Jung Choi, Hyoun-Mi Choi, James W. Hong, Hong-Taek Ju:
XML-based configuration management for IP network devices. 84-91 - Lawrence E. Menten:
Experiences in the application of XML for device management. 92-100 - Raouf Boutaba, Wojciech M. Golab, Youssef Iraqi
Lightpaths on demand: a Web-services-based management system. 101-107 - Ian F. Akyildiz, Özgür B. Akan, Chao Chen, Jian Fang, Weilian Su:
The state of the art in interplanetary Internet. 108-118 - Stéphane Coulombe
, Guido Grassel:
Multimedia adaptation for the multimedia messaging service. 120-126 - Jong T. Park:
Resilience in GMPLS path management: model and mechanism. 128-135 - Liron Har-Sai, Ronen Kofman, Adrian Segall, Gil Zussman:
Load-adaptive inter-piconet scheduling in small-scale Bluetooth scatternets. 136-142
Volume 42, Number 8, August 2004
- Curtis A. Siller Jr., Celia Desmond:
The president's page - Anticipating the future: strategic planning. 6 - Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos, Chunming Qiao:
Optical access networks. - Mike Lerer:
The OIF PLL interfaces: the unheralded specifications which support the optical industry. - Michael P. McGarry, Martin Maier, Martin Reisslein
Ethernet PONs: a survey of dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) algorithms. - Nicholas J. Frigo, Patrick Iannone, Kenneth C. Reichmann:
A view of fiber to the home economics. - Yu-Li Hsueh, Matthew S. Rogge, Wei-tao Shaw, Leonid G. Kazovsky, Shu Yamamoto:
SUCCESS-DWA: a highly scalable and cost-effective optical access network. - Jing Xie, Shengming Jiang
, Yuming Jiang
A dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for differentiated services in EPONs. - Ioannis Tomkos
, Dimitrios Vogiatzis
, Carmen Mas
, Ioannis Zacharopoulos, Anna Tzanakaki
, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos
Performance engineering of metropolitan area optical networks through impairment constraint routing. - Nelson L. S. da Fonseca
, Prashant J. Shenoy
Proxy support for streaming in the internet. 70-71 - Bassem Abdouni, Bill Cheng, Alix L. H. Chow, Leana Golubchik, John C. S. Lui:
Picture-perfect streaming over the Internet: is there hope? 72-79 - John G. Apostolopoulos, Mitchell D. Trott:
Path diversity for enhanced media streaming. 80-87 - Jiangchuan Liu, Jianliang Xu
Proxy caching for media streaming over the Internet. 88-94 - Michael Zink
, Jens B. Schmitt, Carsten Griwodz:
Layer-encoded video streaming a proxy's perspective. 96-103 - Jack Brassil, Taehyun Kim:
Large-scale personalized video streaming with program insertion proxies. 104-110 - Hung-Yun Hsieh, Raghupathy Sivakumar:
Accelerating peer-to-peer networks for video streaming using multipoint-to-point communication. 111-119 - Bernard Shung, Giorgio M. Betti, Charles Chien, Jim Goodman:
Wireless communications for consumer electronics. 120-121 - Ali Hajimiri
, Abbas Komijani, Arun Natarajan, Rumi Chunara, Xiang Guan, Hossein Hashemi
Phased array systems in silicon. 122-130 - Santo A. Smerzi, Giovanni Girlando, Tino Copani, Giuseppe Palmisano:
A Ku-band monolithic receiver for DVB-S applications. 132-139 - Rob Glidden, Cameron Bockorick, Scott Cooper, Chris Diorio, David Dressler, Vadim Gutnik, Casey Hagen, Dennis Hara, Terry Hass, Todd Humes, John Hyde, Ron Oliver, Omer Onen, Alberto Pesavento, Kurt Sundstrom, Mike Thomas:
Design of ultra-low-cost UHF RFID tags for supply chain applications. 140-151 - Omar Benali, David Garrec, Michel Guiraudou, Georges Martinez, Bertrand Mazieres, S. Butterfield, John Cosmas, Muhammed Haque, Takebumi Itegaki, Kannan Krishnapillai, Alan Lucas, Lizhi Zheng:
First steps toward providing a system for converged digital broadcast and cellular telecommunications services. 153-156
Volume 42, Number 9, September 2004
- Steve Hung-Lung Tu:
Class E RF tuned power amplifiers in CMOS technologies: theory and circuit design considerations. - Bernard Fong, Nirwan Ansari
, Alvis Cheuk M. Fong, Guan Y. Hong, Predrag B. Rapajic:
On the scalability of fixed broadband wireless access network deployment. - Yang Xiao
, Haizhon Li:
Evaluation of distributed admission control for the IEEE 802.11e EDCA. - Kenneth J. Crisler, Thea Turner, Andrew Aftelak, Michele Visciola, Axel Steinhage, Mikael Anneroth, Martin Rantzer, Bruno von Niman, M. Angela Sasse, Manfred Tscheligi
, Satu Kalliokulju, Emanuele Dainesi, Antonella Zucchella
Considering the user in the wireless world. 56-62 - Stefan Arbanowski
, Pieter Ballon, Klaus David, Olaf Drögehorn, Henk Eertink, Wolfgang Kellerer
, Herma Van Kranenburg, Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen, Radu Popescu-Zeletin:
I-centric communications: personalization, ambient awareness, and adaptability for future mobile services. 63-69 - Christos Politis
, Toshikane Oda, Sudhir Dixit, Andreas Schieder, Hong-Yon Lach, Michael I. Smirnov, Sami Uskela
, Rahim Tafazolli
Cooperative networks for the future wireless world. 70-79 - Ralf Pabst, Bernhard H. Walke, Daniel C. Schultz, Patrick Herhold, Halim Yanikomeroglu
, Sayandev Mukherjee, Harish Viswanathan, Matthias Lott, Wolfgang Zirwas, Mischa Dohler
, Hamid Aghvami, David D. Falconer, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Relay-based deployment concepts for wireless and mobile broadband radio. 80-89 - Angeliki Alexiou, Martin Haardt:
Smart antenna technologies for future wireless systems: trends and challenges. 90-97 - Paul E. Green Jr.:
Fiber to the home: the next big broadband thing. 100-106 - Merkourios Karaliopoulos, Kanagasabapathy Narenthiran, Barry G. Evans, Pierre Henrio, Michel Mazzella, Wouter De Win, Michael Dieudonne
, Panos Philippopoulos
, Dimitrios I. Axiotis, Ilias Andrikopoulos, Ioannis Mertzanis, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
, Nikos Dimitriou
, Andreas Polydoros:
Satellite radio interface and radio resource management strategy for the delivery of multicast/broadcast services via an integrated satellite-terrestrial system. 108-117 - Halldór Matthías Sigurðsson, Saemundur E. Thorsteinsson, Thomas K. Stidsen
Cost optimization methods in the design of next generation networks. 118-122 - Arup Acharya, Chatschik Bisdikian, Archan Misra
, Young-Bae Ko:
airConn: A framework for tiered services in public wireless LAN hot spots. 124-132 - Alejandro Quintero, Oscar Garcia:
A profile-based strategy for managing user mobility in third-generation mobile systems. 134-139
Volume 42, Number 10, October 2004
- Pantelis Monogioudis, Keith Conner, Deepak Das, Sridhar Gollamudi, Jung Ah C. Lee, Aris L. Moustakas, Shirish Nagaraj, Anil M. Rao, Robert Soni, Yifei Yuan:
Intelligent antenna solutions for UMTS: algorithms and simulation results. 28-39 - Jan Mietzner, Peter A. Hoeher:
Boosting the performance of wireless communication systems: theory and practice of multiple-antenna techniques. 40-47 - Simon Haykin, Mathini Sellathurai
, Yvo L. C. de Jong, Tricia J. Willink:
Turbo-MIMO for wireless communications. 48-53 - David J. Love, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Wiroonsak Santipach
, Michael L. Honig:
What is the value of limited feedback for MIMO channels? 54-59 - Quentin H. Spencer, Christian B. Peel, A. Lee Swindlehurst
, Martin Haardt:
An introduction to the multi-user MIMO downlink. 60-67 - Shahab Sanayei, Aria Nosratinia
Antenna selection in MIMO systems. 68-73 - Aria Nosratinia
, Todd E. Hunter, Ahmadreza Hedayat:
Cooperative communication in wireless networks. 74-80 - Antonis I. Kostaridis, Christos G. Biniaris, Ioannis E. Foukarakis, Dimitra I. Kaklamani, Iakovos S. Venieris:
A Web-based distributed computing framework for antenna array modeling. 81-87 - Dirceu Cavendish, Hiroshi Ohta, Hari Rakotoranto:
Operation, administration, and maintenance in MPLS networks. 91-99 - Jerry Ash, Li Chung, Kevin D'Souza, Wai Sum Lai, Harmen Van Der Linde, Yung Yu:
AT&T's MPLS OAM architecture, experience, and evolution. 100-111 - Zhi-Wei Lin:
Network OAM requirements for the New York City transit network. 112-116 - Luyuan Fang, Alia Atlas, Fabio M. Chiussi, Kireeti Kompella, George Swallow:
LDP failure detection and recovery. 117-123 - Rahul Aggarwal:
OAM mechanisms in MPLS layer 2 transport networks. 124-130 - Caterina M. Scoglio
, Tricha Anjali, Jaudelice Cavalcante de Oliveira, Ian F. Akyildiz, George Uhl:
TEAM: A traffic engineering automated manager for DiffServ-based MPLS networks. 134-145 - Shashank Khanvilkar, Ashfaq A. Khokhar:
Virtual private networks: an overview with performance evaluation. 146-154 - Wesley M. Eddy:
At what layer does mobility belong? 155-159
Volume 42, Number 11, November 2004
- José Soler Lucas:
A report on the Eu's 1st Project GEMINI. 29 - Liang Wang, Yiping Guo, Ming Fang:
Internet search engine evolution: the DRIS system. 30 - Mário Campolargo:
eInfrastructure: changing how research is done. 31-32 - Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos, Chunming Qiao:
"Keep your eyes open". - James D. Jones, Lyndon Ong, Monica A. Lazer:
Creating an intelligent optical network worldwide interoperability demonstration. - Nizar Bouabdallah, Emmanuel Dotaro, Laurent Ciavaglia, Nicolas Le Sauze, Guy Pujolle:
Resolving the fairness issue in bus-based optical access networks. - Martin Maier, Martin Reisslein
AWG-based metro WDM networking. - Wei Wei, Qingji Zeng, Yong Ouyang, David Lomone:
Differentiated integrated QoS control in the optical Internet. - Zeev Zalevsky, Roy Appelman:
All-optical switching technologies for protection applications. - Torleiv Maseng, Christopher A. Nissen:
Network-centric military communications. 77-78 - Randall Landry, Kevin H. Grace, Ali Saidi:
On the design and management of heterogeneous networks: a predictability-based perspective. 80-87 - Luiz A. DaSilva, Scott F. Midkiff
, Jahng S. Park, George C. Hadjichristofi, Nathaniel J. Davis IV, Kaustubh S. Phanse, Tao Lin:
Network mobility and protocol interoperability in ad hoc networks. 88-96 - Vivianne Jodalen, Anders Eggen, Bjørn Solberg, Ove Gronnerud:
Military messaging in IP networks using HF links. 98-104 - Emre Ertekin, Chris Christou:
Internet protocol header compression, robust header compression, and their applicability in the global information grid. 106-116 - Antonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta
, Gregorio Martínez Pérez
Policy-based dynamic provision of IP services in a secure VPN coalition scenario. 118-124 - Dave Marples, Stan Moyer:
Limitations in the user environment. 126-127 - Peter Utton, Eric Scharf:
A fault diagnosis system for the connected home. 128-134 - Rick W. Ha, Pin-Han Ho, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
SIMKEYS: an efficient keypad configuration for mobile communications. 136-142 - Vincenzo Mancuso
, Giuseppe Bianchi
Streaming for vehicular users via elastic proxy buffer management. 144-152 - Jerry Ash, Gagan L. Choudhury:
PNNI routing congestion control. 154-160
Volume 42, Number 12, December 2004
- Joseph Mitola III:
Welcome to a "keeper" issue. - Peter Newman:
In search of the all-IP mobile network. - Alex Hills, Bob Friday:
Radio resource management in wireless LANs. - Chris Williams, Mark A. Beach
, Dries Neirynck, Andy Nix, Kevin Chen, Kevin A. Morris
, Dean Kitchener, Mirko Presser
, Yuchan Li, Steve McLaughlin
Personal area technologies for internetworked services. - Ian J. Oppermann
, Lucian-Vasile Stoica, Alberto Rabbachin, Zach Shelby, Jussi Haapola
UWB wireless sensor networks: UWEN - a practical example. - Joan García-Haro:
Global Communications Newsletter. 1-4 - Curtis A. Siller Jr., Len Cimini:
Emerging technologies. 6-7 - George V. Tsoulos
Adaptive antennas and mimo systems for wireless communications: part II. 61 - Bedri A. Cetiner, Hamid Jafarkhani
, Jiangyuan Qian, Hui Jae Yoo, Alfred Grau
, Franco De Flaviis:
Multifunctional reconfigurable MEMS integrated antennas for adaptive MIMO systems. 62-70 - Raghu Mysore Rao, Weijun Zhu, Stephan Lang, Christian Oberli, David W. Browne, Jatin Bhatia, Jean-François Frigon, Jingming Wang, Parul Gupta, Heechoon Lee, Daniel N. Liu, ShingWa G. Wong, Mike Fitz, Babak Daneshrad, Oscar Y. Takeshita:
Multi-antenna testbeds for research and education in wireless communications. 72-81 - Christian Dubuc, David Starks, Tim Creasy, Yong Hou:
A MIMO-OFDM prototype for next-generation wireless WANs. 82-87 - Weidong Xiang, Deric W. Waters, Thomas G. Pratt, John R. Barry, Brett T. Walkenhorst:
Implementation and experimental results of a three-transmitter three-receiver OFDM/BLAST testbed. 88-95 - Steve C. J. Parker, Magnus Sandell, Mong-Suan Yee, Yong Sun, Mohamed Ismail, Paul Strauch, Joe McGeehan:
Space-time codes for future WLANs: principles, practice, and performance. 96-103 - Per-Simon Kildal, Kent Rosengren:
Correlation and capacity of MIMO systems and mutual coupling, radiation efficiency, and diversity gain of their antennas: simulations and measurements in a reverberation chamber. 104-112 - Neville Tyler, Ben Allen, Hamid Aghvami:
Adaptive antennas: the calibration problem. 114-122 - GoangSeog Choi:
The front-end SOC for a Blu-ray disc recorder. 124-131 - Chinh H. Doan, Sohrab Emami, David A. Sobel, Ali M. Niknejad, Robert W. Brodersen:
Design considerations for 60 GHz CMOS radios. 132-140 - Tsung-Hsien Lin
, William J. Kaiser, Gregory J. Pottie:
Integrated low-power communication system design for wireless sensor networks. 142-150

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