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20th SBSI 2024: Juiz de Fora, Brazil
- Ronney Moreira de Castro, José Maria N. David, Johnny Cardoso Marques, Tadeu Moreira de Classe, Victor Ströele, Williamson Alison Freitas Silva:
Proceedings of the 20th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, SBSI 2024, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, May 20-23, 2024. ACM 2024 - Maria Beatriz dos Reis Maia
, Ruan Rolin Sa
, Léia Sousa de Sousa
, André de Araujo
, Rogério Carvalho dos Santos
, Rogério Rômulo da Silva
, Alex de Souza Vieira
, Hugo Pereira Kuribayashi
SM Analyzer and Persona-Based Visualization: The Concept of Systemic Avatar. 1:1-1:10 - Wesley Souza
, Williamson Silva
, Gilleanes Thorwald Araujo Guedes
Knowledge Management Diagnosis in Software Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review Extension. 2:1-2:10 - Marcos Alves Vieira
, Gislainy Crisostomo Velasco
, Sérgio T. Carvalho
An Ecore Metamodel for the W3C PROV Provenance Data Model. 3:1-3:10 - Lucas Correa Lemos
, Célia Ghedini Ralha
, Daniela Barreiro Claro, Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
, Aline Argolo
, Claudio D. G. Linhares
A Temporal Network Visualization and Data Analysis on Two Decades of SBSI. 4:1-4:11 - Francisco Sousa
, Guilherme Moraes
, Laís Nehme
, Luis Rivero
, André Pimenta Freire, Davi Viana
Digital accessibility in Brazilian federal government portals: a replication study. 5:1-5:9 - João Marcelo dos Santos Marques
, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira
How to promote descriptions in dynamic charts in light of transparency? A study on the accessibility barriers faced by citizens with severe visual impairment: Como promover descrições em gráficos dinâmicos à luz da transparência? Um estudo sobre as barreiras de acessibilidade enfrentadas por cidadãos com deficiência visual grave. 6:1-6:10 - Argus Antonio Barbosa Cavalcante
, Paulo Márcio Souza Freire
, Ronaldo Ribeiro Goldschmidt
, Cláudia Marcela Justel
Improving Implicit Crowd Signals Based Fake News Detection on Social Media: A Time-Aware Method for Early Detection. 7:1-7:9 - Ellen Diana Silva de Carvalho Guissoni
, André Pimenta Freire
, Rafael Dias Araújo
Unveiling Challenges in Information Systems to Support Workplace Accommodation for Individuals With Visual Impairments: an Accessibility Analysis of a Web-based ERP. 8:1-8:10 - Artur Felipe da Silva Veloso
, José Valdemir dos Reis
, Fillipe Matos Vasconcelos
, Jocines Dela Flora da Silveira
, Pedro F. F. Abreu
, Geraldo Sarmento
, Thiago Allisson Silva
, Ricardo de Andrade Lira Rabelo
Deep Clustering Algorithm for Load Profile Business Intelligence Dashboard for Consumer and Utility Management. 9:1-9:8 - Fernando Almeida do Carmo
, Pedro Henrique Costa Menezes
, Bárbara Adriana Pires Barata
, Antônio F. L. Jacob
, Fábio Manoel França Lobato
CRM Market Overview: A Case Study of Job Vacancies. 10:1-10:10 - Guilherme Dourado Santos
, Karla Roberta Lima
Impact of combinatorial optimization on reinforcement learning for stock trading in financial markets. 11:1-11:8 - Mariana Batista Oliveira
, Alfredo Goldman
, Joseph W. Yoder
Information Security Investments: How to Prioritize? 12:1-12:8 - Estela Miranda Batista
, Thais Regina de Moura Braga Silva
, Gláucia Braga e Silva
Gender Diversity in Digital Games: a Tertiary Literature Review. 13:1-13:8 - Andrey Gonçalves França
, Rafael Zancan Frantz
, Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto
Unvealing a Process for the Establishment of Interoperability Links between Software-Intensive Information Systems. 14:1-14:10 - Thiago Marques De Rezende Ribeiro
, Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira
, Maíra Gatti de Bayser
Identifying intentions in conversational tools: a systematic mapping. 15:1-15:10 - Douglas Montanha Giordano
, João Pablo Silva da Silva
, Miguel Ecar
Demeter: A Rice Panicle Grain Loss Detection Software. 16:1-16:9 - Marcos Antonio De Oliveira
, Flavio A. Varone
, Clyde W. Fraisse
, Ricardo Matsumura de Araújo
, Gerson Geraldo H. Cavalheiro
Clustering of meteorological data to improve agricultural decisions: a case study with SIMAGRO-RS. 17:1-17:10 - Diego de Souza Marques
, Gabriela Silva Memento
, André de Lima Salgado
, André Pimenta Freire
Quality Coffee Information Needs and Implications for Information Systems: a Study with Coffee Consumers. 18:1-18:10 - Francis Da Silva
, Nilton Assis Júnior
, Bruno Guazzelli Batista
AgroShare: a system for sharing and trading agricultural resources. 19:1-19:10 - Ane Simões
, Thiago Araujo De Jesus
, Leyza Baldo Dorini
, Luiz C. Gomes-Jr
Generalization Method and System for Recommending Native Bee Species for Meliponiculture Practice. 20:1-20:8 - Diego de Souza Martins
, Heder Soares Bernardino
, Luciana Conceição Dias Campos
Short-term Forecasting of the Wind Power Generation of Brazilian Power Stations Using an LSTM Model. 21:1-21:9 - Marcos Antonio De Oliveira
, Monalisa Fagundes Oliveira
, Gerson Geraldo H. Cavalheiro
Meteorological Time Series Clustering in Agricultural Applications: A Systematic Literature Review. 22:1-22:11 - Guilherme Almeida
, Marcelo Torres do Ó
, Emilio Francesquini
, Daniel Cordeiro
Reducing carbon emissions of distributed systems: a multi-objective approach. 23:1-23:10 - Ana Clara Fraga Osias
, Mariana Albuquerque Reynaud Schaefer
, Gustavo Vieira Veloso
, Hugo N. Oliveira
, Julio C. S. Reis:
Interpretable Approaches for Land Use and Land Cover Classification. 24:1-24:9 - Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira
, Ailson Medeiros Vasconcelos
Identification of Factors that define Success or Failure in the Adoption of the SIG-UFRN Software Ecosystem. 25:1-25:10 - Francisco Victor da Silva Pinheiro
, Emanuel F. Coutinho
, Maria Erilane Silva
, Carla I. M. Bezerra
A Systematic Mapping of Health, Quality, Evolution, Simulation and Modeling in Software Ecosystems. 26:1-26:10 - Kécia Souza Santana Santos
, Pedro Henrique Dias Valle
, Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
Dealing with the diversity of interoperability types. 27:1-27:10 - Eniedson Fabiano Pereira da Silva Júnior
, Cláudio de Souza Baptista
, André Luiz Firmino Alves
On Searching Product Catalog: Relational Database Versus Search Engine approaches. 28:1-28:10 - Luiz Paulo Carvalho
, Silas P. Lima Filho
, Michele A. Brandão
, Élton Carneiro Marinho
, Mônica Ferreira da Silva
, Jonice Oliveira
, Flávia Maria Santoro
Celebrating two decades of SBSI (2004 to 2023): A Comprehensive Descriptive and Meta-Scientific Analysis. 29:1-29:10 - Luís Flávio Ferreira Monteiro
, Cristiano Maciel
, Daniele Trevisan
, Vinícius Carvalho Pereira
Preserving Memories Together: Proposing Artifacts for Collective Digital Memorials. 30:1-30:9 - Vinicius Santos de Abreu
, Tadeu Moreira de Classe
, Ronney Moreira de Castro
Unveiling Corruption: A Game With The Purpose of Give Thought to Environmental Corruption Topics. 31:1-31:10 - Luis Guilherme G. Da Fonseca
, Carlos Henrique Gomes Ferreira
, Julio Cesar Soares Dos Reis
The Role of News Source Certification in Shaping Tweet Content: Textual and Dissemination Patterns in Brazil's 2022 Elections. 32:1-32:10 - André Menolli
, Ricardo Gonçalves Coelho
, João Coelho Neto
An Information System Proposal to Deal with Critical Factors in Entrepreneurship Training Programs. 33:1-33:9 - Carlos Alberto Simões
, Gleison Santos
IT Workforce Outsourcing Benefits, Challenges and Success Factors - Systematic Mapping Study. 34:1-34:10 - Sofia Maria Bouzon Machado
, Bruna Diirr
Investigating multi-generational IS teams collaboration. 35:1-35:10 - Lucas Ribeiro Jorge
, Nicholas Capone Villela
, Rodrigo Moreira Braz
, Diogo Silveira Mendonça
Towards the Perception and Usage of the Metaverse for Businesses in Brazil. 36:1-36:10 - Rodrigo Feitosa Gonçalves
, Odette Mestrinho Passos
, Rainer Xavier de Amorim
Investigating the Competencies and Skills of Computer Professionals. 37:1-37:10 - Marcelo Soares Loutfi
, Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira
Speculative Design in a Graduate Program in Informatics: Students Perception and Practical Application: A Novel Approach for Supporting Information Systems Education. 38:1-38:10 - Marcelo Machado
, Elias Cyrino Assis
, Jairo Francisco de Souza
, Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira
A framework to support experimentation in the context of Cognitive Biases in Search as a Learning process. 39:1-39:9 - Tadeu Moreira de Classe
, Ronney Moreira de Castro
, Cátia C. Carnevalli De Castro
Alternative Techniques of Teaching and Learning in Brazilian Information Systems Courses: A Glimpse from Students and Teachers. 40:1-40:10 - Luís Alvaro de Lima Silva
, Lori R. F. Machado
, Leonardo Emmendorfer
A Case and Cluster-Based Framework for Reuse and Prioritization in Software Testing. 41:1-41:10 - Rafael Ribeiro
, Maicon Bernardino
, Willian Clemente
, Iago Nogueira
, Elder Rodrigues
, Fábio Basso
Towards a Minimum Viable Product for Environmental Management System: A Case Study. 42:1-42:10 - Klayver Ximenes Carmo
, Fischer Ferreira
, Eduardo Figueiredo
Performance Evaluation of Back-End Frameworks: A Comparative Study. 43:1-43:9 - Marcus Vinicius Alencar Terra
, Kênia Xavier Teodoro De Oliveira
, Rodolfo Miranda de Barros
Performance and Success of ICT Teams: a Continuous Management Model. 44:1-44:10 - Anna B. S. Marques
, Clara Lima Fonseca
, Larissa Saraiva
, Natália Coelho
, Caio Finotti
, Francisco Wilkinis Sousa
Exploring novice designers acceptance of the use of a tool for modeling the interaction and usability of information systems. 45:1-45:10 - Erlânio Freire
, Enyo J. T. Gonçalves
, Marcos de Oliveira
, Luiz Guilherme Moreira Leite
, Sabrina Ketlen Colares Santos
PriseBot - A chatbot to assist in the development of iStar. 46:1-46:10 - Augusto Braz De Sousa
, Izaias Pessoa Neto
, Fischer Ferreira
An Exploratory Study on the Validation of Lehman's Laws. 47:1-47:10 - Cheila Marques Monteiro
, Conceição Neves Silva
, Rainer Xavier de Amorim
, Odette Mestrinho Passos
Source Code Metrics: A Study on Scientific Publications in Brazilian Symposia and the Perception of Computing Students. 48:1-48:10 - Mateus Santos Saldanha
, Luciano Antônio Digiampietri
ChatGPT and Bard Performance on the POSCOMP Exam. 49:1-49:10 - Leonardo Guerreiro Azevedo
, Renan Souza
, Elton F. S. Soares
, Raphael Melo Thiago
, Júlio Cesar Cardoso Tesolin
, Anna Carolina Carvalho Moreira Oliveira
, Márcio Ferreira Moreno
HKPoly: A Polystore Architecture to Support Data Linkage and Queries on Distributed and Heterogeneous Data. 50:1-50:10 - Gilmar Santos
, Alinne Souza
, Rafael G. Mantovani
, Robinson Crusoé Da Cruz
, Thiago Damasceno Cordeiro
, Francisco Carlos M. Souza:
An Exploratory Analysis on Gender-Related Dropout Students in Distance Learning Higher Education using Machine Learning. 51:1-51:10 - Lucas Vieira de Carvalho
, Pedro Henrique Dias Valle
, Bhruno Roan Leifheit
, Luis Jorge Enrique Rivero Cabrejos
, Walter Takashi Nakamura, Guilherme Corredato Guerino
, Renato De Souza Garcia
, Williamson Silva
What Do We Know About Usability Evaluation for Chatbots?: A Systematic Mapping Study. 52:1-52:11 - Aurislânia Pereira
, Carla I. M. Bezerra
, Emanuel F. Coutinho
Decomposition of Reliability Requirements for Self-Adaptive Systems Using the NFR Framework. 53:1-53:10 - Ezequiel Mule Jorge
, Lúcio Tales Barbieri
, Tatiana Escovedo
, Marcos Kalinowski
Investigating Predicting Voluntary Resignation Program Participation with Machine Learning. 54:1-54:10 - Gustavo Morais
, Tatiana Escovedo
, Marcos Kalinowski
Machine Learning Applied in the Construction of a Disability Retirement Entry Table of the General Social Security Regime (RGPS) of Brazil. 55:1-55:10 - Patricia de Oliveira Santos
, Allan Chamon Figueiredo
, Pedro Nuno de Souza Moura
, Bruna Diirr
, Adriana C. F. Alvim
, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
How Do Information Technology Professionals Use Generative Artificial Intelligence? 56:1-56:9 - Marcelo Dias
, Carlos Santos
, Marilton S. de Aguiar
, Daniel Welfer
, Alejandro Pereira
, Fernando Ollé
DRAT: A semi-supervised tool for automatic annotation of lesions caused by diabetic retinopathy. 57:1-57:9 - Camila Pereira de Oliveira
, Cristiano da Silveira Colombo
, Daniel José Ventorim Nunes
Machine Learning Applied To Fall Detection in the Elderly. 58:1-58:9 - Nicolas Paes Leme
, Johny Arriel
, Alessandro F. Garcia
, Júlia Azevedo
, Theo Sousa
, Luana Bueno
, João Godinho
, Juliana Alves Pereira
Mental Health and Productivity in Software Development: A Study with the Bravo Central Platform. 59:1-59:11 - Reuben Honório Fernandes
, Manoel Limeira de Lima Júnior
Association Rule Extraction in Data Related to COVID-19 Vaccination in the State of Acre. 60:1-60:9 - Luis Otávio Lima Caminha
, Anna Beatriz Marques
D-LEARN: A digital game for Software Architecture education. 61:1-61:10 - Amanda Klein
, Kayque W. R. Oliveira
, Bárbara Pimenta Caetano
, Melise Maria Veiga de Paula
Engaging Through Games: An Analysis of Gamification as an Intervention in Opinion Research. 62:1-62:10 - Rafael De Oliveira Zimbrão
, Alessandreia Marta de Oliveira
, Edmar Welington Oliveira
, Pedro Henrique Dias Valle
Essential Aspects in Digital Educational Games to Support the Teaching-Learning of Computing Contents. 63:1-63:10 - Victoria Tiemi Yamashita
, Eduarda Nunes
, Luana Lauschner
, Luciana Campos
, Luciana Brugiolo Gonçalves
, Pedro Henrique Dias Valle
, Bárbara de Melo Quintela
, Alessandreia Marta de Oliveira
An Educational Digital Game Driven Strategy to Support the Teaching-Learning of Algorithms and Motivate Female Information Systems Students. 64:1-64:10 - Patricia de Oliveira Santos
, Allan Chamon Figueiredo
, Pedro Nuno de Souza Moura
, Bruna Diirr
, Adriana C. F. Alvim
, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
Impacts of the Usage of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Software Development Process. 65:1-65:9 - Caio Nery Matos Santos
, Daniela Barreiro Claro
, João Medrado Gondim
, Babacar Mane
Suspicious Behavior Detection near Vehicles in University Environment: An Approach using Object Detection and Body Angles. 66:1-66:10 - Elvismary Molina de Armas
, Geiza Maria Hamazaki da Silva
, Yenier Torres Izquierdo
, Melissa Lemos
, Paulo Vinícius De Lima Britto
, Eduardo Thadeu Corseuil
, Robinson Luiz Souza Garcia
A Proposal of a Knowledge Graph for Digital Engineering Systems Integration for Operation and Maintenance Activities in Industrial Plants. 67:1-67:10 - Gabriele De Sousa Araújo
, Jonathan Oliveira Fernandez
, Marcelino Silva da Silva
, Fábio Manoel França Lobato
Persona and issue analysis on tourism social media: a case study of Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil. 68:1-68:10 - Ricardo Luiz Hentges Costa
, Tales Schifelbein Soares
, Gabriel Machado Lunardi
, Pedro Henrique Dias Valle
, Williamson Silva
Professionals' Perceptions of the Interaction between User Experience and Machine Learning. 69:1-69:9 - Beatriz Ventorini Lins de Albuquerque
, Antonio Fernando Souza da Cunha
, Leonardo Souza
, Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira
, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
Generating and Reviewing Programming Codes with Large Language Models: A Systematic Mapping Study. 70:1-70:10 - Frank Castilio Alencar
, Carlos Henrique Gomes Ferreira
, Dionisio Machado Leite Filho
Developing Decentralized Applications: A Framework Approach on Blockchain Networks. 71:1-71:10

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