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PDPTA 2002: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - Volume 2
- Hamid R. Arabnia:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA '02, June 24 - 27, 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 2. CSREA Press 2002, ISBN 1-892512-88-2
Software Environments, Tools, Models, Frameworks and Related Issues
- Shoukat Ali, Jong-Kook Kim, Howard Jay Siegel, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Yang Yu, Shriram B. Gundala, Sethavidh Gertphol, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Greedy Heuristics for Resource Allocation in Dynamic Distributed Real-Time Heterogeneous Computing Systems. PDPTA 2002: 519-530 - Ian R. East:
Programming Prioritized Alernation. PDPTA 2002: 531-537 - Dieter Kranzlmüller, Markus Löberbauer, Martin Maurer, Christian Schaubschläger, Jens Volkert:
Automatic Testing of Nondeterministic Parallel Programs. PDPTA 2002: 538-544 - S. Chapman, R. M. Lea:
A Portable Concurrent Processing Framework for Cost Effective Multiprocessor Application Development. PDPTA 2002: 545-551 - Tom Way, Lori L. Pollock:
A Region-based Partial Inlining Algorithm for an ILP Optimizing Compiler. PDPTA 2002: 552-556 - Marco T. Morazán:
Prefetching List-Based Memory in a DVM System Designed for Functional Languages. PDPTA 2002: 557-563 - Malone Wong, Cui Zhang, Don Warner:
The Design of a Dataflow Computer, it's Language and It's Implementation. PDPTA 2002: 564-570 - Yasutaka Sakayori, Buntarou Shizuki, Jiro Tanaka:
Programming Environment Specified for Describing Interprocessor Communications Based on the Operations on Graphical User Interface. PDPTA 2002: 571-577 - Michael Scherger, Johnnie W. Baker, Jerry L. Potter:
Using the UML to Describe the BSP Model of Parallel Computation. PDPTA 2002: 578-583 - Padmanabhan Krishnan:
A Framework for Security and Control. PDPTA 2002: 584-589 - Rafael Bohrer Ávila, Caciano Machado, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux:
Message-passing Over Shared Memory for the SECK Programming Environment. PDPTA 2002: 590-595 - Shyh-Kuang Ueng:
Deadlock Detection for Parallel Programs. PDPTA 2002: 596-602 - Daniel Hagimont, Noel De Palma:
Removing Indirection Objects for Non-functional Properties. PDPTA 2002: 603-609 - Georgios I. Goumas, Nikolaos Drosinos, Maria Athanasaki, Nectarios Koziris:
Data Parallel Code Generation for Arbitrarily Tiled Loop Nests. PDPTA 2002: 610-616 - Subash Shankar:
A Semantic Framework for Formal Analysis of Concurrent Systems. PDPTA 2002: 617-623 - Natasha Jarymowycz, Phil Kearns:
Valid Debugging for Distributed Shared Memory. PDPTA 2002: 624-630 - Roger Eggen, Sean Gwizdak, Maurice Eggen:
SOAP and XML as Parallel Distributed Environments An Empirical Cost/Benefit Evaluation. PDPTA 2002: 631-637 - Dirk Fimmel, Jan Müller:
Optimal Software Pipelining with Rational Initiation Interval. PDPTA 2002: 638-643 - Gian Chand Sodhy, R. K. Subramanian:
A Simple Data Dependency Analyzer for C Programs. PDPTA 2002: 644-650 - Lothar Hotz:
Parallel Abstractions-Strucuture-oriented Programming. PDPTA 2002: 651-657 - Dixie Hisley, Matthew J. Bridges, Lori L. Pollock:
Static Interprocedural Slicing of Shared Memory Parallel Programs. PDPTA 2002: 658-664 - Boon-Hee Kim, Young-Chan Kim:
Infrastructure Design and Implementation of RMI System for Lightweight Object Request Broker. PDPTA 2002: 665-672
Grid Computing and Related Issues
- Sayaka Akioka, Yoichi Muraoka:
Predicting the Network Load on the Computational Grid. PDPTA 2002: 673-679 - Hyoungwoo Park, Jin-Wook Chung:
Study on Performance Improvement of Grid Computing Using GRIS and TCP Stats Information. PDPTA 2002: 680-686 - Dieter Kranzlmüller, Gerhard Kurka, Paul Heinzlreiter, Jens Volkert:
A Grid Middleware Extension for Scientific Visualization. PDPTA 2002: 687-692 - Sadao Ikebe, Tsuneo Nakanishi, Akira Fukuda:
Redundant Scheduling: An Algorithm for Scheduling Parameter Sweep Applications in Grid Environment. PDPTA 2002: 693-698 - Wayne Kelly, Paul Roe, Jiro Sumitomo:
G2: A Grid Middleware for Cycle Donation Using .NET. PDPTA 2002: 699-705 - Youn-Joo Lee, Kyung-Lang Park, Shin-Dug Kim:
Agent Based Resource Management for Grid Computing. PDPTA 2002: 706-711 - Stefaan Vanhastel, Pieter Thysebaert, Filip De Turck, Bruno Volckaert, Piet Demeester, Bart Dhoedt:
Service Brokering in an Enhanced Grid Environment. PDPTA 2002: 712-718 - David A. Power, John P. Morrison:
Nectere: A General Purpose Environment for Computing on Clusters, Grids and the Internet. PDPTA 2002: 719-726
Multimedia Applications and Systems
- Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Finn Verner Jensen:
Real-time Hypothesis Driven Feature Extraction on Parallel Processing Architectures. PDPTA 2002: 727-733 - Frank Drews, Klaus H. Ecker, Odej Kao, Silke Schomann:
A Stimulated Annealing Strategy for Workload Balancing in Parallel Image Databases. PDPTA 2002: 734-740 - Julien Bourgeois, Emmanuel Mory, François Spies:
NetMoVie: An Architecture for Adaptative Multimedia Transmission Over Wireless Networks. PDPTA 2002: 741-747 - Dong-Hoon Nam, Seung-Kyu Park:
Adaptive Delivery of Multimedia Stream in Mobile Environments. PDPTA 2002: 748-754 - David Levine, Farhad Kamangar, Shashi Kanth Lakshmikantha:
Quality of Service Primitives for Operating System Support of Multimedia Applications. PDPTA 2002: 755-759 - Richard S. L. Wu, Allan K. Y. Wong, Tharam S. Dillon:
Comparing Four Novel Scalable Split/Aggregate Algorithms (Mobile Agent Based) for Distributes Mining of Multimedia Association Rules over the Internet. PDPTA 2002: 760-766 - Jong-Hyun Kim, Young-Uhg Lho, Ki-Dong Chung:
Design and Implementation of CORBA Based Multimedia Stream Service Framework. PDPTA 2002: 767-771 - Youngtae Han, Donghoon Lee, Eunmi Choi, Dugki Min:
A Cluster-centric Scalable Multimedia Collaboration System. PDPTA 2002: 772-778 - James J. Nolan, Arun K. Sood, Robert Simon:
Composing and Deploying Distributed Applications Using a Semantic Service Discovery Mechanism. PDPTA 2002: 779-788
Scheduling Algorithms, Load-balancing, Mapping and Related Issues
- Daniel Andresen, Sadanand Kota, Madhu Tera, Timothy Bower:
An IP-level Network Monitor and Scheduling System for Clusters. PDPTA 2002: 789-795 - Sameh M. Elsharkawy, Ashok K. Agrawala:
Parametric Real-time Scheduling in Distributes Environments. PDPTA 2002: 796-802 - Yibing Wang, Robert M. Hyatt:
A Distributed Task Scheduler for Cluster Computing. PDPTA 2002: 803-808 - Josep M. Banús, Alex Arenas, Jesús Labarta:
An Efficient Scheme to Allocate Soft-Aperiodic Tasks in Multiprocessor Hard Real-Time Systems. PDPTA 2002: 809-815 - Richard Olejnik, Amer Bouchi, Bernard Toursel:
A Java Object Observation Policy for Load Balancing. PDPTA 2002: 816-821 - Manvi Agarwal, S. K. Nandy, Jos T. J. van Eijndhoven, Srinivasan Balakrishnan:
On the Benefits of Speculative Trace Scheduling in VLIW Processors. PDPTA 2002: 822-828 - YongJoo Song, Yongjin Choi, Daeyeon Park:
Traffic Load Balancing for Ad Hoc On-demand Routing Protocols. PDPTA 2002: 829-835 - May T. W. Ip, Jason C. T. Lo, Allan K. Y. Wong:
Non-intrusive Protocol and Micro Convergence Algorithm Together Support Object Migration Over the Internet for Effective Load Balancing. PDPTA 2002: 836-842 - Michele Di Santo, Franco Frattolillo, Wilma Russo, Eugenio Zimeo:
Efficient Content-aware Connections Despatching in Clustered Web Servers. PDPTA 2002: 843-849 - Antonio Gentile, Massimo Cossentino, Salvatore Vitabile, Antonio Chella, Filippo Sorbello:
Intelligent Agent Mapping on a Massively Parallel MIMD Computing Platform. PDPTA 2002: 850-855 - Maurice Eggen, Nathan Franklin, Roger Eggen:
Load Balancing on a Non-dedicated Heterogeneous Network of Workstations. PDPTA 2002: 856-862 - Gurdeep S. Hura, Sheeja Mohan, Thambipillai Srikanthan:
Load Sharing in Large Scale Distributed Systems: A Novel Approach. PDPTA 2002: 863-871 - David Cruz Sánchez Rodríguez, Elsa M. Macías, Álvaro Suárez Sarmiento:
An Application Level Load Balancing Mechanism for Heterogeneous Clusters Programming. PDPTA 2002: 872-878 - ByoungJun Ji, KwangMo Lee:
Benchmark Independent Load Balancing of Heterogeneous Workstation Cluster. PDPTA 2002: 879-885 - Hyunmin Kim, Jihye Kim, Chang Wook Ahn, Rudrapatna S. Ramakrishna:
Efficient Dynamic Load Balancing for Association Rule Mining. PDPTA 2002: 886-894
- Mauro Migliardi:
Web Access to HARNESS: a Virtual Simulation Laboratory. PDPTA 2002: 895-901 - Brian J. Henz, Dale R. Shires, Ram V. Mohan:
Operating System Independent Interfaces for Process Simulation Visualization and Remote Interaction. PDPTA 2002: 902-908 - Mario Donato Marino, Luiz A. G. Aleixo, Toshi Ichi Tachibana:
DGWSDS: A Distributed Groundwater Simulator Dispersion System. PDPTA 2002: 909-913 - Bong-Hwan Lee, Sun-Young Seo, Dong-Weon Yoon, Chan-Hyun Youn:
Design and Implementation of a MPlambdaS Simulator. PDPTA 2002: 914-917 - Bhagyalaxmi Bethala, Anupam Joshi, Dhananjay S. Phatak, Sasikanth Avancha, Tom Goff:
Simulation of a Common Access Point for Bluetooth, 802.11 and Wired LANs. PDPTA 2002: 918-922 - Marjan Sirjani, Ali Movaghar:
Simulation in Rebeca. PDPTA 2002: 923-926 - Pui-on Au, Weijia Jia, Leung Cheng:
Web-based Distributed Simulation System for Network Routing. PDPTA 2002: 927-933 - Vaclav Dvorak:
Simulation and Prototyping in Teaching Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming Models. PDPTA 2002: 934-942
- Zina Ben-Miled, Yang Liu, Neoh Choon Beng, Omran A. Bukhres, Michael Bem, Robert Jones, Robert J. Oppelt:
A Comparative Study of the Impact of Performance Enhancing Techniques in a Large Drug Candidate Database. PDPTA 2002: 943-949 - Geoffrey C. Arnold, Gregory M. Kapfhammer, Robert S. Roos:
Implementation and Analysis of a JavaSpace Supported by a Relational Database. PDPTA 2002: 950-955 - Daniela Rosu, Ryszard Janicki:
On Concurrency Control in Object-oriented Databases. PDPTA 2002: 956-962 - Aqeel A. Syed, Shohei Kato, Kinji Mori:
Autonomous Reconstruction for Real-time Distributed Database System Through Mobile Agent Coordination. PDPTA 2002: 963-969 - S. Stapel, Odej Kao:
Strategies for Data Replication and Data Recovery in Distributed Image Databases. PDPTA 2002: 970-976 - Yong-Il Jang, Chung-Ho Lee, Jae-dong Lee, Hae-Young Bae:
Improved On-line Scaling Scheme in a Scalable and Highly Available Database. PDPTA 2002: 977-982 - Mohammad A. Radaideh:
A Distributed Model for Indexing High-Volume Metadata Content. PDPTA 2002: 983-990
- Takashi Ishihara, Aaron W. Keen, Justin T. Maris, Eric Wohlstadter, Ronald A. Olsson:
CoW: A Cooperative Multithreading Web Server. PDPTA 2002: 991-996 - Jin Hwan Park, Kyung Hui Ju:
An Experimental Result on Java Threads for High Performance Computation. PDPTA 2002: 997-1003 - Vijay Murthi, Farhad Kamangar, David Levine, Jeff Marquis:
Performance Analysis and Scalability of the ThreadmanTM Thread Manager. PDPTA 2002: 1004-1009 - Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Kou Morita, Toshinori Sato, Itsujiro Arita:
The KIT COSMOS Processor: An Application of Multi-Threading for Dynamic Optimization. PDPTA 2002: 1010-1016 - Ki-Tae Kim, Hoon-Joon Kouh, Weon-Hee Yoo:
Design of Translator for Generating Java Bytecode in Distributed Environment. PDPTA 2002: 1017-1021 - Kurt Debattista, Kevin Vella:
High Performances Wait-Free Thread Scheduling on Shared Memory Multiprocessors. PDPTA 2002: 1022-1030

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