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2. MOBILIGHT 2010: Barcelona, Spain
- Periklis Chatzimisios, Christos V. Verikoukis, Ignacio Santamaría, Massimiliano Laddomada, Oliver Hoffmann:
Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems - Second International ICST Conference, MOBILIGHT 2010, Barcelona, Spain, May 10-12, 2010, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 45, Springer 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-16643-3
Part 1 / MobiLight 2010 - Special Session on "Mobility Concepts and IMT-Advanced (MOBILIA)"
- Ismahene Ikhlef, Abdellatif Said, Faouzi Soltani, Faouzi Bader:
Performance of MC-DS-CDMA System in Rayleigh Fading Channel with Non-coherent Combining Schemes and MAI Interference. 1-10 - Ismael Gutiérrez, Faouzi Bader:
Spectral Efficiency Using Combinations of Transmit Antenna Selection with Linear Dispersion Code Selection. 11-21 - Yolanda Fernández, Miguel Angel Peña, Francisco Díaz:
A Reconfigurable Power Amplifier for Mobile WIMAX Applications. 22-30 - Bruno Cendón, Jesús Herrero, Ramón Agüero
, Arancha Rodríguez, Santiago Albillos, Javier Sainz, Aránzazu Sanz, David Gómez:
An Access Selection Prototype Based on IEEE 802.21. 31-42 - Ramón Agüero
, Johnny Choque
, Luis Muñoz
Multi-hop Extensions to Heterogeneous Access Network Selection. 43-56 - Valdemar Monteiro
, Joaquim Bastos
, Orlando Cabral, Fernando J. Velez
, Jonathan Rodriguez
Experimental System Level Platform for B3G Scenarios. 57-67
Part 2 / MobiLight 2010 - Special Session on "QoS Provision in Wireless Networks (QPWN)"
- Dzmitry Kliazovich, Magda Bendazzoli, Fabrizio Granelli
TCP-Aware Forward Error Correction for Wireless Networks. 68-77 - Andreas Könsgen, Carmelita Görg:
Delay Performance Analysis of a Two-Stage Cross-Layer Scheduler for Wireless LANs. 78-87 - Aggeliki Sgora, Periklis Chatzimisios
, Dimitrios D. Vergados
Access Network Selection in a Heterogeneous Environment Using the AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS Methods. 88-98 - Ting Wang, Chor Ping Low:
Adaptive Message Ferry Route (aMFR) for Partitioned MANETs. 99-111 - Eleni Patouni, Nancy Alonistioti:
Lightweight Mechanisms for Self-configuring Protocols. 112-123 - Antti P. Miettinen, Jukka K. Nurminen:
Analysis of the Energy Consumption of JavaScript Based Mobile Web Applications. 124-135
Part 3 / MobiLight 2010 - Special Session on "Advanced Radio Access Techniques for Energy-Efficient Communications (MIMAX)"
- Álvaro Gonzalo, Ignacio Santamaría
, Javier Vía, Fouad Gholam, Ralf Eickhoff:
Equal Gain MIMO Beamforming in the RF Domain for OFDM-WLAN Systems. 136-147 - Thorsten Jungeblut, Ralf Dreesen, Mario Porrmann, Michael Thies, Ulrich Rückert, Uwe Kastens:
A Framework for the Design Space Exploration of Software-Defined Radio Applications. 148-159 - Robert Wolf, Frank Ellinger, Ralf Eickhoff:
On the Maximum Efficiency of Power Amplifiers in OFDM Broadcast Systems with Envelope Following. 160-170 - Fouad Gholam, Javier Vía, Alfredo Nazábal, Ignacio Santamaría
Equal-Phase Beamforming Architecture for RF-MIMO Antenna Systems. 171-179 - Mario Bkassiny, Sudharman K. Jayaweera
Optimal Channel and Power Allocation for Secondary Users in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks - (Invited Paper). 180-191
Part 4 / MobiLight 2010 - Special Session on "Security and Resilience in the Future Internet (SECURE)"
- Alexandros Zaharis, Adamantini Martini, Panayotis Kikiras, Georgios I. Stamoulis:
"User Authentication Method and Implementation Using a Three-Axis Accelerometer". 192-202 - Massimo Ficco, Luigi Romano:
A Correlation Approach to Intrusion Detection. 203-215 - Ioannis G. Askoxylakis, Theodore Tryfonas
, John May
, Apostolos Traganitis:
A Dynamic Key Agreement Mechanism for Mission Critical Mobile Ad Hoc Networking. 216-228 - Giacomo de Meulenaer, François-Xavier Standaert
Stealthy Compromise of Wireless Sensor Nodes with Power Analysis Attacks. 229-242 - Alistair Munro:
Sensor Networks - Critical Infrastructure for Society? Challenges for Resilience, Security and Interoperability. 243-253 - Yong Ki Lee, Lejla Batina, Dave Singelée
, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Wide-Weak Privacy-Preserving RFID Authentication Protocols. 254-267 - Michele Guglielmi, Igor Nai Fovino, Andres Perez-Garcia, Christos Siaterlis:
A Preliminary Study of a Wireless Process Control Network Using Emulation Testbeds. 268-279
Part 5 / MobiLight 2010 - Special Session on "Self-Management in Future Internet Wireless Networks (SELFNET)"
- Dzmitry Kliazovich, Neumar Malheiros, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca
, Fabrizio Granelli
, Edmundo R. M. Madeira
CogProt: A Framework for Cognitive Configuration and Optimization of Communication Protocols. 280-291 - Apostolos Kousaridas
, Nancy Alonistioti:
Topology Control in Self-managed Wireless Networks. 292-301 - Ioannis P. Chochliouros, Anastasia S. Spiliopoulou, Maria Belesioti, Evangelos Sfakianakis, George Diakonikolaou, Andreas Rigas, Evangelia Georgiadou, George Agapiou, Tilemachos Doukoglou:
Autonomicity and Self-manageability Techniques in the Scope of the Future Internet's Evolution. 302-317 - Ioannis P. Chochliouros, Evangelos Sfakianakis, Apostolos Kousaridas
, Jens Mödeker, David P. Wagner, Anastasia S. Spiliopoulou, George Agapiou, Andrej Mihailovic
, Dev Pramil Audsin, Maria Belesioti, Andreas Rigas, Konstantinos Chelidonis, Evangelos N. Gazis, Gérard Nguengang, Nancy Alonistioti, Christos Mizikakis, Dimitrios Katsaros, Tilemachos Doukoglou:
Design and Development of Essential Use-Cases for Self-management in Future Internet Wireless Networks. 318-333 - David P. Wagner, Jens Mödeker:
Towards Dynamic Protocol Configuration and its Configuration and Control in Autonomous Communication Environments. 334-345
Part 6 / MobiLight 2010 - Special Session on "Distributed Wireless Networking Experimental Infrastructure for Optimization and Convergence (ICARUS)"
- Angelos Antonopoulos
, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Dynamic Call Admission Control for Enhanced GoS of UGS Connections during "Busy Hour" in WiMAX. 346-355 - Fernando López Aguilar
, Gorka Rubio Cidre
, José Manuel López López, Javier Regidor Paris:
Mutual Information Effective SNR Mapping Algorithm for Fast Link Adaptation Model in 802.16e. 356-367 - M. Carmen Lucas-Estan
, Salvador Garrigas, Javier Gozálvez
, José F. Monserrat, Julen Maneros, Fernando López
, Ainara González, Imanol Aguado, Pedro Chaparro:
Virtual Distributed Simulation Platform for the Study and Optimization of Future Beyond 3G Heterogeneous Systems. 368-379 - Muhammad Alam, Jonathan Rodriguez
A Dual Head Clustering Mechanism for Energy Efficient WSNs. 380-387 - Sebastian Caban, José Antonio García-Naya, Christian Mehlführer, Luis Castedo
, Markus Rupp:
Measuring the Closed-Loop Throughput of 2x2 HSDPA over TX Power and TX Antenna Spacing. 388-399
Part 7 / MobiLight 2010 - Special Session on "Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Where We Stand and Where We Are Heading To (CIIP)"
- Abdelmajid Khelil
, Sebastian Jeckel, Daniel Germanus, Neeraj Suri
Towards Benchmarking of P2P Technologies from a SCADA Systems Protection Perspective. 400-414 - Gareth Tyson, Adam T. Lindsay, Steven Simpson
, David Hutchison
Improving Wireless Sensor Network Resilience with the INTERSECTION Framework. 415-426 - Giorgia Lodi
, Roberto Baldoni, Hisain Elshaafi
, Barry P. Mulcahy, György Csertán, László Gönczy:
Trust Management in Monitoring Financial Critical Information Infrastructures. 427-439 - Stefano Avallone
, Salvatore D'Antonio:
Using MPLS in a Wireless Mesh Network to Improve the Resiliency of SCADA Systems. 440-450 - Rafal Kozik
, Michal Choras, Witold Holubowicz
Fusion of Bayesian and Ontology Approach Applied to Decision Support System for Critical Infrastructures Protection. 451-463
Part 8 / MobiLight 2010 - Special Session on "Advanced Wireless Technologies for a Converged Ultra-Broadband Home Network (OMEGA)"
- Jean-Philippe Javaudin
, Martial Bellec, Gilles Goni, Rafael Gonzalez Fuentetaja:
OMEGA: New Use Cases for Future Home Networks. 464-471 - Salvatore D'Alessandro, Andrea M. Tonello:
Adaptive Filter Bank Modulation for Next Generation Wireless In-Home Networks. 472-483 - Mike Wolf, Jianhui Li, Liane Grobe, Dominic C. O'Brien, Hoa Le Minh
, Olivier Bouchet:
Challenges in Gbps Wireless Optical Transmission. 484-495 - Mahdi Pirmoradian, Christos Politis
, Emmanouil A. Panaousis:
An Efficient Power Control Algorithm for Supporting Cognitive Communications in Shared Spectrum Areas. 496-505
Part 9 / MobiLight 2010 - Special Sessions on "Advances on Indoor Positioning and Multiuser Scheduling (NEWCOM++)" and "Relay-Based Next Generation Wireless Broadband Networks and Associated Components (REWIND)"
- Eva Lagunas
, Lorenzo Taponecco, Montse Nájar
, Antonio A. D'Amico
TOA Estimation in UWB: Comparison between Time and Frequency Domain Processing. 506-517 - Daniel Sacristán-Murga, Antonio Pascual-Iserte
Trade-off between Feedback Load for the Channel State Information and System Performance in MIMO Communications. 518-529 - Pol Henarejos
, Ana I. Pérez-Neira, Velio Tralli, Marco Moretti
, Nikos Dimitriou
, Giulio Dainelli:
Evolution of Spatial and Multicarrier Scheduling: Towards Multi-cell Scenario. 530-542 - Nikos Athanasopoulos, Panagiotis Tsiakas
, Konstantinos N. Voudouris, Iraklis Georgas, George Agapiou:
Multi-hop Relay in Next Generation Wireless Broadband Access Networks: An Overview. 543-554
Part 10 / EUMOBILE 2010 - 1st European Symposium on "Mobility Management"
- Lampros Dounis, Michail Tsagkaropoulos, Ilias Politis
, Tasos Dagiuklas:
An Experimental MIH Platform for Testing Video Streaming Services across Heterogeneous Radio Access Technology Networks. 555-566 - Karel De Vogeleer, David Erman, Markus Fiedler, Adrian Popescu:
A Lightweight Macro-mobility Framework. 567-578 - Senka Hadzic, Joaquim Bastos
, Jonathan Rodriguez
Enhanced Localization in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks through Cooperation. 579-589 - Vitaliy Tykhomyrov:
Increasing the VoIP Capacity through MAP Overhead Reduction in the IEEE 802.16 OFDMa Systems. 590-603 - Jesus Alonso-Zarate
, Elli Kartsakli
, Luis Alonso, Marcos D. Katz, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Multi-radio Cooperative ARQ in Wireless Cellular Networks: A MAC Layer Perspective. 604-617
Part 11 / PHYLOM 2010 - Workshop on "Advanced PhYsical Layer Optimization Methods for Energy-Efficient Wireless Systems"
- Idoia Ochoa
, Pedro M. Crespo
, Javier Del Ser, Mikel Hernaez
Joint Turbo Coding and Source-Controlled Modulation of Cycle-Stationary Sources in the Bandwidth-Limited Regime. 618-625 - Sergio Gil-Lopez
, Javier Del Ser, Laura Garcia-Padrones:
Harmony Search Heuristics for Quasi-asynchronous CDMA Detection with M-PAM Signalling. 626-637 - Leopoldo Carro-Calvo
, Saturnino Maldonado-Bascón, Antonio Portilla-Figueras
, Sergio Lafuente-Arroyo, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz:
Cross-Layer Clustering Optimization in Mobile Networks Using Evolutionary Algorithms. 638-649 - Jose-Ángel Fernández-Prieto, Joaquín Cañada Bago
, Manuel A. Gadeo Martos
, Juan R. Velasco:
A Case Study of Parameter Control in a Genetic Algorithm: Computer Network Performance. 650-661 - Sergio Gil-Lopez
, Javier Del Ser, Itziar Landa-Torres, Laura Garcia-Padrones, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, José Antonio Portilla-Figueras
On the Application of a Novel Grouping Harmony Search Algorithm to the Switch Location Problem. 662-672 - Gorka Hernando, Susana Pérez
, José María Cabero:
Adaptive Weighted Round Robin (AWRR) Scheduling for Optimization of the Wireless Medium Virtualisation. 673-684 - Marco Di Renzo, Lana Iwaza, Michel Kieffer, Pierre Duhamel, Khaldoun Al Agha:
Robust Wireless Network Coding - An Overview. 685-698
Part 12 / UAS 2010 - Workshop on "User Adaptive Systems for Mobile Wireless Systems"
- Jozef Benikovsky, Peter Brida
, Juraj Machaj
Localization in Real GSM Network with Fingerprinting Utilization. 699-709 - Azza Jedidi, Frédéric Weis:
Customized Contents Service Over a DVB-SH/3G Network. 710-721 - Dalibor Janckulík, Leona Motalova, Ondrej Krejcar
Measurement and Visualization of ECG on Mobile Monitoring Stations of Biotelemetric User Adaptive System. 722-738 - Ondrej Krejcar
Complex Mobile User Adaptive System Framework for Mobile Wireless Devices. 739-754 - Jirí Kotzian, Jaromir Konecny
, Ondrej Krejcar
, Tomas Lippa, Hynek Prokop, Marian Kuruc:
The Indoor Orientation of Autonomous Mobile Devices for Increasing Human Perspective. 755-768 - Martin Stankus, Marek Penhaker, Jan Kijonka, Petr Grygarek, Jirí Kotzian:
Architecture and Design of Mobile Telemetry System for Ambient Assisted Living. 769-780

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