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11th LAK 2021: Irvine, CA, USA
- Maren Scheffel, Nia Dowell, Srecko Joksimovic, George Siemens:
LAK'21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, Irvine, CA, USA, April 12-16, 2021. ACM 2021, ISBN 978-1-4503-8935-8
Full Research Papers
- Tomás Effenberger, Radek Pelánek:
Validity and Reliability of Student Models for Problem-Solving Activities. 1-11 - Sebastian A. Günther
The impact of social norms on students' online learning behavior: Insights from two randomized controlled trials. 12-21 - Einat Shusterman, Hyunsoo Gloria Kim, Marc T. Facciotti, Michele Igo, Kamali Sripathi, David R. Karger
, Avi Segal
, Kobi Gal
Seeding Course Forums using the Teacher-in-the-Loop. 22-31 - Hassan Khosravi
, Gianluca Demartini
, Shazia Sadiq
, Dragan Gasevic:
Charting the Design and Analytics Agenda of Learnersourcing Systems. 32-42 - Lixiang Yan, Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Beatriz Gallo Cordoba
, Joanne Deppeler, Deborah Corrigan, Gloria Fernández-Nieto, Dragan Gasevic:
Footprints at School: Modelling In-class Social Dynamics from Students' Physical Positioning Traces. 43-54 - June Ahn, Fabio Campos
, Ha Nguyen, Maria Hays, Jan Morrison:
Co-Designing for Privacy, Transparency, and Trust in K-12 Learning Analytics. 55-65 - June Ahn, Ha Nguyen, Fabio Campos, William Young:
Transforming Everyday Information into Practical Analytics with Crowdsourced Assessment Tasks. 66-76 - Arthur Barbosa, Maverick Andre Dionisio Ferreira, Rafael Ferreira Mello, Rafael Dueire Lins, Dragan Gasevic:
The impact of automatic text translation on classification of online discussions for social and cognitive presences. 77-87 - Namrata Srivastava
, Sadia Nawaz, Joshua Newn
, Jason M. Lodge, Eduardo Velloso, Sarah M. Erfani, Dragan Gasevic, James Bailey:
Are you with me? Measurement of Learners' Video-Watching Attention with Eye Tracking. 88-98 - Wai-Lun Chan, Dit-Yan Yeung:
Clickstream Knowledge Tracing: Modeling How Students Answer Interactive Online Questions. 99-109 - Tom Zhang, Michelle Taub, Zhongzhou Chen:
Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 Induced Campus Closure on Student Self-Regulated Learning in Physics Online Learning Modules. 110-120 - Emily Jensen, Tetsumichi Umada, Nicholas C. Hunkins, Stephen Hutt
, Anne Corinne Huggins-Manley
, Sidney K. D'Mello:
What You Do Predicts How You Do: Prospectively Modeling Student Quiz Performance Using Activity Features in an Online Learning Environment. 121-131 - Danner Schlotterbeck, Pablo Uribe, Roberto Araya, Abelino Jimenez, Daniela Caballero:
What Classroom Audio Tells About Teaching: A Cost-effective Approach for Detection of Teaching Practices Using Spectral Audio Features. 132-140 - Brian Zylich, Andrew S. Lan:
Linguistic Skill Modeling for Second Language Acquisition. 141-150 - Shamya Karumbaiah, Andrew S. Lan, Sachit Nagpal, Ryan S. Baker, Anthony Botelho, Neil T. Heffernan:
Using Past Data to Warm Start Active Machine Learning: Does Context Matter? 151-160 - Yun Huang, Nikki G. Lobczowski, J. Elizabeth Richey
, Elizabeth A. McLaughlin, Michael W. Asher
, Judith M. Harackiewicz, Vincent Aleven, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
A General Multi-method Approach to Data-Driven Redesign of Tutoring Systems. 161-172 - Morgan Diederich, Jina Kang, Taehyun Kim, Robb Lindgren
Developing an In-Application Shared View Metric to Capture Collaborative Learning in a Multi-Platform Astronomy Simulation. 173-183 - Yizhou Fan, John Saint
, Shaveen Singh
, Jelena Jovanovic, Dragan Gasevic:
A learning analytic approach to unveiling self-regulatory processes in learning tactics. 184-195 - Erkan Er
, Cristina Villa-Torrano, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, Dragan Gasevic, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Eduardo Gómez-Sánchez, Alejandra Martínez-Monés:
Theory-based learning analytics to explore student engagement patterns in a peer review activity. 196-206 - Destiny Williams-Dobosz, Renato Ferreira Leitão Azevedo, Amos Jeng
, Vyom Nayan Thakkar, Suma Bhat
, Nigel Bosch
, Michelle Perry:
A Social Network Analysis of Online Engagement for College Students Traditionally Underrepresented in STEM. 207-215 - Rebecca Matz, Kyle Schulz, Elizabeth Hanley, Holly Derry, Benjamin Hayward, Benjamin Köster, Caitlin Hayward, Timothy A. McKay:
Analyzing the Efficacy of ECoach in Supporting Gateway Course Success Through Tailored Support. 216-225 - Jianing Zhou, Suma Bhat
Modeling Consistency Using Engagement Patterns in Online Courses. 226-236 - Geraldine Gray, Ana Elena Schalk, Pauline Rooney
, Charles Lang:
A Stakeholder Informed Professional Development Framework to Support Engagement with Learning Analytics. 237-247 - Elaine Farrow, Johanna D. Moore, Dragan Gasevic:
A network analytic approach to integrating multiple quality measures for asynchronous online discussions. 248-258 - Fatemeh Salehian Kia, Marek Hatala, Ryan S. Baker, Stephanie D. Teasley:
Measuring Students' Self-Regulatory Phases in LMS with Behavior and Real-Time Self Report. 259-268 - Eyad Hakami
, Davinia Hernández Leo:
Investigating the Well-being Impacts of Educational Technologies Supported by Learning Analytics: An application of the initial phase of IEEE P7010 recommended practice to a set of cases. 269-279 - Dan Carpenter
, Elizabeth B. Cloude, Jonathan P. Rowe
, Roger Azevedo, James C. Lester:
Investigating Student Reflection during Game-Based Learning in Middle Grades Science. 280-291 - Ashish Gurung
, Anthony F. Botelho, Neil T. Heffernan:
Examining Student Effort on Help through Response Time Decomposition. 292-301 - Emily Jensen, Samuel L. Pugh, Sidney K. D'Mello:
A Deep Transfer Learning Approach to Modeling Teacher Discourse in the Classroom. 302-312 - Fernando Rodriguez, Hye Rin Lee
, Teomara Rutherford, Christian Fischer, Eric Potma
, Mark Warschauer:
Using Clickstream Data Mining Techniques to Understand and Support First-Generation College Students in an Online Chemistry Course. 313-322 - Sherry Ruan, Wei Wei, James A. Landay
Variational Deep Knowledge Tracing for Language Learning. 323-332 - John Saint
, Yizhou Fan, Shaveen Singh
, Dragan Gasevic, Abelardo Pardo
Using process mining to analyse self-regulated learning: a systematic analysis of four algorithms. 333-343 - Qiujie Li, Yeonji Jung
, Alyssa Friend Wise:
Beyond First Encounters with Analytics: Questions, Techniques and Challenges in Instructors' Sensemaking. 344-353 - Zhi Li
, Cheng Ren
, Xianyou Li, Zachary A. Pardos:
Learning Skill Equivalencies Across Platform Taxonomies. 354-363 - Lisa-Angelique Lim, Dragan Gasevic, Wannisa Matcha, Nora'ayu Ahmad Uzir, Shane Dawson
Impact of learning analytics feedback on self-regulated learning: Triangulating behavioural logs with students' recall. 364-374 - Sébastien Lallé
, Özge Nilay Yalçin
, Cristina Conati:
Combining Data-Driven Models and Expert Knowledge for Personalized Support to Foster Computational Thinking Skills. 375-385 - Gloria Milena Fernández Nieto, Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Kirsty Kitto
, Simon Buckingham Shum
Modelling Spatial Behaviours in Clinical Team Simulations using Epistemic Network Analysis: Methodology and Teacher Evaluation. 386-396 - Hyunbin Loh, Dongmin Shin, Seewoo Lee, Jineon Baek
, Chanyou Hwang, Youngnam Lee, Yeongmin Cha, Soonwoo Kwon, Juneyoung Park
, Youngduck Choi:
Recommendation for Effective Standardized Exam Preparation. 397-404 - Kyungjin Park, Hyunwoo Sohn, Bradford W. Mott, Wookhee Min
, Asmalina Saleh, Krista D. Glazewski, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, James C. Lester:
Detecting Disruptive Talk in Student Chat-Based Discussion within Collaborative Game-Based Learning Environments. 405-415 - Ioana Jivet, Jacqueline Wong
, Maren Scheffel
, Manuel Valle Torre
, Marcus Specht, Hendrik Drachsler
Quantum of Choice: How learners' feedback monitoring decisions, goals and self-regulated learning skills are related. 416-427 - Yiwen Lin, Nia Dowell, Andrew Godfrey:
Skills Matter: Modeling the relationship between decision making processes and collaborative problem-solving skills during Hidden Profile Tasks. 428-437 - Joep van der Graaf, Lyn Lim
, Yizhou Fan, Jonathan Kilgour, Johanna D. Moore, Maria Bannert, Dragan Gasevic, Inge Molenaar
Do Instrumentation Tools Capture Self-Regulated Learning? 438-448
Short Research Papers
- Jeffrey Matayoshi, Shamya Karumbaiah:
Using Marginal Models to Adjust for Statistical Bias in the Analysis of State Transitions. 449-455 - Harrison Kyriacou, Anand Ramakrishnan, Jacob Whitehill:
Learning to Work in a Materials Recovery Facility: Can Humans and Machines Learn from Each Other? 456-461 - Yupei Zhang, Rui An, Jiaqi Cui, Xuequn Shang:
Undergraduate Grade Prediction in Chinese Higher Education Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 462-468 - Oleksandra Poquet:
Why Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Factors Triaging Students in Online Forums. 469-474 - Nicole Gosch, David Andrews, Carla Barreiros, Philipp Leitner
, Elisabeth Staudegger, Martin Ebner, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt:
Learning Analytics as a Service for Empowered Learners: From Data Subjects to Controllers. 475-481 - Raphael A. Dourado, Rodrigo Lins Rodrigues
, Nivan Ferreira
, Rafael Ferreira Mello, Alex Sandro Gomes, Katrien Verbert
A Teacher-facing Learning Analytics Dashboard for Process-oriented Feedback in Online Learning. 482-489 - Dongmin Shin, Yugeun Shim, Hangyeol Yu, Seewoo Lee, Byungsoo Kim, Youngduck Choi:
SAINT+: Integrating Temporal Features for EdNet Correctness Prediction. 490-496 - Solmaz Abdi, Hassan Khosravi
, Shazia Sadiq
Modelling Learners in Adaptive Educational Systems: A Multivariate Glicko-based Approach. 497-503 - Yang Xu, Kevin Wilson:
Early Alert Systems During a Pandemic: A Simulation Study on the Impact of Concept Drift. 504-510 - Yi-Shan Tsai, Rafael Ferreira Mello, Jelena Jovanovic, Dragan Gasevic:
Student appreciation of data-driven feedback: A pilot study on OnTask. 511-517 - JiWoong Jang
, Jaewook Lee, Vanessa Echeverría
, LuEttaMae Lawrence, Vincent Aleven:
Explorations of Designing Spatial Classroom Analytics with Virtual Prototyping. 518-524 - Karen D. Wang, Krishnan Nair, Carl E. Wieman
Examining the Links between Log Data and Reflective Problem-solving Practices in An Interactive Task. 525-532 - Léonore V. Guillain, Bertrand Schneider:
Facilitators First: Building a Tool With Facilitators to Foster a More Collaborative Makerspace Community Through Movement Traces. 533-539 - Kirk Vanacore
, Kevin Dieter, Lisa Hurwitz, Jamie Studwell:
Longitudinal Clusters of Online Educator Portal Access: Connecting Educator Behavior to Student Outcomes. 540-545 - Zhiru Sun
, Marco Chiarandini:
An Exact Algorithm for Group Formation to Promote Collaborative Learning. 546-552 - Lujie Karen Chen:
Timing of Support in One-on-one Math Problem Solving Coaching: A Survival Analysis Approach with Multimodal Data. 553-558 - Caitlin Hayward, Kyle Schulz, Barry Fishman:
Who wins, who learns? Exploring gameful pedagogy as a technique to support student differences. 559-564 - August E. Evrard, Kyle Schulz, Caitlin Hayward:
How Did You Get that A? Selectivity's Role in Rising Undergraduate Grades at a Large Public University. 565-571 - Chenglu Li
, Wanli Xing, Walter L. Leite:
Yet Another Predictive Model? Fair Predictions of Students' Learning Outcomes in an Online Math Learning Platform. 572-578 - Javaria Hassan, Jovin Leong, Bertrand Schneider:
Multimodal Data Collection Made Easy: The EZ-MMLA Toolkit: A data collection website that provides educators and researchers with easy access to multimodal data streams. 579-585 - Blair A. Winograd, Amber J. Dood
, Robert Moeller, Alena Moon, Anne Gere, Ginger Shultz:
Detecting High Orders of Cognitive Complexity in Students' Reasoning in Argumentative Writing About Ocean Acidification. 586-591 - Isabel Hilliger
, Constanza Miranda, Gregory Schuit, Fernando Duarte, Martin Anselmo, Denis Parra
Evaluating a Learning Analytics Dashboard to Visualize Student Self-Reports of Time-on-task: A Case Study in a Latin American University. 592-598 - Shruthi Chockkalingam, Run Yu
, Zachary A. Pardos:
Which one's more work? Predicting effective credit hours between courses. 599-605 - Yang Shi
, Krupal Shah, Wengran Wang, Samiha Marwan, Poorvaja Penmetsa, Thomas W. Price
Toward Semi-Automatic Misconception Discovery Using Code Embeddings. 606-612 - Fanjie Li
, Zuo Wang, Tzi-Dong Jeremy Ng, Xiao Hu:
Studying with Learners' Own Music: Preliminary Findings on Concentration and Task Load. 613-619 - Püren Öncel, Lauren E. Flynn, Allison N. Sonia, Kennis E. Barker, Grace C. Lindsay, Caleb M. McClure, Danielle S. McNamara, Laura K. Allen:
Automatic Student Writing Evaluation: Investigating the Impact of Individual Differences on Source-Based Writing. 620-625 - MohammadReza Tavakoli, Mirette Elias, Gábor Kismihók
, Sören Auer
Metadata Analysis of Open Educational Resources. 626-631 - Huy Anh Nguyen, Michelle Lim, Steven Moore, Eric Nyberg, Majd Sakr, John C. Stamper
Exploring Metrics for the Analysis of Code Submissions in an Introductory Data Science Course. 632-638 - Alyssa Friend Wise, Juan Pablo Sarmiento, Maurice Boothe Jr.:
Subversive Learning Analytics. 639-645

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