dblp: IPDPS 2013 Workshops

IPDPS 2013: Cambridge, MA, USA - Workshops

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Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop - HCW

Table of Contents

HCW Session 1: Scheduling and Resource Allocation

HCW Session 2: Heterogeneous Processors

HCW Session 3: Communication in Heterogeneous Systems

Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop - RAW

RAW Session 1: Systems and Applications

RAW Session 2: Architectures and Algorithms I

RAW Session 3: Software and Tools

RAW Session 4: Architectures and Algorithms II

RAW Session 5: Software and Tools II

RAW Poster Session 1

RAW Poster Session 2

Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive

HIPS Session 1: Support for Accelerator and Manycore Architectures

HIPS Session 2: Scalable Tools for Correctness and Performance Analysis

HIPS Session 3: Programming Models and Abstractions

Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing - NIDISC

NIDISC Session 1: Multi-objective Optimization

NIDISC Session 2: Application of Bio-Inspired Algorithms

NIDISC Session 3: Scheduling and Resource Allocation

Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology - HiCOMB

HiCOMB Session I: Sequence and Structure

HiCOMB Session II: Phylogenetics and Metagenomics

HiCOMB Session III: Molecular and Systems Biology

Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing Models - APDCM

APDCM Session 1: Parallel Computing 1

APDCM Session 2: Parallel Computing 2

APDCM Session 3: Distributed Computing 1

APDCM Session 4: Distributed Computing 2

APDCM Session 5: Short Presentations

Communication Architecture for Scalable Systems - CASS

High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing - HPPAC

HPPAC Session 1: Power Efficient Hardware

HPPAC Session 2 : Energy/Power Measurement and Profiling

HPPAC Session 3: Large Scale Power Management

HPPAC Session 4: Compiler and Runtime Techniques

High-Performance Grid and Cloud Computing Workshop - HPGC

HPGC Session 1: High Performance Cloud Computing

HPGC Session 2: Virtual Machines and Data Clouds

Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems - ASHES

ASHES Session 1: Programing Model and Performance Optimizations

ASHES Session 2: Accelerated Applications

ASHES Session 3: Emerging Hybrid Systems

Multicore and GPU Programming Models, Languages, and Compilers Workshop-PLC

PLC Session 1: Languages Extensions and Compilers for Multicore-SIMD Processors and GPUs

PLC Session 2: Programming and Applications for MultiCore Processors and GPUs

PLC Session 3: Runtime Implementation and Optimizations

NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education-EduPar

EduPar Session: Introductory Courses (CS0/CS1/CS2)

EduPar Session: Systems/Architecture Courses

EduPar Session: Multiple Course Adoptions and Techniques

PDSEC Session 2: Applications via Heterogeneous Computing

PDSEC Session 3: Linear Algebra and Infrastructure

PDSEC Session 4: Cloud, Grid, and Distributed Systems

Dependable Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Centric Systems - DPDNS

DPDNS Session: Network Algorithms and Techniques

DPDNS Session: Cloud Computing

DPDNS Session: High Performance/Availability Computing

DPDNS Session: Fault Tolerance

Workshop on Multi-Threaded Architectures and Applications - MTAAP

MTAAP Session: Compiler and Tools

MTAAP Session: Scheduling and Runtime

MTAAP Session: Graph Algorithms

MTAAP Session: Algorithms

Workshop on Large-Scale Parallel Processing - LSPP

LSPP Session 1: Performance Analysis and Optimization

LSPP Session 2: Modeling Performance for Scaling

LSPP Session 3: Large-Scale Systems

LSPP Session 4: Scheduling

Parallel Computing and Optimization - PCO

PCO Session 1: Algorithms

PCO Session 2: GPU Computing and Optimization

PCO Session 3

Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning and Inference Problems-ParLearning

High Performance Data Intensive Computing - HPDIC

HPDIC Session 1: MapReduce, Hadoop, and New Architecture Support for Data Intensive Computing

HPDIC Session 2: File System and Storage for Data Intensive Computing

HPDIC Session 3: Data Analytics: Solutions and Case Studies

Workflow Models, Systems, Services, and Applications in the Cloud - CloudFlow

CloudFlow Session: Modeling

CloudFlow Session: Application

Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing - JSSPP

Virtual Prototyping of Parallel and Embedded Systems - ViPES

ViPES Session 1: Novel Designs and Features for Full System Simulators

ViPES Session 2: Simulation Frameworks and Fault Tolerance for Virtual FPGAs

PhD Forum

PhD Forum: Algorithms

PhD Forum: Applications

PhD Forum: Architecture

PhD Forum: Software