dblp: ICPP Workshops 2005

34. ICPP Workshops 2005: Oslo, Norway

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Workshop on Web and Grid Services for Scientific Data Analysis (WAGSSDA)




The 7th Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing (HPSEC)

Session 1: Grid Computing

Session 2: Scheduling and Load Balancing

Sessions 3: Parallelization and Compilation

Session 4: Applications

The 2nd International Workshop on Embedded Computing (IWEC)

Session 1: Embedded Architecture

Session 2: Embedded System Design

Session 3: Embedded Applications

4th Workshop on Compile and Runtime Techniques for Parallel Computing (CRTPC)

Session 1: Compilation and Optimization

Session 2: Languages and Checkpointing

Session 3: Task Assignment and Scheduling

Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks (WSNET)

Session 1: WLAN and Routing Protocols

Session 2: Sensor Networks

Session 3: Applications of Wireless Networks

Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Networks for Parallel, Cluster and Grid Computing Systems (PEN-PCGCS)

1st Workshop on Parallel Bioinspired Algorithms (PBA)