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ICIP 1994: Austin, Texas, USA
- Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, USA, November 13-16, 1994. IEEE Computer Society 1994, ISBN 0-8186-6950-0
Volume 3
- George W. Swenson Jr.:
Radio Astronomical Imaging from Coherence Data. 1-5
WA0: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Ernest M. Stokely, D. B. Twieg:
Reconstructing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Images Using Spatial Domain Priors. 6-10 - Sylvia K. Plevritis, Albert Macovski:
Alternative K-Space Sampling Distributions for MR Spectrososcopic Imaging. 11-14 - Xiaoping Hu
, Todd B. Parrish
, Maqbool Patel:
Novel Sampling Schemes in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 15-19 - Fernando E. Boada, Joseph S. Gillen, Keith R. Thulborn:
Optimized Data Acquisition, Reconstruction and Postprocessing Techniques for Quantitative Sodium Imaging. 20-24 - Clinton S. Potter, Zhi-Pei Liang, Carl D. Gregory, H. Douglas Morris, Paul C. Lauterbur:
Toward a Neuroscope: A Real-Time Imaging System for Evaluation of Brain Function. 25-29 - Yue Cao, David N. Levin:
Locally Focused Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 30-34 - John B. Weaver, Dennis M. Healy Jr.:
Acquisition of the Karhunen-Loeve Expansion to Reduce MR Imaging Times. 35-39 - Douglas C. Noll, Walter Schneider:
Theory, Simulation and Compensation of Physiological Motion Artifacts in Functional MRI. 40-44 - M. Smith, J. Zeng, A. Crawley:
A Moving Target: Evaluating Algorithms for Removing MRI Motion Artifacts. 45-48 - Hong Yan, Jingtong Mao, Yan Zhu, Benjamin Chen:
Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation Using Optimized Nearest Neighbor Classifiers. 49-52
WA1: Motion Estimation - Model Based
- Sanghoon Sull, Narendra Ahuja:
Estimation and Segmentation of Displacement Field Using Multiple Features. 53-57 - Stefano Soatto, Pietro Perona:
Recursive Estimation of Camera Motion from Uncalibrated Image Sequences. 58-62 - J. N. Pan, Yun Q. Shi, Chang-Qing Shu:
A Kalman Filter in Motion Analysis from Stereo Image Sequences. 63-67 - Leif Haglund, David J. Fleet
Stable Estimation of Image Orientation. 68-72 - Yucel Altunbasak, A. Murat Tekalp
, Gozde Bozdagi
Simultaneous Motion-Disparity Estimation and Segmentation from Stereo. 73-77 - Bijan G. Mobasseri, Sivakumar Doraiswamy:
Virtual Motion: 3-D Scene Recovery Using Focal Length-Induced Optic Flow. 78-82 - Arata Miyauchi, Akira Watanabe, Minami Miyauchi:
A Method to Interpret 3D Motion Using Neural Networks. 83-87 - Charles Kervrann, Fabrice Heitz
Robust Tracking of Stochastic Deformable Models in Long Image Sequences. 88-92 - Akitoshi Tsukamoto, Chil-Woo Lee, Saburo Tsuji:
Pose Estimation of Human Face Using Synthesized Model Images. 93-97 - Li-an Tang, Thomas S. Huang:
Analysis-Based Facial Expression Synthesis. 98-102
WA2: Fractal Image Coding
- Bernd Hürtgen, Stephan F. Simon:
On the Problem of Convergence in Fractal Coding Schemes. 103-106 - Takeshi Naemura
, Hiroshi Harashima:
Fractal Coding of a Multi-View 3-D Image. 107-111 - Kai Uwe Barthel, Jörg Schüttemeyer, Thomas Voyé, Peter Noll:
A New Image Coding Technique Unifying Fractal and Transform Coding. 112-116 - David W. Lin:
Fractal Image Coding as Generalized Predicitve Coding. 117-121 - Mohammad Gharavi-Alkhansari, Thomas S. Huang:
Fractal-Based Techniques for a Generalized Image Coding Method. 122-126 - Jaroslaw Domaszewicz, Vinay A. Vaishampayan
Iterative Collage Coding for Fractal Compression. 127-131 - In Kwon Kim, Rae-Hong Park
Image Coding Based on Fractal Approximation and Vector Quantization. 132-136 - Masayuki Kawamata, Masaki Nagahisa, Tatsuo Higuchi:
Multi-resolution Tree Search for Iterated Transformation Theory-Based Coding. 137-141 - Geir E. Øien:
Parameter Quantization in Fractal Image Coding. 142-146
WA3: Image Restoration II
- Yuji Nakazawa, Takahiro Saito, Takashi Komatsu, T. Sekimori, Kiyoharu Aizawa:
Two Approaches for Image-processing Based High Relolution Image Acquisition. 147-151 - Alex Sherstinsky, Rosalind W. Picard:
Orientation-sensitive Image Processing with M-Lattice - A Novel Nonlinear Dynamical System. 152-156 - Paulo Jorge S. G. Ferreira, Armando J. Pinho
Errorless Restoration Algorithms for Band-limited Images. 157-161 - Jeffrey A. Fessler:
A Mixture-Site Model for Edge-Preserving Image Restoration. 162-166 - Yu-Li You, Mostafa Kaveh:
A Simple Algorithm for Joint Blur Identification and Image Restoration. 167-171 - Chi-hsin Wu, Peter C. Doerschuk:
Computation of Bayesian Estimators for Markov Random Field Image Models Using the Cluster Approximation. 172-176 - Vladimir Z. Mesarovic, Nikolas P. Galatsanos:
Map and Regularized Constrained Total Least-Squares Image Restoration. 177-181 - Patrick L. Combettes
Convex Set Theoretic Image Recovery via Chaotic Iterations of Approximate Projections. 182-186 - Mark R. Banham, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
Multiscale Adaptive Image Restoration in the Wavelet Domain. 187-191 - Yongyi Yang, Henry Stark, Nikolas P. Galatsanos:
Gradient-Projection Blind Deconvolution. 192-196
WA4: Image Processing Applications
- Pingnan Shi, Rabab K. Ward:
Improving the Picture Quality of Cable Television. 197-201 - Chen-Chiung Hsieh, H. W. Chao, B. Chen, P. H. Shih:
Automatic Interpretation of Cadasters by Image Analysis Techniques. 202-206 - Noboru Babaguchi, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Tadahiro Kitahashi:
Generation of Sketch Map Drawing from Vectorized Image. 207-211 - M. Rossi, A. Bozzoli:
Tracking and Counting Moving People. 212-216 - Lester A. Gerhardt, Kwangik Hyun:
View Planning for Verification Using Machine Vision. 217-220 - Sukir S. Kumaresan, Hua Harry Li:
Hand-Eye Coordination of a Robot Manipulator Based on Fuzzy Logic. 221-225 - D. Krezeski, Robert E. Mercer, John L. Barron, Paul Joe, H. Zhang:
Strom Tracking in Doppler RAdar Images. 226-230 - Mark R. Dobie, Paul H. Lewis:
Extracting Curvilinear Features from Remotely Sensed Images Using Minimum Cost Path Techniques. 231-235 - Michael C. Burl, Usama M. Fayyad, Pietro Perona, Padhraic Smyth
Automated Analysis of Radar Imagery of Venus: Handling Lack of Ground Truth. 236-240 - Hui L. Zhang, Doyle E. Wilson, Gene H. Rouse:
Image Analysis and Application Systems in Quality Evalutaion and Predicition for Meat and Live Meat Animals. 241-244
WA5: Hierarchical Video Coding
- Eric Nguyen, Claude Labit, Jean-Marc Odobez
A ROI Approach for Hybrid Image Sequence Coding. 245-249 - Jens-Rainer Ohm:
Motion-Compensated 3-D Subband Coding with Multiresolution Representation of Motion Parameters. 250-254 - Jiebo Luo
, Chang Wen Chen, Kevin J. Parker, Thomas S. Huang:
Three Dimensional Subband Video Analysis and Synthesis with Adaptive Clustering in High Frequency Subbands. 255-259 - Baldine-Brunel Paul, Eric Viscito:
Hierarchical Motion Estimation with 2-Scale Tilings. 260-264 - Shrikanth S. Narayanan, Homayoun Shahri, Donald J. Youtkus, Minsky Luo:
Fast and Efficient Techniques for Motion Estimation Using Subband Analysis. 265-269 - B. Rouchouze, Pierre Mathieu, Thierry Gaidon, Michel Barlaud:
Motion Estimation Based on Markov Random Fields. 270-274 - Mohan Vishwanath, Philip A. Chou:
An Efficient Algorithm for Hierarchical Compression of Video. 275-279 - Christine Podilchuk:
Low-Bit Rate Subband Video Coding. 280-284 - Kwong H. Goh, John J. Soraghan, Tariq S. Durrani:
Multi-resolution Based Algorithms for Low Bit-rate Image Coding. 285-289
WA6: Computed Imaging
- Andreas Hess, Henning Scheich:
Three Dimensional Reconstructions of Brains from 2-Deoxyglucose Serial Section Autoradiographs. 290-294 - Dirk Van Dyck, Marc Op de Beeck:
Object Wavefunction Reconstruciton in High Resolution Electron Microscopy. 295-298 - Chao-Huan Hou, Hui Jiang:
A Method to Improve the Lateral Resolution of Ultrasonic Intravascular Imaging. 299-303 - Richard N. Czerwinski, Douglas L. Jones, William D. O'Brien Jr.:
Edge Detection in Ultrasound Speckle Noise. 304-308 - Peter Henry Tu, Andrew Zisserman, Ian A. Mason, Ingemar J. Cox
Identification of Events from 3D Volumes of Seismic Data. 309-313 - Timothy J. Schulz:
Phase-Error Correction for Coherent Array Imaging Systems. 314-318 - Y. B. Karasik:
On Implementation of Adaptive Local Coordinate Transformations in Optical Image Processing. 319-323
WA7: Wavelet Image Coding
- Zixiang Xiong, Kannan Ramchandran, Michael T. Orchard, Kohtaro Asai:
Wavelet Packets-Based Image Coding Using Joint Space-frequency Quantization. 324-328 - Patrice Onno, Christine Guillemot:
Wavelet Packet Coding with Jointly Optimized Lattice Vector Quantization and Data Rate Allocation. 329-333 - Shankar Venkataraman, Bernard C. Levy
Nonseparable Orthogonal Linear Phase Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks and Their Application to Image Compression. 334-338 - Birsen Yazici, Mary L. Comer
, Rangasami L. Kashyap, Edward J. Delp
A Tree Structured Bayesian Scalar Quantizer for Wavelet Based Image Compression. 339-342 - Hamid Jafarkhani
, Nariman Farvardin, C.-C. Lee:
Adaptive Image Coding Based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform. 343-347 - James P. Andrew, Philip Ogunbona
, Frank John Paoloni:
Coding Gain and Spatial Localisation Properties of Discrete Wavelet Transform Filter Banks for Image Coding. 348-352 - Michael G. Strintzis:
Optimal Selection of Multi-dimensional Biorhtogonal Wavelet Bases. 353-357 - James H. Kasner, Michael W. Marcellin:
Adaptive Wavelet Coding of Images. 358-362 - Young Huh, J. J. Hwang, K. R. Rao
Classified Wavelet Transform Coding of Images Using Two-Channel Conjugate Vector Quantization. 363-367 - Patrick C. Marais, Edwin H. Blake
, Alfons A. M. Kuijk:
Adaptive Spline-Wavelet Image Encoding and Real-Time Synthesis. 368-372 - Hai Tao, Robert J. Moorhead:
Lossless Progressive Transmission of Scientific Data Using Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform. 373-377 - Andreas Uhl:
Digital Image Compression Based on Non-stationary and Inhomogeneous Multiresolution Analysis. 378-382
WA8: Image Texture Modeling and Synthesis
- Alireza Khotanzad, Jesse Bennett:
A Correlation Structure Based Approach to Neighborhood Selection in Random Field Models of Texture Images. 383-387 - Michael T. Johnson, Mita D. Desai:
An Adaptive Approach for Texture Modelling. 388-391 - Thomas E. Hall, Georgios B. Giannakis
Image Modeling Using Inverse Filtering Criteria with Application to Texture Images. 392-396 - Peyman Milanfar, Robert R. Tenney, Robert B. Washburn, Alan S. Willsky:
Modeling and Estimation for a Class of Multiresolution Random Fields. 397-401 - Jennifer L. Davidson
, Ashit Talukder, Noel Cressie
Texture Analsyis Using Partially Ordered Markov Models. 402-406 - John R. Smith, Shih-Fu Chang:
Transform Features for Texture Classification and Discrimination in Large Image Databases. 407-411 - Markus H. Gross, Rolf M. Koch, Lars Lippert, A. Dreger:
Multiscale Image Texture Analysis in Wavelet Spaces. 412-416 - Jagath Samarabandu, Raj Acharya:
Multi-resolution Texture Analysis of Self-Similar Textures Using Hierarchical Gaussian Markov Random Field Models. 417-420 - Petros Maragos, Alan C. Bovik:
Demodulation of Images Modeled by Amplitude-Frequency Modulations Using Multidimensional Energy Separation. 421-425 - Raja Ghozi, Bernard C. Levy
Critical Markov Random Fields and Fractional Brownian Motion in Texture Synthesis. 426-430 - Carmen Olga Acuna:
An Application of the Bivariate Pseudolikelihood to Texture Synthesis. 431-435 - Tao-I Hsu, Roland Wilson:
Gesture Analysis Using a Generalised Wavelet Transform. 436-440 - Kamran Etemad, Rama Chellappa:
Separability Based Tree Structured Local Basis Selection for Texture Classification. 441-445 - Yan Qiu Chen, Mark S. Nixon, David W. Thomas:
Texture Classification Using Statistical Geometrical Features. 446-450 - Mark R. Luettgen, Thomas G. Allen, Robert R. Tenney:
Likelihood-Based Texture Discrimination with Multiscale Stochastic Models. 451-455
WA9: Image Segmentation
- Tianhu Lei, Wilfred Sewchand:
Eigenstructure Approach to Region Detection and Segmentation. 456-459 - Michael W. Hansen, William E. Higgins:
Watershed-Driven Relaxation Labeling for Image Segmentation. 460-464 - Sally L. Wood:
A Comparison of Resolution Requirements for Boundary Estimation from Binary and Grey Scale Images. 465-469 - R. Kara Falah, Philippe Bolon, Jean Pierre Cocquerez:
A Region-Region and Region-Edge Cooperative Approach of Image Segmentation. 470-474 - James T. Miller, Ching-Chung Li:
Segmentation of Object Surfaces Using the Haar Wavelet at Multiple Resolutions. 475-477 - Scott T. Acton, Alan C. Bovik, Melba M. Crawford:
Anisotropic Diffusion Pyramids for Image Segmentation. 478-482 - Jing Zhou, Xiang Fang, Bijoy K. Ghosh:
Image Segmentation Based on Multiresolution Filtering. 483-487 - Russell E. Muzzolini, Yee-Hong Yang, Roger A. Pierson
Three Dimensional Segmentation of Volume Data. 488-492 - Chang Wen Chen, Jiebo Luo
, Kevin J. Parker, Thomas S. Huang:
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation. 493-497 - Stefano Cagnoni
, A. B. Dobrzeniecki, J. C. Yanch, Riccardo Poli
Interactive Segmentation of Multi-Dimensional Medical Data with Contour-Based Application of Genetic Algorithms. 498-502 - Mourad Djebali, Mahmoud Melkemi, Denis Vandorpe:
3-D Range Images Segmentation Based on Deriche's Optimum Filters. 503-507 - Homer H. Pien, John M. Gauch:
Variational Segmentation of Multi-Channel MRI Images. 508-512 - Mohammed Bennamoun
, Boualem Boashash:
Integrataion of a Part Segmentation Based Vision System. 513-517 - Claude C. Chibelushi
, Farzin Deravi, John S. Mason:
Face Segmentation Using Fuzzy Reasoning. 518-522
WP0: Medical Imaging Modalities
- Graham A. Wright:
Signal Acquisition and Processing for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 523-527 - James G. McNally:
Computational Optical Sectioning Microscopy for 3D Quantification of Cell Motion: Results and Challenges. 528-532 - Jens U. Quistgaard:
Ultrasonic Image Formation: Implications for the Image Processing Practitioner. 533-537 - Peter C. Doerschuk:
X-ray Crystallographic Imaging. 538-542 - John M. Ollinger:
Positron Emision Tomography: Physical Models and Reconstruction Issues. 543-547 - Dana H. Brooks, Robert S. MacLeod
Imaging the Electrical Activity of the Heart: Direct and Inverse Approaches. 548-552
WP1: Interpolation and Spatial Transformation
- Brian C. Tom, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
, Nikolas P. Galatsanos:
Reconstruction of a High Resolution Image from Registration and Restoration of Low Resolution Images. 553-557 - Michael Unser
, Matthew A. Neimark, Chulhee Lee:
Affine Transformations of Images: A Least Squares Formulation. 558-561 - Sophie-Anne Thobie:
An Advanced Interpolation for Synthetical Animation. 562-566 - Riccardo Bernardini, Guido M. Cortelazzo, Gian Antonio Mian:
A New ID FFT-Based Algorithm for Computing the MD FFT on Arbitrary Lattices. 567-570 - N. K. Bose, H. C. Kim, B. Zhou:
Performance Analysis of the TLS Algorithm for Image Reconstruction from a Sequence of Undersampled Noisy and Blurred Frames. 571-575 - William E. Hart, Michael H. Goldbaum:
Registering Retinal Images Using Automatically Selected Control Point Pairs. 576-580 - Hong Chen, Gary E. Ford:
An FIR Image Interpolation Filter Design Method Based on Properties of Human Vision. 581-585 - Benoît Simon, Benoît Macq:
New Overlapped Block Reconstruction for Tree-Structured Decomposition of Images. 586-590
WP2: Video Signal Processors
- Kiyoharu Aizawa, Hideo Ohno, Takayuki Hamamoto
, Mitsutoshi Hatori, Junichi Yamazaki:
A Novel Image Sensor for Video Compression. 591-595 - Rob A. Yates, Stephen J. Evans, Peter A. Ivey:
A 1.2 Billion Operations per Second Video Signal Processing Chip. 596-600 - John Goodenough, Richard J. Meacham, Jonathan D. Morris, Nicholas Luke Seed, Peter A. Ivey:
A General Purpose, Single Chip Video Signal Processing (VSP) Architecture for Image Processing, Coding and Computer Vision. 601-605 - Vishnu Srinivasan, K. J. Ray Liu:
Full Custom VLSI Implementation of High-Speed 2-D DCT/IDCT Chip. 606-610 - Steve Molloy, Brian Schoner, Avanindra Madisetti, Rajeev Jain, Roy Matic:
An Algorithm-Driven Processor Design for Video Compression. 611-615 - H. Pavie, M. Rebiai, F. Pinson, A. Smolarz:
Real Time Video Architecture of a Texture Generator for Digital Video Production. 616-620 - Richard G. Hier, Sherman E. DeForest:
Image Content Based Improvements to Locally Adaptive Video Enhancement. 621-624
WP3: Architectures
- Martin P. Boliek, James D. Allen, Edward L. Schwartz, Michael J. Gormish:
Very High Speed Entropy Coding. 625-629 - Vladimir A. Shapiro, Valentin H. Ivanov:
Real-Time Hough/Radon Transform: Algorithm and Architectures. 630-634 - Joachim Denzler, Dietrich Paulus:
Active Motion Detection and Object Tracking. 635-639 - Min Xue, Timothy Hanson, Alain Mérigot:
A Massively Parallel Implementation of Fractal Image Compression. 640-644 - Jouko O. Viitanen, Jarmo Takala:
SIMD Parallel Calculation of Distance Transformations. 645-649 - Georgios Angelopoulos, Ioannis Pitas:
Two-Dimensional Vector Median Filters on Mesh Connected Computers. 650-653 - Alberto Broggi, Gianni Conte, G. Burzio, Luciano Lavagno, Francesco Gregoretti, Claudio Sansoè
, Leonardo Maria Reyneri:
PAPRICA-3: A Real-Time Morhphological Image Processor. 654-658 - Neucimar Jerônimo Leite, Marcelo Alves de Barros:
A Highly Reconfigurable Neighborhood Image Processor Based on Functional Programming. 659-663 - Prasad V. Lakamsani, Ruikang Yang, Bing Zeng, Ming L. Liou:
Design and Implemenation of a Programmable Stack Filter. 664-667 - Belle W. Y. Wei, Teresa H.-Y. Meng:
A Programmable Parallel Huffman Decoder. 668-671 - Ihtisham Kabir, Michael Hsieh, Walt Donovan, Aman Jabbi, William Radke:
Programmable Image Processing in a Memory Controller. 672-677 - John Goodenough, A. J. Shelley, Nicholas Luke Seed
HART, A Heterogeneous Architecture for Real-Time Prototyping, Development and Implementation of Machine Vision Applications. 678-680 - James J. Clark, Robert P. Hewes:
MIMD Image Analysis with Local Agents. 681-685
WP4: Biomedical Image Processing
- Stephanie Sandor, Richard M. Leahy:
Matching Deformable Atlas Models to Preprocessed Magnetic Resonance Brain Images. 686-690 - Qian Huang, George C. Stockman:
Model-Based Automatic Recognition of Blood Vessels from MR images and Its 3D Visualization. 691-695 - Ana Maria Mendonça
, Aurélio C. Campilho
, José Manuel Rodrigues Nunes:
A New Similarity Criterion for Retinal Image Registration. 696-700 - Christiaan Fivez, Patrick Wambacq
, Emiel Schoeters, André Oosterlinck, Piet Vuylsteke:
A Novel Method for Scattered Radiation Compensation in X-Ray Imaging Systems, Using Partially Transparent Shields (PTS). 701-705 - Jean-Philippe Thiran
, Benoît Macq, Jacques Mairesse:
Morphological Classification of Cancerous Cells. 706-710 - Wei Qian, Laurence P. Clarke:
Adaptive Multistage Nonlinear Filtering and Wavelet for Medical Image Enhancement. 711-715 - Aline Deruyver, Yann Hodé, L. Soufflet:
A Segmentation Technique for Cerebral NMR Images. 716-720 - Jian-Hong Hu, Yao Wang
, Patrick T. Cahill:
Segmentation Based Linear Predictive Coding of Mulitspectral Images. 721-725 - Edward A. Ashton, Michel J. Berg, Kevin J. Parker, Jeffrey Weisberg, Chang Wen Chen, Leena Ketonen:
Segmentation and Features Extraction Techniques, with Applications to Biomedical Images. 726-730 - Wen-Hung Liao
, Shanti J. Aggarwal, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Reconstruction of Cynamic 3-D Structures of Biological Objects Using Stereo Microscopy. 731-735
WP5: Motion Estimation for Video Coding
- Shih-Yu Huang, Jin-Rong Chen, Jia-Shung Wang, Kuen-Rong Hsieh, Hong-Yih Hsieh:
Classified Variable Block Size Motion Estimation Algorithm for Image Sequence Coding. 736-740 - Yiu-Hung Fok, Oscar C. Au:
An Improved Fast Feature-Based Block Motion Estimation. 741-745 - Bernhard Wegmann:
Motion-Compensating Prediction within Spatiotemporal Bandpass Outputs Based on a Feature Specific Vector Representation. 746-750 - Iole Moccagatta, Fabrice Moscheni, Markus Schütz, Frédéric Dufaux:
A Motion Field Segmentation to Improve Moving Edges Reconstruction in Video Coding. 751-755 - Patrick Brigger, Serge Ayer, Murat Kunt:
Morhphological Shape Representation of Segmented Images Based on Temporally Modeled Motion Vectors. 756-760 - Wei-Ge Chen, N. Nandhakumar, Worthy N. Martin:
Investigating a New Visual Cue for Image Motion Estimation: "Motion-from-Smear". 761-765 - Esfandiar Bandari, James J. Little:
Cooperative Analysis of Multiple Frames by Visual Echoes. 766-770 - Ut-Va Koc, K. J. Ray Liu:
Discrete-Cosine/Sine-Transform Based Motion Estimation. 771-775 - Mehdi Khosravi, Ronald W. Schafer:
Low Complexity Matching Criteria for Image/Video Applications. 776-780 - Frank Müller:
On the Motion Compensated Prediction Error Using True Motion Fields. 781-785
WP6: Software Systems
- Phillip R. Romig III, Ashok Samal:
DeViouS: A Distributed Environment for Vision Tasks. 786-790 - Joseph M. Reinhardt
, William E. Higgins:
Automatic Generation of Image-Segmentation Processes. 791-795 - Steve A. Chien:
Automated Synthesis of Image Processing Procedures for a Large-Scale Image Database. 796-800 - Giuseppe Boccignone
, Angelo Chianese, Massimo De Santo, Antonio Picariello:
A Software Architecture for Medical Image Processing Stations. 801-805 - Fadi Sandakly, Gérard Giraudon:
Scene Analysis System. 806-810 - Michael S. Moore, Gabor Karsai, Janos Sztipanovits:
Model-Based Programming for Parallel Image Processing. 811-815 - Olivier Capdevielle, Patrice Dalle:
Image Processing Chain Construction by Interactive Goal Specification. 816-820 - Qian Huang:
A General Vision Problem Solving Architecture: Hierarchical Token Grouping. 821-825 - Gregory S. Cunningham
, Kenneth M. Hanson, G. R. Jennings Jr., David R. Wolf:
An Object-oriented Optimization System. 826-830 - Jason M. Daida:
Hybrid Computational Architectures for Image Segmentation. 831-835
WP7: Image Coding III
- Rick A. Vander Kam, Robert M. Gray:
Lossy Compression of Clustered-Dot Halftones. 836-840 - Nasir D. Memon
, Sibabrata Ray, Khalid Sayood:
Differential Lossless Encoding of Images Using Non-linear Predictive Techniques. 841-845 - Kris Popat, Rosalind W. Picard:
Exaggerated Consensus in Lossless Image Compression. 846-850 - Mourad Abdat, Maurice G. Bellanger:
Combining Gray Coding and JBIG for Lossless Image Compression. 851-855 - Antonio Ortega, Martin Vetterli:
Adaptive Quantization without Side Information. 856-860 - Rosa Lancini, Stefano Tubaro:
Progressive Image Transmission Based on Image Projections. 861-865 - Ramin Baseri, James W. Modestino:
Region-Based Coding of Images Using A Spline Model. 866-870 - Tian-Hu Yu, Sanjit K. Mitra:
A Novel DPCM Algorithm Using a Nonlinear Operator. 871-875 - Christopher F. Barnes:
Adaptive Successive Approximation Quantization of Image Waveforms with Efficient Codebook Updates. 876-880 - Xavier Ginesta, Seung P. Kim:
Semi-adaptive Context-Tree Based Lossless Image Compression. 881-883 - Sepideh H. Fatemi, Russell M. Mersereau, Kwan K. Truong:
Optimal Threshold Selection in Hierarchical Coders for Images and Video. 884-888
WP8: Neural Networks
- Tülay Adali, Yue Joseph Wang:
Probabilistic Neural Networks for Medical Image Quantification. 889-892 - Armando J. Pinho
, Luís B. Almeida:
Some Results on Edge Enhancement with Neural Networks. 893-897 - Robert D. Dony, Simon Haykin:
Self-Organizing Segmentor and Feature Extractor. 898-902 - Paul Schumacher, Jun Zhang:
Texture Classification Using Neural Networks and Discrete Wavelet Transform. 903-907 - Mikiya Sase, Naoyuki Kinoshita, Yukio Kosugi:
A Neural Network for Fusing the MR Information into PET Images to Improve Spatial Resolution. 908-911 - Edward S. Dunstone:
Image Processing Using an Image Approximation Neural Network. 912-916 - Jenq-Neng Hwang, Yen-Hao Tseng:
Motion Estimation of Partially Viewed 3-D Objects Based on a Coninuous Distance Tranform Neural Network. 917-921 - Bruce E. Watkins, Murali Tummala:
Classification Vector Quantization of Image Data Using Competitive Learning. 922-925 - Greg I. Chiou, Jenq-Neng Hwang:
Image Sequence Classification Using a Neural Network Based Active Contour Model and a Hidden Markov Model. 926-930 - Steven D. Beck, Larry M. Deuser:
Automatic Classification of Acoustic Sequences by Multiresolution Image Processing and Neural Networks. 931-935 - Mohamad Hani Ahmad Fadzil, Abu Bakar H.:
Human Face Recognition Using Neural Networks. 936-939 - Da Deng, Kwok Ping Chan, Yinglin Yu:
Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using Spatial Gabor Filters and Self-Organizing Feature Maps. 940-944 - Giancarlo Parodi, Filippo Passaggio:
Size-Adaptive Neural Network for Image Compression. 945-947 - Steve G. Romaniuk:
Applying Constructed Neural Networks to Lossless Image Compression. 948-952 - Stefan Jockusch, Helge J. Ritter:
Analysis-by-Synthesis and Example Based Animation with Topology Conserving Neural Nets. 953-957
WP9: Color Image Processing and Representation
- Phillip A. Mlsna, Jeffrey J. Rodríguez:
Explosion of Multidimensional Image Histograms. 958-962 - Anil M. Murching, John W. Woods:
Adaptive Subsampling of Color Images. 963-966 - Marc P. Tremblay, André Zaccarin:
Transmission of the Color Information Using Quad-trees and Segmentation-Based Approaches for the Compression of Color Images with Limited Palette. 967-971 - Chen-Kuei Yang, Ja-Chen Lin, Wen-Hsiang Tsai:
Color Image Compression by Moment-Preserving and Block Truncation Coding Techniques. 972-976 - Thierry Carron, Patrick Lambert:
Color Edge Detector Using Jointly Hue, Saturation and Intensity. 977-981 - Marie-Pierre Dubuisson-Jolly, Anil K. Jain:
Fusing Color and Edge Information for Object Matching. 982-986 - James Z. Chang, Jan P. Allebach, Charles A. Bouman:
Optimal Sequential Linear Interpolation Applied ot Nonlinear Color Transformations. 987-991 - Peter Ferschin, Ingeborg Tastl, Werner Purgathofer:
A Comparison of Techniques for the Transformation of Radiosity Values to Monitor Colors. 992-996 - Gao-Wei Chang, Yung-Chang Chen, King-Lung Huang:
Adaptive Color Controller for Image Scanning and Printing Devices. 997-1001 - Gabriel G. Marcu, Satoshi Abe:
Color Separation for Printing with Non-Standard Inks. 1002-1005 - H. Joel Trussell, Manish S. Kulkarni:
Estimation of Color Under Fluorescent Illuminants. 1006-1010 - Alain Trémeau, Bernard Laget:
A Local Spatiocolor Analysis Applied to Pattern Segmentation. 1011-1015 - Yuukou Horita, Tadakuni Murai, Makoto Miyahara:
Region Segmentation Using K-Mean Clustering and Genetic Algorithms. 1016-1020 - Kari Saarinen:
Color Image Segmentation by a Watershed Algorithm and Region Adjacency Graph Processing. 1021-1025 - Alfred C. She, Thomas S. Huang:
Segmentation of Road Scenes Using Color and Fractal-Based Texture Classification. 1026-1030 - Benjamin M. W. Tsui:
Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (Spect) Imaging. ICIP (3) 1994: 1031-1035
Other Volumes

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