dblp: ICCD 2011

ICCD 2011: Amherst, MA, USA

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Keynote Sessions

Session 1

Networks on Chip (Systems Track)

Efficient Energy Architectures (Architecture Track)

Recent Advances in EDA (EDA Track)

Session 2

Test and Verification

Microarchitectural Techniques (Architecture Track)

Memristor and Signal Processing (Logic and Circuits Track)

Session 3

Energy and Thermal-Aware Design (Systems Track)

Reversible Logic and Special Arithmetic Blocks (Logic and Circuits Track)

Session 4

Best Papers

Session 5

New Techniques for System-Level Simulation and Optimization (EDA Track)

Topology and Physical Design (Logic and Circuits Track)

Session 6

Special Session on Hardware Trust: Capture the Chip

Session 7

Memories and Caches (Logic and Circuits Track)

Systems Potpourri (Systems Track)

Session 8

Memory and Cache Architectures (Systems Track)

Reliable and Adaptive Architectures (Architecture Track)

Poster Session