dblp: International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks 2009

18th ICCCN 2009: San Francisco, California, USA

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MQoS: Track on multimedia and QoS

ISSA 1: Track on Internet services, systems and applications

EWTP: Track on emerging wireless technologies and platforms

ON 1: Track on optical networking

ISSA 2: Track on Internet services, systems and applications

WCSP 1: Track on wireless communication and signal processing

PCGN: Track on pervasive computing and grid networking

ON 2: Track on optical networking

ISSA 3: Track on Internet services, systems and applications

WCSP 2: Track on wireless communication and signal processing

NAP 1: Track on network architecture and protocols

WASN 1: Track on wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks

WCSP 3: Track on wireless communication and signal processing

NAP 2: Track on network architecture and protocols

WASN 2: Track on wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks

P2PN 1: Track on peer-to-peer networking

NAPE 1: Track on network algorithms and performance evaluation

WASN 3: Track on wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks

NSP 1: Track on network security and privacy

P2PN 2: Track on peer-to-peer networking

NAPE 2: Track on network algorithms and performance evaluation

WASN 4: Track on wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks

NSP 2: Track on network security and privacy

NAPE 3: Track on network algorithms and performance evaluation

WASN 5: Track on wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks

NSP 3: Track on network security and privacy

NAPE 4: Track on network algorithms and performance evaluation

WASN 6: Track on wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks

NSP 4: Track on network security and privacy

International Workshop on Performance Modeling and Evaluation in Computer and Telecommunication Networks (PMECT)

Session I: Large-scale Networks

Session II: Signaling and storage

Session III: Wireless sensor networks

International Workshop on Sensor Networks (SN'2009)

Session-I: Security and Applications

Session-II: Topology, Routing, and Energy Efficiency

Session-III: Architecture, Simulations, Testbed, and Various Good Things

International Workshop on Cognitive Networks and Communications (CogCom)

Session-I: Spectrum management

Session-II: Cognitive networking and cognition techniques

Session-III: Industry Topics and Applications

International Workshop on Multimedia Computing and Communications (MCC)

International Workshop on Privacy and Trust of Computer and Cyber-Physical Networks (SecureCPN)

Session-I: Network Security Protocols

Session-II: System and Theoretical Aspects of Network Security

International Workshop on Grid and P2P Systems and Applications (GridPeer)

Session-I: Streaming, Search, and Sharing

Session-II: Modeling, Measurement, QoS and Security

International Workshop on Nano, Molecular, and Quantum Communications (NanoCom)