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ECAI 2020: Bucharest, Romania
- 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2020, Bucharest, Romania, June 25-27, 2020. IEEE 2020, ISBN 978-1-7281-6843-2
- Cristian Negrescu:
Welcome Message. i - Takeshi Yamakawa:
Welcome Message. i - Horia-Nicolai L. Teodorescu:
Reflecting on virtual communication of science and pseudo-science: Benefits and epistemological pitfalls of virtual conferences and education [Opening Address at ECAI2020]. i - Ioan Cristian Hoarca, Nicu Bizon, Florentina-Magda Enescu:
The design of the graphical interface for the SCADA system on an industrial platform. 1-6 - Ioana Udrea, Silviu Petrache, Georgeta Ionascu, Cristian Gabriel Alionte
, Viorel Ionut Gheorghe, Tudor Catalin Apostolescu, Laurentiu Adrian Cartal:
Optimizing the Placement of Indoor Thermal Climate Sensors of an Iot Solution. 1-6 - Marina Barbu, Anamaria Radoi, George Suciu:
Landslide Monitoring using Convolutional Autoencoders. 1-6 - Ecaterina Chelaru, Gheorghe Grigoras
Decision Support System to Determine the Replacement Ranking of the Aged Transformers in Electric Distribution Networks. 1-6 - Maria Simona Raboaca, Nicu Bizon, Oana Vasilica Grosu
Energy management strategies for hybrid electric vehicles - vosviwer bibliometric analysis. 1-8 - Constanta Zoie Radulescu
, Delia Mihaela Radulescu:
A performance and power consumption analysis based on processor power models. 1-4 - Jyoti Prakash Mishra, Zdzislaw Polkowski, Sambit Kumar Mishra:
Performance of cloudlets in task implementation using ant colony optimization technique. 1-6 - Mihaela Cristina Turcu, Mihai Iordache, Razvan Asanache
, Alexandru Grib
, Teodor Catalin Bibirica, Maria-Lavinia Iordache Bobaru:
Smart Integrative System for the Battery Balance Monitoring. 1-10 - Dragos Lia, Mihai Togan:
Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Using Federated Learning and Secure Aggregation. 1-6 - Mihai Oproescu, Vasile-Gabriel Iana, Nicu Bizon, Daniel-Constantin Anghel
, Alexandra Sirghie, Ovidiu-Constantin Novac:
Mechanical ventilation device with adapted parameters to assist patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 1-6 - Marcel Nicola
, Claudiu-Ionel Nicola
, Marian Duta:
Sensorless Control of PMSM using FOC Strategy based on LADRC Speed Controller. 1-6 - Radu Jubleanu, Dumitru Cazacu, Nicu Bizon:
Stress in cylindrical and toroidal superconducting coils. 1-6 - Viorel Ionut Gheorghe, Silviu Petrache, Laurentiu Adrian Cartal
, Alexandra Rotaru
, Ionut Iulian Tudorache:
Minirover with Mixed Suspension System. 1-6 - Ionela-Cristina Voicu Zainea, Silviu Ciochina, Andrei Anghel:
A multiple choice OMP algorithm for DOA estimation. 1-5 - Marius-Alexandru Dobrea, Mihaela Vasluianu, Giorgian Neculoiu, Stefan Bichiu:
Data Security in Smart Grid. 1-6 - Alexandru Costache, Dan Popescu, Stefan Alexandru Mocanu, Loretta Ichim:
Target Audience Response Analysis in Out-of-home Advertising Using Computer Vision. 1-6 - Humam K. Majeed Al-Chalabi, Aqeel M. Ali Hussein:
Ontology Applications in E-Learning Systems. 1-6 - Badre Bossoufi, Hala Alami Aroussi
, Manale Boderbala:
Direct Power Control of Wind Power Systems based on DFIG-Generator (WECS). 1-6 - M. Sohaib Ul Hassan, Umar S. Khan, Sajid Gul Khawaja
Design Space Exploration Scheme for Mapping Convolutional Neural Network on Zynq Zedboard. 1-5 - Adriana-Gabriela Plaiasu
, Mihai Oproescu, Daniel-Constantin Anghel
, Alexandru Sirghie, Vasile-Gabriel Iana:
Design of a mechatronic solution for the protection of personnel professionally exposed to SARS-CoV-2 virus contamination. 1-6 - Paul Diaconescu, Victor-Emil Neagoe:
Credit Scoring Using Deep Learning Driven by Optimization Algorithms. 1-6 - Cosmin-Constantin Mihai, Ciprian Lupu, Andrei-Alexandru Vulpe:
Using graphics processing units and openGL in adaptive-robust real time control. 1-4 - Ciprian Chiriac:
Optimal use of Inverse Distance Weighting method for temperature prediction. 1-7 - Thitimanan Damrongsakmethee, Victor-Emil Neagoe:
Stock Market Prediction Using a Deep Learning Approach. 1-6 - Weerayut Krungklang, Sukree Sinthupinyo:
An Analysis of Natural Language Text Relating to Thai Criminal Law. 1-6 - Sorin Orboiu, Horia Andrei:
Analyze of Eco-financial Impact of PV System Integration in Educational Institutions. Case Study in Romania. 1-4 - Diana-Andreea Arsene, Bogdan-Ionut Pahontu, Mariana Mocanu:
A Survey on Decision Support Systems in Water Management. 1-6 - Nguyen Hoang Viet
, Nicolae Paraschiv:
An Investigation on Twelve Sectors Direct Torque Control for Induction Motors fed by Matrix Converter. 1-5 - Rodica-Mihaela Teodorescu
Virtual Tool For Analysis of Some Elemental Signals. 1-6 - Maria Simona Raboaca, Ana Maria Nasture, Alin Corbu:
SWOT of renewable energy sources in Romania. 1-4 - Dorian Floarea, Valentin Sgârciu:
Indoor positioning using Cell of Origin and LANDMARC approach. 1-5 - Grigore Stamatescu, Iulia Stamatescu
, Nicoleta Arghira, Ioana Fagarasan
Cybersecurity Perspectives for Smart Building Automation Systems. 1-5 - Sofia Loredana Tudor, Claudiu Langa
, Ionut Bulgaru, Adriana Nicoleta Lazar:
Study on the development of entrepreneurial culture in the university environment. 1-4 - Octavian Ionescu, Cristina Besleaga, Viorel Dumitru, Emil Pricop
UAV identification system based on memristor physical unclonable functions. 1-4 - Mihai Oproescu, Nicu Bizon, Elena Carcadea, Mihai Culcer, Mariana Iliescu
, Mircea Raceanu, Sorin Ioan Sorlei:
Performance of the load-following control switched to the air and hydrogen regulators of the fuel cell system. 1-6 - Radu Dogaru, Ioana Dogaru:
Fast Training of Light Binary Convolutional Neural Networks using Chainer and Cupy. 1-4 - Ovidiu-Constantin Novac, Cristian Chilba, Cornelia Mihaela Novac, Cornelia Gordan, Mircea Gordan, Gyöngyi Bujdosó
Comparison of DotKernel and Symfony as PHP frameworks. 1-4 - Narmeen N. Al-Hiyari
, Shaidah S. Jusoh
The Current Trends of Virtual Reality Applications in Medical Education. 1-6 - Alexandru Ene, Cosmin Stirbu:
Automatic generation of quizzes for C programming language. 1-4 - Mihaela Alexia Popescu, Sofia Loredana Tudor:
The Coordinates of A Flexible Learning Model in Virtual Classroom. 1-4 - Florentina-Magda Enescu, Valeriu Manuel Ionescu:
Using Blockchain in the agri-food sector following SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. 1-6 - Eugen Neacsu, Paul Schiopu:
An Analysis of Security Threats in VoIP Communication Systems. 1-6 - Constantin Nila
, Victor Patriciu:
Taking advantage of unsupervised learning in incident response. 1-6 - Henri George Coanda, George Ilie:
Design and implementation of an embedded system for data transfer in a car using CAN protocol. 1-4 - Andreea Nedelcu, Bogdan Nedelcu
, Ioan-Alexandru Sgârciu, Valentin Sgarciu:
Data Mining Techniques for Employee Evaluation. 1-6 - Grigore-Adrian Iordachescu:
Fast Method for Detecting Geographical Center of Romania using AutoCAD. 1-6 - Catalina-Daiana Tomescu, Alina-Mihaela Badescu
A software platform for monitoring radiation detection systems. 1-4 - Vlad-Valentin Fireteanu:
Agile Methodology Advantages when delivering Internet of Things projects. 1-5 - Angel Ciprian Cormos, Razvan Andrei Gheorghiu, Valentin Alexandru Stan, Ion Spirea Danaila:
Use of TensorFlow and OpenCV to detect vehicles. 1-4 - Sebastian-Lucian Muraru, Paula Condruz, Irina Calciu:
Development of software for optimizing the fertilization of agricultural crop. 1-6 - Elena-Casiana Fusu, Mihai-Lica Pura:
ROetry: First Steps Towards Computer Generated Poetry in Romanian Language. 1-6 - Ioan Cristian Hoarca, Florentina-Magda Enescu, Nicu Bizon:
Comparative study regarding the integration of photovoltaic sources in agriculture. 1-6 - Adriana-Gabriela Plaiasu
, Ionela Niculescu, Emanuel Soare:
Continuing Education - Alternative for Capitalizing of the Professional Development Needs of Teachers. 1-5 - George Cosmin Stanica
, Petre Anghelescu
Software implementation of a two-dimensional cellular automaton. 1-4 - Marius Ionescu:
Analysis of blood by Spectroscopy Near Infrared. 1-6 - Kareem Abdulameer Difar, Moataz Jalil Jasim, Ali Hussein Nema, Mustafa Khaleel Hamadani, Amer Abbood al-Behadili
A Full Study of the Conductivity of the Ionosphere for Iraq and Romania Regions. 1-5 - Nicu Bizon, Sorin Ioan Sorlei, Elena Carcadea, Mihai Culcer, Mariana Iliescu
, Mircea Raceanu:
Sensitivity Analysis Based on the Defined Load Threshold for a new Fuel Economy Strategy used in Fuel Cell Vehicles. 1-6 - Alexey Nekrasov, Anton Nekrasov, Vadim Bolshev
, Michal Jasiñski:
Evaluation of bearing assembly lifespan for electric motors - a case study on agriculture. 1-4 - Adrian Mihai Iuoras, Norbert Csaba Szekely, Liviu Danut Vitan
, Mircea Bojan, Petre Dorel Teodosescu:
AC home appliances retrofiting for DC microgrids. 1-6 - Cristian Patrascioiu, Marian Popescu
Control System for Natural Gas Compression of Sinca Plant. 1-6 - Manole-Stefan Niculescu, Adriana Florescu, Sever Pasca:
Portable Biochemistry Analyzer Based on Image Acquisition Algorithm. 1-6 - Mihai Daniel Radu, Ilona Madalina Costea, Valentin Alexandru Stan:
Automatic Traffic Sign Recognition Artificial Inteligence - Deep Learning Algorithm. 1-4 - Cristian Monea:
Improved Signal Models for Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy. 1-4 - Sorin Soviany, Sorin Puscoci, Virginia Sandulescu:
A Biometric Identification System with Kernel SVM and Feature-level Fusion. 1-6 - Ilie Cristian Dorobat
, Vlad Posea
Evolving the DSpace Storage into Linked Data. 1-5 - Aurel Mihail Titu, Alexandru Stanciu:
Acquiring businesss intelligence through data science: A practical approach. 1-6 - Petre Anghelescu
, Ionela-Mariana Ionescu, Marian-Bogdan Bodea:
Design and implementation of a visual cryptography application. 1-4 - Irina Cristescu, Alexandru Balog, Lidia Bajenaru
Quality in use measures for an AAL system for older adults. 1-4 - Valeriu Manuel Ionescu, Florentina-Magda Enescu:
Low cost thermal sensor array for wide area monitoring. 1-4 - Humam K. Majeed Al-Chalabi, Aqeel M. Ali Hussein:
Pedagogical Approaches in Adaptive E-learning Systems. 1-4 - Andrei Vulpe, Ciprian Lupu, Cosmin Mihai:
Research on infrared body temperature measurement - virus spreading prevention. 1-4 - Alexandra Enescu, Horia Andrei, Emil Mihai Diaconu, Nicoleta Angelescu:
Financial and technical forecast analysis of a cogeneration biomas plant - Case study in Romania. 1-5 - David-Traian Iancu, Alexandru Sorici, Adina Magda Florea
Neural road semantic segmentation in driving scenarios. 1-6 - George Suciu, Cristian Balanean, Adrian Pasat
, Cristiana Istrate, Ijaz Hussain, Rafaela Matei:
A new concept of smart shopping platform based on IoT solutions. 1-4 - Toheed Ullah, Aftab Khan, Muhammad Waleed
Reinforcement Learning for Enhanced Content Based Video Frame Retrieval System in Low Resolution Videos. 1-6 - Ioan Cristian Hoarca:
Determining Human Presence through the Analysis of the Electric Field using MATLAB environment. 1-6 - Ion Panfilii, Radu-Emil Precup
, Raul-Cristian Roman
, Emil M. Petriu:
Wilt Dataset-based Comparative Analysis of Three Neural Networks. 1-6 - Bogdan-Adrian Enache, Sorin-Dan Grigorescu, Ioana-Raluca Adochiei, Cristina-Daniela Eanche, Daniel Iulian Voiculescu, Violeta Argatu, Alexandra Nistor, Luminita-Mirela Constantinescu, Constantin Stoica:
Didactic Implementation of a Real-Time Biomonitoring Platform. 1-4 - Alexandru Predescu
, Mariana Mocanu:
A data driven survey of video games. 1-6 - Mihai Oproescu, Adriana-Gabriela Plaiasu
, Ionela Niculescu, Viorel Nicolae:
The challenges of the online teaching process - a short review. 1-4 - Razvan Andrei Gheorghiu
, Victor Stoica, Valentin Iordache:
Reliability analysis for laboratory development of a traffic light controller. 1-6 - Cornel Barbut:
New Human Networks for Deployments of Future Fiber Optic Networks. 1-4 - Dorel Aiordachioaie, Theodor D. Popescu, Sorin Marius Pavel:
On Change Detection in the Complexity of Time Series. 1-6 - Hasan Koyuncu
Loss Function Selection in NN based Classifiers: Try-outs with a Novel Method. 1-6 - Marta R. Jablonska, Zdzislaw Polkowski:
Internet Hate speech - case study of Poland, Romania, India and Bulgaria. 1-5 - Dan-Constantin Puchianu, Nicoleta Angelescu, Gabriel Predusca
, Liana-Denisa Circiumarescu, Emil Mihai Diaconu:
Comparative study of power consumption on Mikrotik and Fortigate routers. 1-4 - Roxana Marcu, Dan Popescu, Iulian Danila:
Optimize Recommendation Engine for Marketing System in Healthcare CRM. 1-6 - Bogdan Anton, Adriana Florescu:
Design guidelines for series-hybrid powertrains. 1-4 - Fernando Georgel Birleanu, Nicu Bizon:
Lightweight cryptography for Internet of Things using FPGA-based Design with Partial Reconfiguration. 1-7 - Marius Preda
, Ion Bica, Victor-Valeriu Patriciu:
Internet of Things Traffic Characterization using flow and packet analysis. 1-7 - Valentin Alexandru Stan, Dorin Buretea, Razvan Andrei Gheorghiu
, Valentin Iordache:
Simple Method to Increase Precision and Stability for Frequency Counters. 1-4 - Marian Popescu
Use of OPC Protocol, DeltaV Distributed System and Simulink for Level Control with PI and IMC Algorithms. 1-4 - Delia Duminica:
Factors that influence the change of human behavior in student's online activity. 1-5 - Pavel Vasin
, Sergey Shadrin
Development and Testing of Approach for Separated Training of Branches of Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks. 1-5 - Ritu Nazneen Ara Begum, Ambalika Sharma, Girish K. Singh:
Using ECG as Biometric Trait: Approaches based on Variant CNN Architectures. 1-6 - Marcel Nicola
, Claudiu-Ionel Nicola
Sensorless Control of PMSM using Backstepping Control and ESO-type Observer. 1-6 - Zdzislaw Polkowski, Jyoti Prakash Mishra, Suman Sourav Prasad, Sambit Kumar Mishra:
Evaluation of aggregated query plans using heuristic approach. 1-4 - Livia Noroc, Gheorghe Grigoras
Performance Assessment of the Hierarchical Clustering Methods in Classification of Electric Distribution Networks Considering Unbalance Degree. 1-4 - Aurel Mihail Titu, Alexandru Stanciu, Liviu Mihaescu:
Technological and ethical aspects of autonomous driving in a multicultural society. 1-6 - Claudiu Pirnau, Mironela Pirnau, Liviu Daniel Ghiculescu, Gabriela Marina Ene:
The impact of the virtual learning environment in managing the knowledge transmitted to students. 1-6 - Zhella Anne Nisperos
, Bobby D. Gerardo
, Alexander A. Hernandez
Key Generation for Zero Steganography Using DNA Sequences. 1-6 - Vlad-Valentin Fireteanu:
Integrating Tableau with Internet of Things Acquiring Projects. 1-5 - Giorgiana-Catalina Ilie Chiranu, Cristian Tudoran, Otilia Neagoe, Gheorghe Brezeanu:
Nonvolatile Analog Switch. 1-4 - Bogdan Constantin Neagu
, Gheorghe Grigoras
A Fair Load Sharing Approach Based on Microgrid Clusters and Transactive Energy Concept. 1-4 - Iuliana Marin, Ioana-Andreea Dinescu, Teodora-Coralia Deleanu, Lujain Alshikh Sulaiman, Sarmad Monadel Sabree Al-Gayar
, Nicolae Goga:
Brain Performance Analysis based on an Electroencephalogram Headset. 1-4 - Razvan Asanache
, Mihai Iordache, Mihaela Cristina Turcu, Alexandru Grib
, Lucian Vasile Ene, Diana Ramona Sanatescu:
Wireless Charging Systems for Electrical Vehicle Batteries. 1-6 - Adriana-Gabriela Plaiasu
, Mihai Oproescu, Ionut Bulgaru, Delia Duminica, Ionela Niculescu, Viorel Nicolae:
Improving managerial skills for implementing innovations in education. 1-5 - Aurel Mihail Titu, Alexandru Stanciu:
Merging Operations Technology with Information Technology. 1-6 - Duaa Shaalan, Shaidah S. Jusoh
Visualization in Medical System Interfaces: UX Guidelines. 1-8 - Tudor Catalin Apostolescu, Laurentiu Adrian Cartal
, Georgeta Ionascu, Lucian Bogatu, Ioana Udrea, Silviu Petrache, Elena Poenaru:
Original Solution of an Automatic Device for Medicament Delivery. 1-6 - Dumitrel Catalin Costache, Lucian Andrei Perisoara, Adriana Florescu:
FPGA Implementation of a SD Card Controller using SPI communication. 1-4 - Syeda Airas Burhan, Sidra Minhas, Amara Tariq, Muhammad Nabeel Hassan:
Comparative Study Of Deep Learning Algorithms For Disease And Pest Detection In Rice Crops. 1-5 - Bhat Snober Ali, Yashwant Singh, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Maria Simona Raboaca:
Dynamic Access Control In Iot: Monitoring User Behavior Using Smart Contracts. 1-6 - Cristian Monea:
Study of Signal Pre-Processing Techniques in Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy. 1-4 - Andrei Racoviteanu, Mihai-Sorin Badea, Corneliu Florea, Laura Florea, Constantin Vertan
Dual Task Training for Face Expression Recognition. 1-4 - Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Marius Hagan:
Experimental, ad hoc, online, inter-university student e-contest during the pandemic - Lessons learned. 1-6 - Ihsan Ali, Aftab Khan, Muhammad Waleed
A Google Colab Based Online Platform for Rapid Estimation of Real Blur in Single-Image Blind Deblurring. 1-6 - Dumitru Tudosoiu, Mihai Oproescu, Ion Mihaila:
Hardware and software solution for measure the vertical jump in the basketball game. 1-5 - Iuliana Marin, Myssar Jabbar Hammood Al-Battbootti, Nicolae Goga:
Drone Control based on Mental Commands and Facial Expressions. 1-4 - Sumitra Iyer
, Alka Mahajan:
Modeling the Total Electron Content variation in the Ionosphere for Improved Positional Accuracy. 1-7 - Bogdan-Ionut Pahontu, Diana-Andreea Arsene, Mariana Mocanu:
A survey about industries that blockchain can transform. 1-6 - Stefan-Andrei Gheltu:
A Correlational and Predictive Analysis of the Relationship between F0 and the Formants of Romanian Vowels. 1-6 - Eugen Pop
, Sorin Puscoci:
Considerations Regarding E-services development platforms for Smart Cities. 1-5 - Valeriu Manuel Ionescu, Florentina-Magda Enescu:
Web application for timeline representation of COVID-19 data in Romania. 1-4 - Vasile Banes, Florin Babarada, Cristian Ravariu:
Windows Server Backup and Restore for Moodle E-Learning Platform. 1-4 - Valentin-Alexandru Vladuta, Constantin Grumazescu:
A Study on Applying Mobility Patterns for Multi-UAV Trajectory Planning. 1-4 - Lidia Bajenaru
, Ion Alexandru Marinescu, Ciprian Dobre, Gabriel Ioan Prada
, Costas S. Constantinou:
Towards the development of a personalized healthcare solution for elderly: from user needs to system specifications. 1-6 - Sarmad Monadel Sabree Al-Gayar
, Iuliana Marin, Mohammed Tali Almalchy, Nicolae Goga, Naseer Abdulkarim Jaber Al-Habeeb, Cristian Taslitchi:
Implementation of MediCare Social Media System. 1-8 - Danut Adrian Postovei, Constantin Bulac, Ion Tristiu, Balduino Camachi:
A practical implementation of modern Distributed Control Systems in Electric Power Substations. 1-6 - Mihai Catalin Arva, Nicu Bizon, Ovidiu-Constantin Novac:
Electronic receipts using near-field communication protocol as a solution for thermal paper receipts. 1-4 - Muhammad Saad Bin Abdul Ghaffar
, Umar Shahbaz Khan, Noman Naseer
, Nasir Rashid, Mohsin Islam Tiwana:
Improved Classification Accuracy of Four Class FNIRS-BCI. 1-5 - Bogdan Anton, Adriana Florescu:
Measuring vehicle's powertrain parameters using diagnostics interface. 1-4 - Alexandru Grib
, Mihai Iordache, Razvan Asanache, Mihaela Cristina Turcu, Teodor Catalin Bibirica:
Smart Battery Monitoring System Software Design. 1-10 - Michal Jasiñski, Tomasz Sikorski, Zbigniew Leonowicz
, Dominika Kaczorowska
, Vishnu Suresh
, Jaroslaw Szymanda, Elzbieta Jasinska
Different working conditions identification of a PV power plant using hierarchical clustering. 1-8

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