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AICCSA 2010: Hammamet, Tunisia
- The 8th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 16-19, 2010. IEEE Computer Society 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-7716-6
- Mazin Yousif:
Cloud Computing - an IT paradigm changer. 1 - Azzedine Boukerche:
Wireless multimedia sensor and actuator system: A necessary public security and safety testbed for an urban emergency preparedness class of applications. 1 - Wolfgang Gentzsch:
Advances in e-Infrastructures for computational sciences and engineering. 1 - Walid Elloumi, Adel M. Alimi
A more efficient MOPSO for optimization. 1-7 - Mohammed Y. Aalsalem
, Javid Taheri, Albert Y. Zomaya
A framework for real time communication in sensor networks. 1-7 - Wahid Nasri, Sami Achour:
A hybrid performance modeling approach for adaptive algorithm selection on hierarchical clusters. 1-8 - Sanjay K. Dhurandher, Mohammad S. Obaidat
, Pulkit Jindal, Rajneesh Chavli, Sanchit Valecha:
Predictive multi-hop stable routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Abdallah Ghourabi
, Tarek Abbes, Adel Bouhoula:
Data analyzer based on data mining for Honeypot Router. 1-6 - Jahan Hassan
, Björn Landfeldt:
Empirical performance evaluation of a fast authentication scheme in wireless access networks. 1-6 - Fatin Zaklouta, Bogdan Stanciulescu:
Classifying bags of keypoints using HMMs. 1-2 - Fatiha Zaïdi, Mounir Lallali, Stéphane Maag:
A component based testing technique for a MANET routing protocol. 1-7 - Wajih Amari, Ridha Gadhgadhi, Asma Ben Letaifa
, Sami Tabbane:
Path computation with multiple constraints QoS in multi-domain. 1-8 - Sanjay K. Dhurandher, Mohammad S. Obaidat
, Megha Gupta:
A novel Geocast technique with hole detection in underwater sensor networks. 1-8 - Bechir Alaya, Claude Duvallet, Bruno Sadeg:
Feedback architecture for multimedia systems. 1-8 - Cédric Bonhomme
, Christophe Feltus
, Djamel Khadraoui:
A multi-agent based decision mechanism for incident reaction in telecommunication network. 1-2 - Jayanta Poray, Christoph Schommer:
Managing conversational streams by explorative mind-maps. 1-4 - Atiq Ahmed, Rana Rahim-Amoud, Leïla Merghem-Boulahia, Dominique Gaïti:
An agent-based approach for vertical handover in heterogeneous wireless networks. 1-8 - Tienfuan Kerh
, Tienchi Ku, David J. Gunaratnam:
Evaluations of the strong ground motion parameter by neural computing and microtremor measurement. 1-7 - Nacim Yanes, Sihem Ben Sassi
, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghézala
State of art and practice of COTS components search engines. 1-8 - Ahmed Jeddah, Guy-Vincent Jourdan, Nejib Zaguia:
Some side effects of FHSS on Bluetooth networks distributed algorithms. 1-8 - Johnatan E. Pecero
, Pascal Bouvry
An improved genetic algorithm for efficient scheduling on distributed memory parallel systems. 1-8 - Hamid Mcheick
, Heni Dhiab, Mohamad Dbouk, Rakan Mcheik:
Detecting type errors and secure coding in C/C++ applications. 1-9 - Samer El-Sawda, Pascal Urien
, Rami El Sawda:
A trust communication with SIP protocol. 1-6 - Razieh Rahimi, Ramtin Khosravi:
Architecture conformance checking of multi-language applications. 1-8 - Maria Federico, Pierre Peterlongo, Nadia Pisanti
An optimized filter for finding multiple repeats in DNA sequences. 1-8 - Belarmino Adenso-Díaz
, Santiago García Carbajal, Sebastián Lozano
Disassembly scheduling of complex products using parallel heuristic approaches. 1-4 - Saïd Bettayeb, Quan T. Nguyen:
The genus of the complete multipartite graph and the complete multi-layered graph. 1-4 - Saima Dhouib, Mounir Ben Aissa, Habib Chabchoub
A Record to Record Travel metaheuristic to minimize total dispersion in food industry. 1-4 - Kashif Dar, Mohamed Bakhouya
, Jaafar Gaber
, Maxime Wack:
Towards a decentralized architecture for information dissemination in Inter-Vehicles Networks. 1-6 - Thé Van Luong
, Lakhdar Loukil, Nouredine Melab, El-Ghazali Talbi:
A GPU-based iterated tabu search for solving the quadratic 3-dimensional assignment problem. 1-8 - Fabian Lecron
, Pierre Manneback
, Daniel Tuyttens:
Exploiting grid computation for solving the Vehicle Routing Problem. 1-6 - Sihem Trabelsi, Noureddine Boudriga:
Predictive dynamic resource reservation for vertical handoff optimization in 4G mobile wireless networks. 1-8 - Soumaya Amdouni, Wahiba Ben Abdessalem Karaa
Web-based recruiting. 1-7 - Wided Oueslati, Jalel Akaichi
Pre-learning from mobile professionals' Trajectory. 1-7 - Imen Jemili
, Abdelfettah Belghith
, Mohamed Mosbah
A layered cluster based routing for an ad hoc environment. 1-8 - Thabet Slimani
, Boutheina Ben Yaghlane:
An overview of search methodologies in Semantic Web. 1-8 - Aymen Elkhlifi, Rim Faiz:
Event extraction approach for Web 2.0. 1-8 - Sehl Mellouli
, Faouzi Bouslama
Towards a multi-agent based architecture to simulate the reality of a stock exchange market. 1-8 - Wisal M. Tingari, Izzeldin M. Osman, Moawia Elfaki Yahia
A comparison study on children reading stories from e-books and from traditional books. 1-3 - Ramzi Bellazreg, Mohamed Hamdi, Noureddine Boudriga:
On the impact of irregular radio propagation on coverage control and sleep scheduling in wireless sensor networks. 1-8 - Nejla Essaddi
, Mohamed Hamdi, Sami Habib, Noureddine Boudriga:
Optimizing area coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Khaoula Mahmoudi, Sami Faïz:
Text thematic fragmentation and identification. 1-8 - Sarra Ben Hariz, Zied Elouedi:
IK-BKM: An incremental clustering approach based on intra-cluster distance. 1-8 - Sami Mahfoudhi
, Rim Faiz:
Raising information system effectiveness through Webservices. 1-5 - Bchira Ben Mabrouk, Hamadi Hasni, Zaher Mahjoub:
Parallelization of the dynamic programming algorithm for solving the longest common subsequence problem. 1-8 - Ahmed Badreddine, Nahla Ben Amor
A dynamic barriers implementation in Bayesian-based bow tie diagrams for risk analysis. 1-8 - Lynda Mokdad, Jalel Ben-Othman
, Mohamed Ould Cheikh:
Improving QoS for BE traffics in WIMAX networks. 1-5 - Zainab Al Rahamneh, Mohammad Reyalat, Alaa F. Sheta
, Sultan Aljahdali:
Forecasting stock exchange using soft computing techniques. 1-5 - Nouha Baccour
, Maissa Ben Jamâa, Denis do Rosário
, Anis Koubaa
, Habib Youssef, Mário Alves
, Leandro Buss Becker
A testbed for the evaluation of link quality estimators in wireless sensor networks. 1-8 - Naourez Mejri, Fethi Filali
, Farouk Kamoun
A cooperative infrastructure discovery protocol for vehicle to Internet opportunistic communications. 1-8 - Ben Arbia Anis, Youssef Habib:
Autonomic architecture for wireless routing protocols. 1-7 - Cedric Chauvenet, Bernard Tourancheau, Denis Genon-Catalot:
802.15.4, a MAC layer solution for PLC. 1-8 - Mohamed Amine Abid, Abdelfettah Belghith
Asynchronous locally self adjusted routing protocol for mobile multi hop ad hoc networks. 1-8 - Omar Cheikhrouhou
, Anis Koubaa
, Manel Boujelben, Mohamed Abid:
A lightweight user authentication scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-7 - Tahani Gazdar, Abdelfettah Belghith
, Abderrahim Benslimane
A cluster based secure architecture for vehicular ad hoc networks. 1-8 - Wafa Ben Jaballah, Aref Meddeb
, Habib Youssef:
An efficient source authentication scheme in wireless sensor networks. 1-7 - Farah Q. Al-Khalidi
, Reza Saatchi, Derek Burke, Heather Elphick:
Tracking human face features in thermal images for respiration monitoring. 1-6 - Hazem El-Gendy, Osman Ibrahim, Nabil El-Kadhi
, Narayan C. Debnath:
Management scheme for intelligent terminals for the information super-highways. 1-6 - Hazem El-Gendy:
Towards ISO interface protocol for interactive multimedia intelligent terminals. 1-6 - Pankaj D. Patil, Gongzhu Hu, S. N. Jayaram Murthy:
Implementation of Donald elliptic projection for VH coordinates and calculation of air mileage. 1-6 - Tanmoy Bhowmik, Anirban Sarkar, Narayan C. Debnath:
OLAP umbrella: Visualization model for multidimensional databases. 1-8 - Kamel Boukhelfa
, Faiza Belala, Aicha Choutri, Halima Douibi:
For more understandable UML diagrams. 1-7 - Gargi Chakraborty, Subhrabrata Choudhury, Narayan C. Debnath:
Characteristics of assembled bursts in OBS network under correlated input traffic. 1-6 - Sultan Aljahdali, Alaa F. Sheta
Software effort estimation by tuning COOCMO model parameters using differential evolution. 1-6 - Narayan C. Debnath, Carlos Salgado, Mario Peralta, Daniel Riesco, German Montejano:
Optimization of the Business Process metrics definition according to the BPDM standard and its formal definition in OCL. 1-8 - Antonio Mucherino
, Carlile Lavor
, Leo Liberti
, El-Ghazali Talbi:
A parallel version of the Branch & Prune algorithm for the Molecular Distance Geometry Problem. 1-6 - Sultan H. Aljahdali, Ahmed S. Ghiduk
, Mohammed E. El-Telbany
The limitations of genetic algorithms in software testing. 1-7 - Victor V. Toporkov
, Dmitry Yemelyanov, Anna S. Toporkova, Alexey Tselishchev:
Scalable co-scheduling strategies in distributed computing. 1-8 - María Carmen Leonardi, María Virginia Mauco, Laura Felice, German Montejano, Daniel Riesco, Narayan C. Debnath:
Recovering business process diagrams from UML diagrams. 1-6 - Marie-Eléonore Marmion
, Jérémie Humeau, Laetitia Jourdan
, Clarisse Dhaenens
Comparison of neighborhoods for the HFF-AVRP. 1-7 - Narkoy Batouma, Jean-Louis Sourrouille:
Decentralized resource management using a borrowing schema. 1-8 - Imen Bouraoui, Salim Chitroub, Ahmed Bouridane:
Performance evaluation of Independent Component Analysis in an iris recognition system. 1-7 - Paulo Morelato França, Fábio Luiz Usberti, André Luiz Morelato França:
The open Capacitated Arc Routing Problem: Complexity and algorithms. 1 - Cristiane Nespoli:
Control for continuous-time Markovian Jumps Linear Systems associated with a finite number of jump times. 1 - Mostepha Redouane Khouadjia, Laetitia Jourdan
, El-Ghazali Talbi:
Adaptive particle swarm for solving the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem. 1-8 - Alexandros Stamatakis, Zsolt Komornik, Simon A. Berger:
Evolutionary placement of short sequence reads on multi-core architectures. 1-8 - Huacai Chen, Hai Jin, Kan Hu, Minhao Yuan:
Adaptive audio-aware scheduling in Xen virtual environment. 1-8 - Dong-Chul Park:
Image classification using Partitioned-Feature based Classifier model. 1-6 - Mohamed Benazouz, Olivier Marchetti, Alix Munier Kordon, Pascal Urard:
A new approach for minimizing buffer capacities with throughput constraint for embedded system design. 1-8 - Jae-Young Kim, Dong-Chul Park, Dong-Min Woo:
Application of Pruned Bilinear Recurrent Neural Network to load prediction. 1-4 - Atef Khedher
, Kamel Ben Othman, Didier Maquin
, Mohamed Benrejeb:
An approach of faults estimation in Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. 1-4 - Nour El-Houda Golea
, Rachid Seghir
, Redha Benzid:
A bind RGB color image watermarking based on singular value decomposition. 1-5 - Cyril Faure, Nicolas Pernet:
Real-time execution models for co-simulation. 1-8 - Hassan Haghighi:
Towards a formal framework for developing concurrent programs: Modeling dynamic behavior. 1-8 - Fouad B. Chedid:
Sophistication and logical depth revisited. 1-4 - Amal Dandashi, Mayez Al-Mouhamed:
Graph Coloring for class scheduling. 1-4 - Myriam Bounhas, Khaled Mellouli:
A possibilistic classification approach to handle continuous data. 1-8 - Mohamed Othmani, Wajdi Bellil, Chokri Ben Amar, Adel M. Alimi
3D object modeling using multi-mother wavelet network. 1-5 - Hamdi Eltaief
, Habib Youssef:
Efficient sender authentication and signing of multicast streams over lossy channels. 1-7 - Mohamed Elhadi
, Amjad Al-Tobi:
Refinements of Longest Common Subsequence algorithm. 1-5 - Fouad B. Chedid:
On proving languages non-regular. 1-3 - Dong-Chul Park:
Design of codebook using Centroid Neural Network with state dependence measure. 1-7 - Jounaidi Ben Hassan, Osman Hasan
, Tarek Sadani, Sofiène Tahar:
Performance analysis of real-time rewriting models. 1-8 - Naouel Ayari, Thé Van Luong
, Abderrazak Jemai
A hybrid genetic algorithm for Golomb ruler problem. 1-4 - M. Dolores Redel-Macías
, Antonio J. Cubero-Atienza
, Daniel Berckmans:
Design and experimental validation of a sound source model for engine of vehicles. 1-7 - Usama Mir, Samir Aknine, Leïla Merghem-Boulahia, Dominique Gaïti:
Agents' Coordination in Ad-hoc Networks. 1-8 - Ousmane Diallo, Mbaye Sene, Idrissa Sarr
Freshness-aware metadata management: Performance evaluation with SWN models. 1-6 - Nahid Emad, Olivier Delannoy, Makarem Dandouna:
A design approach for numerical libraries in large scale distributed systems. 1-9 - Dong-Min Woo, Hai-Nguyen Ho, Dong-Chul Park:
3D building modeling based on 3D line grouping using centroid neural network. 1-4 - Zouheir Trabelsi, Riham Hamdy:
Implementation of a DNA-based anomaly identification system utilizing associative string processor (ASP). 1-8 - Minghua Tang, Xiaola Lin
QLT: A flow control strategy for wormhole network-on-chip. 1-8 - Tarig Mohamed Ahmed:
Generate secure mobile agent by using SMS to protect Hosts. 1-4 - Naoufel Machta
, Mohamed Taha Bennani
, Samir Ben Ahmed
Aspect oriented Modeling of Real-Time system with UML and MARTE. 1-7 - Charly Bechara, Nicolas Ventroux, Daniel Etiemble:
Towards a parameterizable cycle-accurate ISS in ArchC. 1-7 - Ghada Zaibi, Fabrice Peyrard, Abdennaceur Kachouri, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Mounir Samet:
A new design of dynamic S-Box based on two chaotic maps. 1-6 - Lamia Labed Jilani, Olfa Mraihi, Asma Louhichi, Ali Mili:
Towards an automated tool for computing loop functions. 1-8 - Julien Dormoy, Olga Kouchnarenko
Event-based adaptation policies for Fractal components. 1-8 - Leïla Baccouche, Sami Limam:
A component and aspect-based platform for simulating Real-Time Databases. 1-4 - Mayez A. Al-Mouhamed, Ahmad Abu-Arafah:
Design of a library of motion functions for a Humanoid robot for a football game. 1-6 - Simon A. Berger, Alexandros Stamatakis:
Accuracy of morphology-based phylogenetic fossil placement under Maximum Likelihood. 1-9 - Mehdi Adda, Hamid Mcheick
Facet-based access control model for View-Oriented Programming. 1-8 - David Becerra, Wilson Soto, Luis F. Niño, Yoan J. Pinzón:
An algorithm for Constrained LCS. 1-7 - Mohamed Khazri, Mohamed Tmar, Mohamed Abid:
Small-worlds clustering applied to documents re-ranking. 1-6 - Eliamani Sedoyeka, Ziad Hunaiti
, Daniel Tairo:
Evaluation of WiMAX QoS in a developing country's environment. 1-6 - Yessine Hadj Kacem, Adel Mahfoudhi, Hedi Tmar, Mohamed Abid:
From UML/MARTE to RTDT: A model driven based method for scheduling analysis and HW/SW partitioning. 1-7 - Imen Derbel, Lamia Labed Jilani, Ali Mili:
A model for analyzing architectural attributes. 1-7 - Javid Taheri, Albert Y. Zomaya
RBT-Km: K-Means clustering for Multiple Sequence Alignment. 1-8 - Javid Taheri, Albert Y. Zomaya
A voting scheme to improve the secondary structure prediction. 1-7 - Souhail Dhouib
A Multi Start Great Deluge metaheuristic for engineering design problems. 1-5

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