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WTO Data - Information on trade and trade policy measures
The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade. This portal gives access to a selection of key databases offering statistics and information on different trade-related measures under its purview.
Tariff and trade data
NEW Tariffs and imports
The Tariff & Trade Data platform offers comprehensive tariff and import data for over 150 economies, featuring annual data dating back to 1996 for many of them. This platform gathers official data on applied tariffs and import figures from WTO Members via the WTO's Integrated Data Base (IDB) and details on bound duties and commitments from the WTO's Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database. Additionally, it includes data from the WTO Analytical Database (ADB), which merges WTO data with external sources like the International Trade Centre (ITC), UN Comtrade, and Trade Data Monitor (TDM), making the ADB a primary source for platform statistics and available for download in its raw format. Currently, the TTD is in its beta version. -
Goods Schedules
The Goods Schedules e-Library provides access to all legal instruments that embody the WTO Schedules of concessions, including the Uruguay Round Schedules, results of plurilateral tariff negotiations, results of procedures under Article XXVIII, as well as other procedures relating to rectifications and modifications under the 1980 Procedures. More information -
Standardized tariff information
The Tariff Download Facility provides comprehensive information on Most- Favoured-Nation (MFN) applied and bound tariffs for all WTO Members. The information is aggregated at the subheading (i.e. 6 digits) level of the Harmonized System (HS). -
HS Tracker
The HS Tracker is a toolset that has been developed by the WTO Secretariat, with the support of the World Customs Organization (WCO), to allow different stakeholders to track the changes of particular headings or subheadings across different versions of Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS).
Non-tariff measures
The Agriculture Information Management System permits users to consult all agriculture notifications, records of the Committee on Agriculture's deliberations since 1995, and data and reports based on Members’ notifications and responses to the export competition questionnaire (ECQ). -
The Cotton Portal is a platform developed jointly with the International Trade Centre (ITC) that provides a single-entry point for all the cotton-specific information available in the two organizations concerning market access, trade statistics, business contacts and development assistance. -
Import licensing
The Import Licensing website provides access to notifications submitted to the Committee on Import Licensing. More information -
Non-tariff measures (in general)
I-TIP Goods provides comprehensive information on non-tariff measures (NTMs) applied by WTO members in merchandise trade. It aggregates information from other systems relating to members' notifications of NTMs, such as technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and anti-dumping and countervailing measures, as well as information on “specific trade concerns” raised at WTO committee meetings. -
Quantitative Restrictions (QRs)
The Quantitative Restrictions (QR) database provides access to notifications submitted by members to the Committee on Market Access related to import and export prohibitions and other restrictions. -
Rules of origin
The Rules of Origin Facilitator is a platform developed jointly with the International Trade Centre (ITC) which provides information on tariffs, trade agreements and rules of origin designed with SMEs in mind. It enables users to find information on the applicable duties, rules of origin and certification procedures for specific products in specific markets.Contact: -
ePing SPS&TBT Platform
Users can access notifications on product requirements, register to receive email alerts on notifications of interest, and reach out to notification authorities and enquiry point officials. The Platform also contains the trade concerns discussed in the SPS and TBT committees and is where officials with additional rights can submit SPS and TBT notifications to the WTO. -
The WTO Subsidy Database, which is currently based on the 2021 cycle of new and full subsidy notifications of WTO Members, contains information on the description, policy objective, duration and type of measure, as well as information on the eligibility criteria, monetary amounts and statistical data on the potential trade effects of the measure, as notified by relevant WTO members. -
Trade concerns
The Trade Concerns Database allows users to search for trade concerns raised in the SPS, TBT, CMA and IL Committees, as well as the Goods Council, view Members’ profiles, and explore and visualize results according to different criteria. -
Trade facilitation
The TFA Database allows users to track and analyse WTO Members’ commitments under the Trade Facilitation Agreement. It provides access to all notifications, related statistical analyses, Member profiles and a dedicated page for the Trade Facilitation Committee. -
Trade remedies
The Trade Remedies Portal provides access to comprehensive data on all anti-dumping and countervailing duty actions notified by WTO Members in the form of searchable tables and customizable graphs, allows users to filter information based on various parameters to refine the search.
Global Services Trade Data Hub
The Global Services Trade Data Hub provides access to comprehensive WTO data on services trade. It allows users to customize data according to their needs, to instantly create dynamic charts and to print reports, making it a highly useful tool for trade negotiators, analysts, researchers and decision-makers. -
Services commitments and MFN exemptions
Member's market access commitments, exemptions to the Most favoured Nation obligation and preferences for LDCs under the LDC Services Waiver. -
Services Trade Policy Database
Information on applied services regulatory frameworks and Services Trade Restrictions Index (STRI), jointly compiled by the World Bank and the WTO. -
RTA services commitments database
Services commitments in regional trade agreements. -
ITIP - Services statistics
Trade, investment and other relevant services sectors statistics accompanying the GATS, RTA and Applied regimes modules.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property
The e-TRIPS Gateway provides access to information related to the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) including notifications, review materials, reports, and TRIPS Council documents
WTO Statistics
The WTO Stats portal contains statistical indicators related to WTO issues. Available time series cover merchandise trade and trade in services statistics (annual, quarterly and monthly), market access indicators (bound, applied & preferential tariffs), non-tariff information as well as other indicators. -
WTO Stats Dashboard
A data visualization tool that provides graphical representations of data on merchandise trade, trade in commercial services and market access. -
World Trade Statistics 2023
World Trade Statistics 2023 is a new interactive tool which replaces the annual flagship publication World Trade Statistical Review. It presents key data and insights on merchandise and commercial services trade, by product group and services sector, and leading traders over the years. Filters allow to display data by economy, region, and selected groupings. Users can download more than 60 Excel tables, as in the previous publication.
Accession commitments to the WTO
The WTO Accession Commitments Database (ACDB) provides information contained in the Working Party Reports and Accession Protocols of the Members that have acceded to the WTO, pursuant to Article II of the Marrakesh Agreement. -
Disputes - GATT (1948-1995)
The GATT disputes database provides detailed information on all the trade disputes that took place between 1948 and 1995. More information -
Disputes - WTO (1995 - present)
The Dispute Settlement Database provides information on all the disputes that have taken place under the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) since the WTO was established in 1995. -
Trade and environment
The Environmental Database (EDB) provides information on all environment-related notifications submitted by WTO members as well as environmental measures and policies mentioned in the Trade Policy Reviews of WTO members. More information -
Government procurement
The e-GPA provides provides an integrated point of access to the market access and related information under the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement 2012 (GPA 2012), and serves as an information resource for governments, suppliers and other interested parties. -
The Notifications Portal provides select information on WTO notifications concerning the agreements on goods, services, intellectual property and government procurement. -
Preferential trade arrangements (PTAs)
The PTA database provides information on the preferential trade arrangements (PTAs), understood as non-reciprocal preferential schemes, that are being implemented by WTO Members. -
Regional trade agreements (RTAs)
The RTAs database provides access to the legal texts and annexes of all regional trade agreements (RTAs) that have been notified to the WTO, preferential tariff and trade data provided by RTA parties, and other related documents. More information -
Trade monitoring
The Trade Monitoring Database provides information on trade measures implemented by WTO members and observers under the trade monitoring exercise since 2008. It contains data taken from the regular Trade Monitoring Reports prepared by the WTO Secretariat.Contact: