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840.3M API Calls132.6K downloads

15.0M API Calls18.2K downloads

8.3M API Calls36.6K downloads

4.8M API Calls110.2K downloads

1.6M API Calls80.5K downloads

634.7K API Calls4.5K downloads
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24-hour Weather Forecast
1.6M API Calls19 downloads
91.5K API Calls30 downloads
Number of COVID-19 infections by Epi-week
6.9K API Calls58 downloads
Resale Flat Prices Based on Registration Date from Jan-2017 Onwards
4.1K API Calls45 downloads
Dates of Hawker Centres Closure
2.9K API Calls6 downloads
CEA Salesperson Information
1.7K API Calls22 downloads
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1.3K per day on average