How AppLovin Shows You Ads

Introduction to AppLovin

AppLovin operates a suite of tools for app developers and other businesses to automate and optimize the marketing and monetization of their platforms, products, or services by enabling the placement of different types of ads on digital properties like mobile apps, websites, and connected TV. If publishers decide to show ads on their properties, AppLovin may help serve those ads to you on behalf of advertisers.

How AppLovin Shows You Ads

We use AI-powered advertising tools to help us serve you with relevant and interesting ads (often called interest-based advertising). To do so, we use device information and other information we have collected about your engagement with apps, ads, and other digital properties, as described in our privacy policy.

AppLovin showed you this ad or content on behalf of the advertiser whose ad you clicked on based on factors like:

  • Advertising ID (IDFA or GAID);
  • Vendor IDs (IDFV);
  • IP Address;
  • App Set IDs;
  • Device make, model, carrier and operating system;
  • Screen size and orientation, audio volume, battery and memory usage;
  • Name and properties of the mobile application showing the ad;
  • The country, time zone, and locale settings of the device;
  • Network connection type and speed;
  • Internet browser user-agent;
  • Browsing behavior and search and purchasing histories;
  • Previous interactions with ads served by AppLovin, with our advertising partners, or merchant partners’ websites and advertisements.

Opting Out of Interest-Based Advertising

Opting out of, or withdrawing consent to, interest-based advertising does not mean that you will not receive ads served by AppLovin. You may still receive ads, but those ads may be less relevant to your interests. Please note that if your advertising ID (IDFA/GAID) changes, you may need to opt-out of interest-based advertising again.

Below are various ways you can opt-out of interest-based advertising served by AppLovin. (You may also be able to opt-out through the underlying mobile app developer, among other choices you may have in relation to ads.)

Opting Out Within The Ad

You can opt-out of interest-based advertising by clicking the “Opt-Out of Interest-Based Advertising” button below.

Thank you. You have been opted out.
You have already opted out of interest-based ads through your device-level settings or by previously requesting to opt-out in an ad served by AppLovin.
Something went wrong. Please contact for assistance.

Opting Out Through Your Device Settings

Note: Your device may have different options depending on version and carrier. Below are instructions for the more recent iOS and Android devices.

iOS Devices:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy > Tracking.
  2. Turn off “Allow Apps to Request to Track”.

Android Devices:

  1. Go to the Ad Settings page.
  2. Choose where you want the change to apply:
    • On all devices where you’re signed in: If you aren’t signed in, at the top right, select “Sign in”. Follow the steps.
    • On your current device or browser: Stay signed out.
  3. Turn off Ad Personalization.

You may also:

  1. Go to the Settings > Google > Ads page.
  2. Select “Opt out of Ads Personalization”.

AppLovin Privacy Management

To view or delete your personal information shared with AppLovin through your mobile apps, you can download the AppLovin Privacy Management Application from the Apple or Google Play Stores.

App Store

Google Play

More details on AppLovin’s information collection and use can be found in our privacy policy.