Student Conduct and Academic Integrity | FIU Division of Academic & Student Affairs

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

Promoting community, civility, and accountability

The Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI), works to ensure that FIU is a “safe and stimulating environment in which scholarship and personal growth may occur.” (Code, pg. 1). SCAI is tasked with administering the application of FIU Regulation 2501, the Student Conduct and Honor Code (Code) in a fair and developmental manner. Through the application of the Code, the safety and growth of community members is protected, and the integrity of an FIU degree is preserved.

  • How can we help you?

    There may be many reasons for your visit to SCAI’s website, including:

    • To report an incident;
    • To request a conduct check for a graduate application or job opportunity;
    • Because you have been called as a witness in a proceeding;
    • Because you have been charged under the Code; or,
    • Because you are looking to get involved in the Student Conduct Committee.

    Whatever your reason for visiting SCAI, we welcome you!

  • Share a concern/incident reporting

    Please share a concern/report an incident involving FIU students, whether these behaviors occur inside or outside of the classroom setting. If you need to report an emergency, call University Police at 305-348-2626, or dial 911.

Join our student conduct committee!

The Student Conduct Committee (SCC) is a hearing body comprised of faculty, staff, and students who adjudicate potential violations of the FIU Student Conduct and Honor Code.

Student Conduct and Honor Code

Being a contributing Student also comes with responsibility to adhere to the Student Conduct and Honor Code. The ultimate responsibility for knowing University requirements and regulations rests with the Student, regardless of institutional or program affiliation. Nothing in this Regulation should be interpreted to abridge the right of any member of the University community of rights granted under the United States or Florida Constitution and/or any other applicable law including, but not limited to, the freedom of expression protected by the First Amendment. (Code, pg.1).
Each Student shall be responsible for their conduct from the time that they have been notified of admission through the actual awarding of a degree, including the academic year and during periods between terms of actual enrollment. The Code shall apply to a Student’s conduct even if the Student withdraws from the University or is academically dismissed, while a conduct matter is pending, or if the conduct is not discovered until after a Student has withdrawn, been academically dismissed, or a degree has been awarded. (Code, pg. 1)
For information regarding how FIU addresses sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, please see FIU Regulation 105 or contact the Office of Civil Rights Compliance and Accessibility at 

Particular sections of the Student Conduct and Honor Code that may be of interest to you include:

  • Section 1 – Definitions
  • Section 4 – Amnesty
  • Section 5 – Conduct Violation
  • Section 6 – Academic Misconduct Violations
  • Section 11 – Due Process Rights of the Respondent
  • Section 12 – Rights of the Complainant
  • Section 13 – Principles of Group Responsibility
  • Section 16 – Sanctions
  • Section 17 – Withdrawal from a course pending charges
  • Section 18 – Appeals


Download the Code

Download the NEW Student Conduct and Honor Code (Effective June 10, 2024)

Student Conduct and Honor Code (Effective August 21, 2023)

Student Conduct and Honor Code (Effective September 22, 2022)

Student Conduct and Honor Code (Effective September 15, 2021 - September 21, 2022)


For a complete history of the Code, visit

If you have any questions about which code is applicable to you or your organization, please contact the SCAI representative listed on your notice letter.