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³ɤOpen Source ȤϤʤ?
Perl, the first postmodern computer languageImagine, open source is merely a byproduct of our need for family. So, look at all of you out there. You're just a big, dysfunctional family trying to create meaning.³ɤ[: ץϲ²ɬʪƤߤ褦ʤˤ̣ФȤƤҲŬԤ²ʤ]
His money is welcome, however.
³ɤ404 SECRET Not Found #29 ޤǥʬǾפƤǤ?:404 SPAM Not Found:404ch Not Found() - ˥˥ͥ:Ҳ http://t.co/h3Owx4IAgp
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) December 23, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #28 I code therefore I am http://t.co/1jgo6p8Ggt #blomaga
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) November 30, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #27 礭ʤĤŤȾʤĤŤ:404 SPAM Not Found:404ch Not Found() - ˥˥ͥ:Ҳ http://t.co/9tevzlNNUY
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) October 30, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #26 ? http://t.co/37wtVyZr4X #blomaga
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) August 31, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #25 äΩƤФäΩ http://t.co/l7nNocNKav #blomaga
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) July 30, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #24 Τΰ۾ ޤϻǡˤƿۤΤߤƾҲ褦ˤʤä http://t.co/Ch9U9aG0Rf
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) June 29, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #23 Owners Take All:404 SPAM Not Found:404ch Not Found() - ˥˥ͥ:Ҳ http://t.co/qydQ2OJivT
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) May 31, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #22 A Heartbleeding Story:404 SPAM Not Found:404ch Not Found() - ˥˥ͥ:Ҳ http://t.co/LzzpV6tFZq
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) April 30, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #21 ٤ˤʤ http://t.co/kCoMwc7cZV #blomaga
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) March 30, 2014
ʥɥӥ塼 - naoyaΤϤƤʥ륵ӥ JavaScript ŤȤΥɤɲƤʤȤôԤȤܤʹ֤ȤΤޤĤäƤ뤫äޤ礦ȤʤȤƤJavaScript ŤȤäϷɤΥӥ JavaScript ŤäΤǤϤʤ桼ʬƳ𤬽ŤȤää³ɤ
404 SPAM Not Found #20 ˿ http://t.co/XeKvafeowL #blomaga
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) February 28, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #19 δ˦ʤˤʤ櫓ʤ http://t.co/LpdFi48DgQ #blomaga
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) January 31, 2014
404 SPAM Not Found #18 ˳ http://t.co/5AGG7WTtpl #blomaga
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) December 31, 2013
404 Blog Not Found:ƥʡȤ̿ɤBPιͤ긥ܸ顣
2008.01.20 2013.12.17 KindleˤȤʤ
Message from The Nelson Mandela Foundation, The Nelson Mandela Childrens Fund and The Mandela Rhodes FoundationIt is with the deepest regret that we have learned of the passing of our founder, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela – Madiba. The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa will shortly make further official announcements.³ɤ
404 SPAM Not Found #17 :404 SPAM Not Found:404ch Not Found() - ˥˥ͥ:Ҳ http://t.co/uGoDjxfgsI
— Dan Kogai (@dankogai) November 30, 2013