Vol 18, No 3 (2014)

Vol 18, No 3 (2014)

18(3) 2014 Thematic issue: Computational linguistics (Guest editor: Alexander Gelbukh)

Table of Contents

Editorial PDF
Alexander Gelbukh 429-431


Why Has Artificial Intelligence Failed? and How Can it Succeed? PDF
John F. Sowa 433-437
Structural Isomorphism of Meaning and Synonymy PDF
Marie Duží 439-453
Inferring Relations and Annotations in Semantic Networks Application to Radiology PDF
Lionel Ramadier, Manel Zarrouk, Mathieu Lafourcade, Antoine Micheau 455-466
Spotting Fake Reviews using Positive-Unlabeled Learning PDF
Huayi Li, Bing Liu, Arjun Mukherjee, Jidong Shao 467-475
Using Multi-View Learning to Improve Detection of Investor Sentiments on Twitter PDF
Zvi Ben-Ami, Ronen Feldman, Binyamin Rosenfeld 477-490
Soft Similarity and Soft Cosine Measure: Similarity of Features in Vector Space Model PDF
Grigori Sidorov, Alexander Gelbukh, Helena Gómez-Adorno, David Pinto 491-504
SIMTEX: An Approach for Detecting and Measuring Textual Similarity based on Discourse and Semantics PDF
Iria da Cunha, Jorge Vivaldi, Juan Manuel Torres-Moreno, Gerardo Sierra 505-516
Dependency vs. Constituent Based Syntactic N-Grams in Text Similarity Measures for Paraphrase Recognition PDF
Hiram Calvo, Andrea Segura-Olivares, Alejandro García 517-554
Paraphrase and Textual Entailment Generation in Czech PDF
Zuzana Neverilova 555-568
Vector Space Basis Change in Information Retrieval PDF
Rabeb Mbarek, Mohamed Tmar, Hawete Hattab 569-579
Multi-document Summarization using Tensor Decomposition PDF
Marina Litvak, Natalia Vanetik 581-589
Entity Extraction in Biochemical Text using Multiobjective Optimization PDF
Utpal Kumar Sikdar, Asif Ekbal, Sriparna Saha 591-602
On-line and Off-line Chinese-Portuguese Translation Service for Mobile Applications PDF
Jordi Centelles, Marta R. Costa-jussà, Rafael E. Banchs, Alexander Gelbukh 603-610
Formal Description of Arabic Syntactic Structure in the Framework of the Government and Binding Theory PDF
Hammo Bassam, Moubaiddin Asma, Obeid Nadim, Tuffaha Abeer 611-625
Semantic Hyper-graph Based Representation of Nouns in the Kazakh Language PDF
Banu Yergesh, Assel Mukanova, Altynbek Sharipbay, Gulmira Bekmanova, Bibigul Razakhova 627-635
Towards the Automatic Recommendation of Musical Parameters based on Algorithm for Extraction of Linguistic Rules PDF
Félix Castro Espinoza, Omar López-Ortega, Anilú Franco-Árcega 637-647

ISSN: 2007-9737