Robert Cunningham is the leader of the Secure Resilient Systems and Technology Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory and is responsible for initiating and managing research and development programs in computer and platform security. Dr. Cunningham has participated in several national panels evaluating and defining research approaches to cyber security problems, and is excited to be the chair of this effort.
Vice Chair
Ulf Lindqvist is a program director at SRI International. He manages research programs in infrastructure security for government and commercial clients. His areas of expertise include cyber security, infrastructure systems, intrusion detection in computer systems, and security for systems that interact with the physical world.
Steering Committee
Srdjan Capkun (Srđan Čapkun) is a professor in the Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich and the Director of the Zurich Information Security and Privacy Center (ZISC). His research interests are in system and network security with a focus is wireless security.
Dr. Deborah Frincke leads the Research Directorate of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service, which is focused on creating breakthroughs in mathematics, science, and engineering to support and enable NSA/CSS missions. Under her guidance, the Research Directorate recruits personnel and maintains facilities that are world-class in fields as diverse as mathematics, computer science, cybersecurity/trustworthy computing, engineering, physics, and linguistics. The Research Directorate engages with the private sector, academia, and national laboratories to advance core competencies and leverage scholarship in overlapping disciplines.