The CyberPeace Institute is a non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 2019 with seed funding from the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, Mastercard, Microsoft and the Ford Foundation.
The CyberPeace Institute’s mission is to promote peace and justice in cyberspace. The Institute supports vulnerable communities, analyses cyberattacks, assess how international laws and norms are being violated, and advances responsible behaviour to enforce cyberpeace.
By acting in accordance with its fundamental principle of independence, the Institute operates free from any direction or control by any actor, including States, industry or any other organizations.
The Institute relies on voluntary donations and independently fundraises to support its operations while ensuring that donations are in line with its mission, principles and standards of due diligence.
The financial report of the organization analyses the first 14 months of activities of the Institute, from November 2019 until December 2020. The financial report has been audited in compliance with legal requirements.