2025-02-15 Apache Ranger 2.6.0 Released!

The Apache Ranger team is proud to announce the release of Apache Ranger 2.6.0!

Along with various security fixes, this releases has a several improvements and bug fixes, including policy evaluation performance improvements, tagsync support for Ozone resources, custom condition to support validity schedules in policy items. 

The Release bits are available at the download page.

We would like to thank all contributors who made the release possible and to invite others interested in helping out to engage the community on the dev and users lists!

2024-08-08 Apache Ranger 2.5.0 Released!

The Apache Ranger team is proud to announce the release of Apache Ranger 2.5.0!

Along with various security fixes, this releases has a large number of improvements and bug fixes, including new UI, performance improvements, HA support for usersync and tagsync services, security-zone support for roles as admins and auditors. 

The Release bits are available at the download page.

We would like to thank all contributors who made the release possible and to invite others interested in helping out to engage the community on the dev and users lists!

2023-03-29 Apache Ranger 2.4.0 Released!

The Apache Ranger team is proud to announce the release of Apache Ranger 2.4.0!

Along with various security fixes, this releases had multiple new features such as FGAC over Nested Structures, Upgraded HBase version support, .... 

The Release bits are available at the download page.

We would like to thank all contributors who made the release possible and to invite others interested in helping out to engage the community on the dev and users lists!

2016-2-29 Apache Ranger 0.5.2 Released!

The Apache Ranger team is proud to announce the release of Apache Ranger 0.5.2!

Apache Ranger is a centralized security framework for providing authorization and auditing of hadoop components (HDFS, HiveServer2, HBase, Knox, Storm, Yarn, Kafka, Solr).
More details on the release is available at  Release Notes 

The Release bits are available at the download page.

We would like to thank all contributors who made the release possible and to invite others interested in helping out to engage the community on the dev and users lists!

2016-1-26 Apache Ranger 0.5.1 Released!

The Apache Ranger team is proud to announce the release of Apache Ranger 0.5.1!

Apache Ranger is a centralized security framework for providing authorization and auditing of hadoop components (HDFS, HiveServer2, HBase, Knox, Storm, Yarn, Kafka, Solr).
More details on the release is available at  Release Notes 

The Release bits are available at the download page.

We would like to thank all contributors who made the release possible and to invite others interested in helping out to engage the community on the dev and users lists!

2015-06-10 Apache Ranger 0.5.0 Released!

The Apache Ranger team is proud to announce the release of Apache Ranger 0.5.0!

Apache Ranger is a centralized security framework for providing authorization and auditing of hadoop components (HDFS, HiveServer2, HBase, Knox, Storm, Yarn, Kafka, Solr).
More details on the release is available at  Release Notes 

The Release bits are available at the download page.

We would like to thank all contributors who made the release possible and to invite others interested in helping out to engage the community on the dev and users lists!

2014-11-17 Apache Ranger 0.4.0 Released!

The Apache Ranger team is proud to announce the release of Apache Ranger 0.4.0!

Apache Ranger is a centralized security framework for providing authorization and auditing of hadoop components (HDFS, HiveServer2, HBase, Knox, Storm). 
More details on the release is available at Release Notes

The Release bits are available at the download page.

We would like to thank all contributors who made the release possible and to invite others interested in helping out to engage the community on the dev and users lists!

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  1.  <quote> Apache Ranger is a centralized security framework for providing authorization and auditing of hadoop components (HDFS, Hive2Server, HBase, Knox, Storm, Yarn, Kafka, Solr).  



    I think Hive2Server should read HiveServer2.


  2. If you grant edit privelege to dillidorai (dillidorai@apache.org), I would update the page.



    1. Dilli, thanks for volunteering. I have given you permission to edit. 

  3. Bosco,

    I still do not see edit icon.



    1. Only your gmail account shows up in the list. Can you check which account you are using? Thanks

  4. Thanks Bosco, logged in with gmail account, updated the page.

  5. Good!

    I want to only install Ranger KMS, how to install ? thank you ... 

    1. Please post your question at  user@ranger.i.a.o mailing list. More folks will be able to answer you there. Thanks

  6. Always news should be in advance. Ranger .6 released 0.6 Release - Apache Ranger but not in the news yet.

    By the way Tag based ranger policy is cool feature in 0.6, hope we will upgrade soon and implement it.