Advertising Opportunities -

Advertising Opportunities

Cowichan Lake Advertising Opportunities

Member Advertising available on the Chamber Mobile Business/Tourism Unit and the Chamber Kiosk Boards in Saywell Park and Mesachie Lake Skydome Park.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to generate exposure of your business at great prices and continue to receive 25% discount during 2023.

Fill out form below to find out more information on your advertising placement

2023 Member advertising opportunities on Saywell Park and Mesachie Lake Kiosks 

2023 Member advertising opportunities on the Chamber Mobile Business/Tourism Unit

Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce (CLDCC),
For more information call the Chamber 250-749-3244 or contact Katherine Worsley – 250-709-7854
or email: [email protected]


Become a Member

Joining your Chamber of Commerce links you with fellow businesses and provides numerous benefits associated with the District and Provincial Chamber of Commerce.