IEEE Award Recipients

The Awards Portfolio consists of the IEEE Medals, IEEE Recognitions, and IEEE Technical Field Awards. These are presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors but are managed by IEEE Awards Board. Each Award has a selection committee made of up of experts that review the nominations for that year, and make a final recipient recommendation to the Awards Board. The IEEE Awards Board reviews the recommendations, and endorses the recipients. The IEEE Board of Directors have final approval of the recipients.

IEEE Medals are the highest awards in the hierarchy of IEEE Awards bestowed by IEEE and embrace significant and broad IEEE interests and purposes. The IEEE Medal of Honor is the highest of all the Awards presented throughout IEEE.

IEEE Medals are the highest awards in the hierarchy of IEEE Awards bestowed by IEEE and embrace significant and broad IEEE interests and purposes. The IEEE Medal of Honor is the highest of all the Awards presented throughout IEEE.

The IEEE Medals may be awarded annually when in the judgment of the Awards Board (AB) suitable candidates are available. The IEEE Medals Council shall recommend candidates to the AB for each of the IEEE Medals, including the IEEE Medal of Honor. Candidates for the IEEE Medals shall be endorsed by the AB before submission to the Board of Directors for final approval. IEEE Medals may be established and terminated only by the IEEE Board of Directors.

IEEE Recognitions (Service Awards, Corporate Award, Young Professional Award, Honorary Membership, Herz Staff Award) are equivalent to IEEE Technical Field Awards and Joint Awards with National Societies (JANS) within the awards hierarchy, they are not to be considered higher or lower than these categories.

The IEEE Recognitions are presented for contributions to the technical community and IEEE fields of interest, meritorious service to humanity in the fields of IEEE, volunteer service to IEEE, and outstanding innovation by an organization in the fields of interest of IEEE. The IEEE Recognitions may be awarded annually when in the judgment of the AB suitable candidates are available.

The IEEE Recognitions Council shall recommend candidates for these recognitions to the AB. Candidates for these IEEE Recognitions shall be endorsed by the AB before submission to the Board of Directors for final approval. IEEE Recognitions can be established and terminated only by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the AB.

The IEEE Medals and Recognitions are presented at the annual Honors Ceremony. IEEE Honors Ceremony is IEEE’s premier event, normally hosted by IEEE President and IEEE President-Elect. Since 2017, the IEEE Honors Ceremony has been held as the evening gala event at the IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit.

IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs) are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE. They are narrower in scope. The IEEE Technical Field Awards are awarded for contributions or leadership in specific fields of interest of the IEEE.

They may be awarded annually when in the judgment of the AB suitable candidates are available. Candidates for the IEEE TFAs shall be endorsed by the AB before submission to the Board of Directors for final approval.

IEEE Technical Field Award presentations shall be made in the same calendar year as the year of the award for which the recipient was chosen.

The TFAs are presented by the IEEE President or designee at an IEEE technical conference or symposium, as recommended by the relevant selection committee and endorsed by the IEEE Technical Field Awards Council, and approved by the IEEE AB.

The IEEE Technical Field Award recipient may have their award presented at an IEEE conference of their choosing. However, in rare and unusual circumstances, and with the approval of the AB, the IEEE President or designee may make the presentation at a non-IEEE technical conference or symposium.

All IEEE Technical Field Award presentations, regardless of their sponsors, shall be given the same and equal treatment when multiple TFAs are presented at an IEEE conference.

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