The Well-Read Anarchist | The Corbett Report

The Well-Read Anarchist

The Well-Read Anarchist #002 – An Introduction to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

The Well-Read Anarchist #002 – An Introduction to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

In this inaugural edition of The Well-Read Anarchist podcast, we explore the life and work of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. From his humble origins to his bold proclamation of anarchism to his brief political career, his imprisonment and exile, and his posthumous banishment to the fringes of the canon, we take a look at the thoughts and ideas of the first self-proclaimed anarchist. Joining us to do this are Shawn Wilbur, an independent scholar and Proudhon translator, and Dr. Alex Prichard, a lecturer in international relations at Exeter University and author of Justice, Order and Anarchy: The International Political Theory of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.


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