Editorial - IOS Press
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After nearly 20 years as Editor in Chief of Asymptotic Analysis, Alain Bensoussan is retiring from this important role and I will take over as the new Editor in Chief.

I would like to warmly thank Alain for his key role in the life of the journal, making AA a major journal in our community, in continuation of the initial impulse by Leonid Frank. As a sign of this success, the 100th volume of AA was published in 2016.

Chantal Delabarre will continue to manage the journal as in the past. In addition, the Publisher IOS Press plans to eventually introduce an online web system, MsTracker, which will speed up the process, for the benefit of authors and all of us.

The success of any journal is essentially due to the contributors, the referees and the associate editors. I would like to warmly thank all of them and express my gratitude for their support under my predecessors. I look forward to maintaining this relationship and receiving your suggestions and ideas for making AA even more valuable for our community.

Roger Temam

Editor in Chief

E-mail: [email protected]