ASE 2023
ASE 2023
Mon 11 - Fri 15 September 2023 Kirchberg, Luxembourg

Welcome to the website of the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023).

The ASE conference is the premier research forum for Automated Software Engineering. Each year, it brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss foundations, techniques, and tools for automating the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems.


Awarded Papers

An Empirical Study on Fine-tuning Large Language Models of Code for Automated Program RepairACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
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DeepScaler: Holistic Autoscaling for Microservices Based on Spatiotemporal GNN with Adaptive Graph LearningACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
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Detecting Smart Home Automation Application Interferences with Domain KnowledgeACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
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Domain Adaptive Code Completion via Language Models and Decoupled Domain DatabasesACM Distinguished PaperRecorded talk
Research Papers
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EndWatch: A Practical Method for Detecting Non-Termination in Real-World SoftwareACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
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Generative Type Inference for PythonACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
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LeakPair: Proactive Repairing of Memory Leaks in Single Page Web ApplicationsACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
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Merge-Replay: Efficient IFDS-Based Taint Analysis by Consolidating Equivalent Value FlowsACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
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Mutation-based Fault Localization of Deep Neural NetworksACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
PHYFU: Fuzzing Modern Physics Simulation EnginesACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI