- Big Data Analytics Subcommittee (BDAS)
- Computing and Analytic Methods Subcommittee (CAMS)
- Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee (DSAS)
- Intelligent Systems Subcommittee (ISS)
- Risk, Reliability and Probability Applications Subcommittee (RRPAS)
- Transient Analysis and Simulation Subcommittee (TASS)
Note: After the IEEE PES Technical Committee Reorganization in 2016
- the PSACE System Economics Subcommittee (SES) has moved from PSACE to the newly formed Technical Committee on Power System Operation, Planning and Economics
- the T&D General Systems Subcommittee (GSS) was renamed Transient Analysis and Simulation Subcommittee (TASS) and has moved from T&D to AMPS.