CMake Documentation and Community

Thank you for joining the CMake community! Whether you are still learning how to use CMake, contributing, or just enjoy being part of the conversation, there is is something here for everyone. Here are some ways you can get involved.

Reference Documentation

CMake Reference Documentation


CMake Discourse Forum
Ask questions, participate in community discussion, or even help answer questions on the CMake Discourse Forum. The forum is actively used by CMake users and developers.

CMake Community Wiki
The CMake Community Wiki is open to everyone. Simply sign in and request access to contribute new pages, update existing pages, and list your project.


Contribute Changes to CMake
Got a patch? Anyone is welcome to participate in CMake’s open source development process.

Run a Continuous Integration Builder
Help keep CMake working on your favorite platforms.

CMake Code Repository
Visit the CMake code repository to collaborate and track changes made to the CMake code base.

Issue Tracker
Report technical issues to one of Kitware’s CMake developers. Remember the tracker is NOT meant for CMake questions. If you have a question, please post it on the discourse forum.

Other Resources

CDash: The CMake Dashboard
CMake uses the powerful CDash build and test aggregator to see the status of CMake’s multitude of build and test results in a single location.

Learning Materials
If you are looking to improve your CMake skills, visit our learning page. We have tutorials, info about our upcoming CMake training courses, and other useful resources.

Advanced Support for CMake

Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to the CMake experts at Kitware.