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Towards a Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) for Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting

Documents relating to V5.1

Version 5.1 Spreadsheet

CICES V5.1 Guidance document


V4.3 Archive

CICES-V4-3 Spreadsheet

The Simple Tool for looking at equivalences with MA and TEEB was developed as part of the EU-funded OpenNESS Project, but is no longer available, although the description is accessible using the link.

Report on Consultation prepared for the European Environment Agency, January 2013

The feedback prepared on the Revision of the SEEA can be found by following this link.

Response on initial proposals for CICES Version 4 by UNSD can be found by following this link

Consultation Documents, August-December 2012

The informal response to the 2012 Briefing Note can be downloaded via this link:

Response to Consultation on CICES V4

The  version 4.1 of CICES  can be downloaded via this link:

 CICES V4.1 Spreadsheet

The 2012 Consultation Briefing Note can be downloaded via this link:

CICES v 4 Consultation Briefing Note.

The document this includes the classification but as only as a pdf table.

However, CICES V4 can also be downloaded as an Excel Spreadsheet

As background:

  • A copy of the proposal presented to the UNSD in Rio 2012 can be downloaded via this link: UNCEEA-7-10.
  • A copy of the paper prepared for discussion at the expert meeting on ecosystem accounts organised by the UNSD, the EEA and the World Bank, London, December 2011 can be downloaded by following this link

DRAFT PROPOSAL: As preparation for the e-forum and the discussions hosted by the EEA in December 2009, a draft report was  prepared setting out some initial ideas and opportunities. It can be downloaded by following this link.


CROSS-TABULATIONS WITH UN STANDARD PRODUCT AND ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATIONS:  As an exploratory exercise the broad CICES service groups were cross-tabulated against the UN Standards ISIC (V4), CPC (V2) and COICOP.

These can be inspected in a spreadsheet that can be downloaded by following this link.

Note, the cross-tabulations are speculative and indicated merely to suggest how links can be made.



A summary of discussions in the e-forum up to 29th November 2009 

 A summary of discussions in the e-forum up to 6th December 2009 (Weeks 1&2)


A copy of the proposal presented to the UNSD in June 2010 can be downloaded via this link

A copy of the proposal presented to the UNSD in Rio 2012 can be downloaded via this link.