Childline is a service that listens to the stories and feelings of children under the age of 18 via phone and chat.
The phone number is 0120-99-7777 and is free to call and available every day from 4pm to 9pm
Chat is available at, on the first and third Mondays of each month and from Tuesday to Saturday
Children can connect with us whenever they want someone to listen to something, when they're feeling down, when they want to cry, or any other time. Of course, there are times when they want to tell someone something good, but don't have anyone to talk to. Support will be provided in the Japanese language.
Childline mascot Caractor
2,000 trained volunteer recipients across the country will listen to the children. We accept calls at over 70 locations across 40 prefectures across Japan. In fiscal 2023, we received approximately 200,000 calls and chats.
Presentation to cabinet members
Based on the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, we listen to children's voices and create a place where they can feel safe and accept themselves as they are. We also aim to spread the voices we listen to and create a society where children can live comfortably.
Childline Japan was started as a community initiative modeled on Childline in the UK.
A "What to say to adults" section was launched on the website where children can write about things they want society and adults to do for them
Card to distribute to children
Childline Support Center Japan
Call: +81-3-5946-8500
Fax: +81-3-5946-8501
Kagurazaka Fujii Building 5, 14 Tenjincho,
Shinjuku-ku, 162-0808 Tokyo, Japan