Cultural Heritage Analysis for New Generations Countries 8 Beneficiaries 9 Partner Organizations 9 ESRs 15 Subscribe for the CHANGE Newsletter here Meet our Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) What is CHANGE all about? Watch our video to learn more about the CHANGE project. Latest News CHANGE ESR Jizhen Cai has successfully defended his thesis! CHANGE ESR Athanasia Papanikolaou has successfully defended her thesis! CHANGE ESR Dipendra Mandal has successfully defended his thesis! Agnese Babini has successfully defended her thesis! Ramamoorthy Luxman has successfully defended his thesis! CHANGE final event Evdokia Saiti has successfully defended her thesis! Yoko Arteaga has successfully defended her thesis! Sunita Saha has successfully defended her thesis! Amalia Siatou has successfully defended her thesis! Follow us on Social Media Click here to follow us on Facebook Click here to follow us on YouTube