- 请求信息 : 2025-02-18 14:27:46 HTTP/1.0 GET : /company_home/718653/
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- [8] Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Behavior/MarkTrackingOrderSourceCheckBehavior.class.php 第 44 行.
- [8] Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Behavior/MarkTrackingOrderSourceCheckBehavior.class.php 第 208 行.
- [8] Undefined index: center_password_token /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 234 行.
- [8] Undefined index: avgcuont /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/CompanyhomeController.class.php 第 1613 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: query_string /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Library/Org/Page/LitePage.class.php 第 77 行.
- [8] Undefined index: non_id /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Db/BizMarketing/ZxsRoomcasesModel.class.php 第 48 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: topbanner /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 47 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: ifIndex /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 137 行.
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- [8] Undefined index: link /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 971 行.
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- [8] Undefined index: provinceCity /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 971 行.
- [8] Undefined index: recentCity /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 971 行.
- [8] Undefined index: tags /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 971 行.
- [8] Undefined index: areaCompany /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 971 行.
- [8] Undefined index: newestMeitu /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 971 行.
- [8] Undefined index: hottestMeitu /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 971 行.
- [8] Undefined index: sameTagList /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 971 行.
- [8] Undefined index: recommendCompany /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 974 行.
- [8] Undefined index: tags /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 975 行.
- [8] Undefined index: link /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 976 行.
- [8] Undefined index: zhuanti /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 977 行.
- [8] Undefined index: hotCity /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 978 行.
- [8] Undefined index: hotTags /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 979 行.
- [8] Undefined index: recentCity /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 980 行.
- [8] Undefined index: areaCompany /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 981 行.
- [8] Undefined index: provinceCity /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 982 行.
- [8] Undefined index: hotMeitu /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 983 行.
- [8] Undefined index: newestMeitu /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 984 行.
- [8] Undefined index: hottestMeitu /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 985 行.
- [8] Undefined index: sameTagList /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 986 行.
- [8] Undefined index: recommendCompany /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 992 行.
- [8] Undefined index: tags /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 998 行.
- [8] Undefined index: link /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1001 行.
- [8] Undefined index: zhuanti /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1004 行.
- [8] Undefined index: hotCity /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1007 行.
- [8] Undefined index: hotTags /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1010 行.
- [8] Undefined index: recentCity /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1013 行.
- [8] Undefined index: areaCompany /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1016 行.
- [8] Undefined index: provinceCity /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1019 行.
- [8] Undefined index: hotMeitu /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1023 行.
- [8] Undefined index: newestMeitu /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1026 行.
- [8] Undefined index: hottestMeitu /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1029 行.
- [8] Undefined index: sameTagList /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1032 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: ssid /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1206 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: var /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/6df608fd93df964a28002a69e29fa366.php 第 1342 行.
- SELECT user.id,user.user,user.logo,user.jc,user.qc,user.case_count,company.comment_score,company.is_show,q.bm,company.text as jianjie,a.qz_area FROM qz_user user INNER JOIN qz_user_company as company on company.userid = user.id left join qz_quyu q ON q.cid = user.cs left join qz_area a ON a.qz_areaid = user.qx WHERE user.id = '718653' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
- SELECT t2.*,count(g.id) as ccount,count(IF(g.sj <>0,g.id,null)) as newcount,count(IF(g.sj =0,g.id,null)) as oldcount,count(IF(g.count>=9 and g.sj = 0,g.count,null)) as oldgood,count(IF(g.sj>=9 and g.fw>=9 and g.sg >=9,g.id,null)) as good,avg(IF(g.sj<>0,g.sj,null)) avgsj,avg(IF(g.fw<>0,g.fw,null)) avgfw,avg(IF(g.sg<>0,g.sg,null)) avgsg,avg(IF(g.sj=0,g.count,null)) avgcount FROM ( SELECT tt.*,count(ce.id) as dcount2,case when count(ce.id) > 0 or tt.cooperate_mode2 = 2 then 2 else 1 end as cooperate_mode FROM ( SELECT t.id,t.classid,t.on,t.chengli,t.cs,t.qx,t.cityname,t.area_name,t.qc,t.jc,t.kouhao,t.img_host,t.logo,t.video,t.pv,t.jianjie,t.jiawei,t.fake,t.nickname,t.nickname1,t.hengfu,t.qq,t.qq1,t.cal,t.cals,t.dz,t.tel,t.casecount,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT c.qz_area ORDER BY c.qz_areaid) as area,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT d.name order by d.sort DESC) as fw,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT e.name order by e.sort ) as fg,f.name as gm,t.cooperate_mode2 FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.classid,a.on,a.cs,a.qx,e.cname as cityname,z.qz_area as area_name,a.qc,a.jc,a.kouhao,a.logo,a.pv,a.video,a.qq,a.qq1,a.cal,a.cals,a.dz,a.tel,a.case_count as casecount,b.text as jianjie,b.jiawei,b.fuwu,b.fengge,b.quyu,b.fake,b.nickname,b.nickname1,b.hengfu,b.guimo,b.chengli,b.img_host,b.cooperate_mode as cooperate_mode2 FROM qz_user a left join qz_user_company as b on a.id = b.userid inner join qz_quyu as e on e.cid = a.cs left join qz_area as z on a.qx = z.qz_areaid WHERE a.id = '718653' AND a.classid IN (3,6) AND a.cs = '430700' ) t LEFT JOIN qz_area as c on FIND_IN_SET(c.qz_areaid,t.quyu) LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as d on FIND_IN_SET(d.biz_id,t.fuwu) and d.type = 'leixing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as e on FIND_IN_SET(e.biz_id,t.fengge) and e.type = 'fengge' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as f on f.biz_id = t.guimo and f.type = 'guimo' GROUP BY t.id ) tt LEFT JOIN qz_user_company_employee ce on ce.company_id = tt.id and ce.state = 1 and ce.position in (2,3,4) ) t2 LEFT JOIN qz_comment as g on g.comid = t2.id and g.isveritfy = 0 [ RunTime:0.0122s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_company_branchstore` [ RunTime:0.0014s ]
- SELECT id as hid,`shortname`,tel as htel,`addr`,qq as qq3,qq1 as qq4,nickname as nickname2,nickname1 as nickname3 FROM qz_company_branchstore WHERE `comid` = '718653' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0021s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_user_company_rank` [ RunTime:0.0014s ]
- SELECT `ping`,`haoping` FROM qz_user_company_rank WHERE `comid` = '718653' AND `day` BETWEEN '2025-01-18' AND '2025-02-18' ORDER BY day desc LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SELECT t1.*,c.name as huxing,d.name as yusuan FROM ( SELECT a.addtime,b.`name`,b.mianji,b.lx,b.huxing,b.yusuan,b.xiaoqu FROM qz_order_info a INNER JOIN qz_orders as b on a.`order` = b.id WHERE a.com = '718653' ORDER BY a.addtime desc LIMIT 5 ) t1 LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as c on c.biz_id = t1.huxing and c.type = 'huxing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as d on d.biz_id = t1.yusuan and d.type = 'jiage' ORDER BY addtime desc [ RunTime:0.0274s ]
- SELECT count(b.id) as casecount,t.* FROM ( SELECT ce.id,ce.account as user,ce.nick_name as name,ce.logo,ce.description,ce.position as zw,ce.experience,ce.honor,ce.state,ce.created_at,ds.sort px,if(ds.id is null,2,1) as hassort FROM qz_user_company_employee ce INNER JOIN qz_user_des as d on d.userid = ce.id and d.company_id = ce.company_id LEFT JOIN qz_user_company_designer_sorting ds on ds.employee_id = ce.id and ds.company_id = 718653 WHERE ce.company_id = 718653 AND ce.position IN (2,3,4) AND ce.state = 1 ORDER BY hassort,ds.sort,ce.id desc LIMIT 5 ) t LEFT JOIN qz_cases as b on t.id = b.userid and b.uid =718653 and b.isdelete = 1 and b.on = 1 and b.status=2 and b.classid <= 3 GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY t.hassort,t.px,t.id desc [ RunTime:0.0013s ]
- SELECT * FROM ( SELECT t1.id as id,t1.name as huxing,t1.lx as leixing,t1.on,t1.mianji,t1.title,t1.fg,t1.time,d.img,d.img_host,d.img_path,t1.dname,t1.logo,t1.userid,t1.isdelete,t1.classid,t1.thumb,t1.zaojia,t1.jiage FROM ( SELECT t.*,c.name as fg,d.name as dname,d.logo,h.name,f.name as lx,j.name as jiage FROM ( SELECT `id`,`title`,`mianji`,`fengge`,`zaojia`,`time`,`userid`,`huxing`,`leixing`,`isdelete`,`on`,`status`,`classid`,`thumb` FROM qz_cases WHERE `uid` = '718653' AND `isdelete` = 1 AND `on` = 1 AND `status` = 2 AND `classid` <= 3 ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 6 ) t INNER JOIN qz_base_deco_config as c on c.biz_id = t.fengge and c.type = 'fengge' LEFT JOIN qz_user as d on d.id = t.userid LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as h on h.biz_id = t.huxing and h.type = 'huxing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as f on f.biz_id = t.leixing and f.type = 'leixing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as j on t.zaojia=j.biz_id and j.type= 'jiage' ) t1 LEFT JOIN qz_case_img as d on d.caseid = t1.id AND d.status < 3 ORDER BY d.img_on desc,d.px asc ) t2 GROUP BY t2.id ORDER BY time desc [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_user_company_rank` [ RunTime:0.0014s ]
- SELECT t.* FROM ( SELECT * FROM qz_user_company_rank WHERE `comid` IN ('718653') AND `day` BETWEEN '2025-02-13' AND '2025-02-18' ORDER BY day desc ) t join qz_user_company b on b.userid = t.comid and b.is_show = 1 GROUP BY t.comid [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
- SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM qz_cases WHERE `uid` = '718653' AND `isdelete` = 1 AND `on` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
- SELECT count(c.id) as zj_num FROM qz_user t LEFT JOIN qz_cases as c on c.uid=t.id and c.isdelete in(1,3) and c.on=1 and c.classid=3 WHERE c.uid = '718653' GROUP BY t.id [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM qz_comment a WHERE a.comid = '718653' AND a.cs = 430700 AND a.isveritfy = 0 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
- SELECT b.id,b.title,a.post_time,a.content FROM qz_ask_anwser a left join qz_ask as b on b.id = a.qid WHERE a.uid = '718653' ORDER BY a.post_time DESC LIMIT 0,3 [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SELECT t2.* FROM ( SELECT t.id,uc1.haoping,uc1.casesnum,uc1.designnum,uc1.ping FROM qz_user t left join qz_user_company_rank uc1 on uc1.comid = t.id and uc1.day = '2025-02-17' WHERE uc1.comid = '718653' ORDER BY day desc ) t2 GROUP BY t2.id [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SELECT `comment_score`,`comment_count` FROM qz_user t left join qz_user_company uc on uc.userid = t.id WHERE uc.userid = '718653' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM qz_company_activity c WHERE `cid` = 718653 AND `check` = '1' AND `del` = '1' AND `types` = '1' AND `start` < 1739860066 AND `end` > 1739860066 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
- SELECT `id`,`cid`,`title`,`text`,`start`,`end`,`time`,`check`,`types`,`del`,`state` FROM qz_company_activity c WHERE `cid` = 718653 AND `check` = '1' AND `del` = '1' AND `types` = '1' AND `start` < 1739860066 AND `end` > 1739860066 ORDER BY types desc,time desc LIMIT 0,5 [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
- SELECT a.tag as tag_id,t.tag as tag_name FROM qz_company_tags a LEFT JOIN qz_company_relation_tag t on t.id = a.tag WHERE a.company_id = '718653' ORDER BY t.tag_mode DESC,t.id DESC [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SELECT `id`,img as img_path,`img_host` FROM qz_company_img WHERE `userid` = 718653 ORDER BY id desc [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SELECT u.id,u.logo,u.qc,u.jc,q.bm,CASE WHEN u.`on` = 2 AND uc.fake = 0 THEN 1 WHEN u.`on` <> 2 AND uc.fake = 0 THEN 2 ELSE 3 END paixu FROM qz_user u inner join qz_user_company as uc on u.id=uc.userid inner join qz_quyu as q on q.cid=u.cs WHERE u.cs = '430700' AND uc.is_show = 1 AND u.classid IN (3,6) AND u.qc <> '' ORDER BY paixu, u.register_time LIMIT 6 [ RunTime:0.0022s ]
- SELECT (haoping/ping) as haoping_lv,`comid` FROM qz_user_company_rank WHERE `comid` IN ('885214','97228','131411','138200','179203','260471') AND `day` = '2025-02-17' [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_company_banners` [ RunTime:0.0013s ]
- SELECT `id`,`userid`,`img_path` FROM qz_company_banners WHERE `userid` = '718653' AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sorted,id DESC LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
- SELECT user.jc,user.qc,user.id FROM qz_user user INNER JOIN qz_user_company as company on company.userid = user.id WHERE user.cs = '430700' AND user.classid = 3 AND user.account_chk = 1 AND company.is_show = 1 ORDER BY user.register_time DESC LIMIT 20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ]
- SELECT a.id,a.title,a.case_from,a.tag_id,a.views,a.fake_views,a.collects,a.fake_collects,a.room_mianji,count(zpi.id) as img_num,zp.id as pic_id,zpi.url as img_url,zpi.width as img_width,zpi.height as img_height,a.owner_name,a.owner_logo,a.tag_id FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.title,a.case_from,a.views,a.fake_views,a.collects,a.fake_collects,a.room_mianji,group_concat(t.tag_id) as tag_id,a.publish_time,up.nickname as owner_name,up.avatar as owner_logo FROM qz_zxs_room_cases a inner join qz_zxs_room_cases_tag t on a.id = t.room_case_id left join qz_ucenter_profile up on up.uuid = a.owner_uuid WHERE a.publish = 1 AND a.is_delete = 2 AND a.company_id = 718653 GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.publish_time desc,a.id desc ) a inner join qz_zxs_picture zp on zp.room_case_id = a.id and zp.is_delete=2 inner join qz_zxs_picture_info zpi on zpi.pic_id = zp.id GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.publish_time desc,a.id desc,zpi.px asc,zpi.id LIMIT 0,3 [ RunTime:0.0019s ]
- UPDATE qz_user SET `pv`=pv+1 WHERE `id` = 718653 [ RunTime:0.0104s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_card_com_record` [ RunTime:0.0017s ]
- SELECT k.*,count(u.id) as usenum FROM ( SELECT c.name,r.start,r.end,c.type,c.active_type,c.money1,c.money2,c.money3,c.gift,c.img2,c.module,r.id,r.amount FROM qz_card_com_record r INNER JOIN qz_card_com com on com.id = r.card_com_id INNER JOIN qz_card c on c.id = com.card_id WHERE com.com_id = '718653' AND r.check = 2 AND r.activity_start < 1739860066 AND r.activity_end > 1739860066 AND r.apply_state = 1 AND ( (c.enable =1 or (c.enable = 2 and c.disable_time >1739860066)) ) LIMIT 4 ) k left join qz_card_user u ON u.record_id = k.id GROUP BY k.id [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_sub_tag_company` [ RunTime:0.0016s ]
- SELECT `tag_id` FROM qz_sub_tag_company a INNER JOIN qz_sub_tag as b on b.id = a.tag_id WHERE a.company_id = '718653' AND b.enabled = 1 ORDER BY a.created_at desc LIMIT 10 [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- 服务器主机名 : 4246bee615e5
- 服务器系统 : Linux 4246bee615e5 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 4 14:43:51 UTC 2024 x86_64
- PHP运行方式 : fpm-fcgi
- PHP文件拥有者 : www-data
- PHP版本 : 7.0.33
- Zend版本 : 3.0.0
- 服务器软件 : nginx
- 服务器域名 : www.qizuang.com
- 服务器语言 :
- 服务器IP :
- 服务器Web端口 : 443
- 客户端IP :
- URL : https://changde.qizuang.com/company_home/718653/
- 控制器 : Application/Sub/Companyhome/index
- 模板文件 : ../Application/Sub/View/Companyhome/index.html