Tailwind の md:flex
みたいなレスポンシブのクラスみないな prefix のあるクラスと楽に作れる mixin を作りたかった
- sass: 1.42.1 (Dart Sass)
レスポンシブ用の prefix を付けたクラスを生成する
$breakpoints: ( xzs: 0, xs: 23.375rem, sm: 36rem, md: 48rem, lg: 62rem, xl: 75rem, xxl: 87.5rem, ); @function breakpoint($name, $breakpoints: $breakpoints) { $breakpoint: map-get($breakpoints, $name); @return if($breakpoint != 0, $breakpoint, null); } // media screen and (min-width: breakpoint) { … } なスタイルを出力する mixin @mixin media-breakpoint-up($key, $breakpoints: $breakpoints) { $min: breakpoint($key, $breakpoints); @if $min { @media screen and (min-width: $min) { @content; } } @else { @content; } }
@use './breakpoints' as bp; @each $key, $value in bp.$breakpoints { @if $value > 0 { $prefix: #{$key}\:; } @else { $prefix: ''; } @include bp.media-breakpoint-up($key) { .#{$prefix}btn--xs { … } .#{$prefix}btn--sm { … } .#{$prefix}btn--md { … } .#{$prefix}btn--lg { … } } }
これで .btn--xs
, sm:btn-xs
, … のようなレスポンシブ用のクラスを作成できるのですが、コンポーネントのスタイルを作成する CSS ファイル内に都度レスポンシブ用の @each
// _buttons.scss @include bp.media-breakpoint-up($key) { // ここを @content; にして処理を分離したい .#{$prefix}btn--xs { … } .#{$prefix}btn--sm { … } .#{$prefix}btn--md { … } .#{$prefix}btn--lg { … } } }
Dart Sass 1.15 以降では @content
@content Arguments
Mixins that take @content blocks can now pass arguments to those blocks. This is written @content(<arguments...>). If a mixin passes arguments to its content block, users of that mixin must accept those arguments by writing @includeusing (<arguments...>). The argument list for a content block works just like a mixin’s argument list, and the arguments passed to it by @content work just like passing arguments to a mixin.
cf. https://sass-lang.com/blog/page/3#content-arguments
@mixin media($types...) { @each $type in $types { @media #{$type} { @content($type); } } } @include media(screen, print) using ($type) { h1 { font-size: 40px; @if $type == print { font-family: Calluna; } } }
で引数を渡し、mixin を呼び出す側は @include mixin useing (引数)
$breakpoints: ( xzs: 0, xs: 23.375rem, sm: 36rem, md: 48rem, lg: 62rem, xl: 75rem, xxl: 87.5rem, ); @function breakpoint($name, $breakpoints: $breakpoints) { $breakpoint: map-get($breakpoints, $name); @return if($breakpoint != 0, $breakpoint, null); } // media screen and (min-width: breakpoint) { … } なスタイルを出力する mixin @mixin media-breakpoint-up($key, $breakpoints: $breakpoints) { $min: breakpoint($key, $breakpoints); @if $min { @media screen and (min-width: $min) { @content; } } @else { @content; } } @mixin every-breakpoint-up($breakpoints: $breakpoints) { @each $key, $value in $breakpoints { @if $value > 0 { $prefix: #{$key}\:; } @else { $prefix: ''; } @include media-breakpoint-up($key) { @content ($prefix); } } }
@use './breakpoints' as bp; @include bp.every-breakpoint-up() using ($prefix) { .#{$prefix}btn--xs { … } .#{$prefix}btn--sm { … } .#{$prefix}btn--md { … } .#{$prefix}btn--lg { … } }
全ブレイクポイントの media query を吐き出す処理を分離できたので、取り回しが良くなりました!
Sass コンパイルエラーがわかりづらすぎてめんどい