CEUR-WS.org/Vol-396 - Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation (BMI'08)
© 2008 for the individual papers
by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
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Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation
Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23, 2008.
Edited by
* Centre for Computing Technologies (TZI),
University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
** Wireless Sensor Networks Lab, Stanford University,
Stanford CA 94305-9515, USA
Complete Workshop Proceedings (link,~6MB)
Table of Contents
Behaviour Monitoring
Shadowing - Tracking - Interviewing: How to Explore Human Spatio-Temporal Behaviour Patterns
Alexandra Millonig and Georg Gartner, pages 1-14
Monitoring Movement Behavior by Means of a Large Area Proximity Sensor Array in the Floor
Axel Steinhage and Christl Lauterbach, pages 15-27
Behaviour Representation
A Framework for Mobile Intention Recognition in Spatially Structured Environments
Peter Kiefer and Klaus Stein, pages 28-41
Modeling Ontological Concepts of Motions with Two Projection-Based Spatial Models
Hui Shi and Yohei Kurata, pages 42-56
Collectives and How They Move: A Tale of Two Classifications
Zena Wood and Antony Galton, pages 57-71
AAL Applications
Autonomous Learning of User's Preferences improved through User Feedback
Asier Aztiria, Juan Carlos Augusto, and Alberto Izaguirre, pages 72-86
The Enhancement of Low-Level Classifications for Ambient Assisted Living
Rachel Goshorn, Deborah Goshorn, and Mathias Kölsch, pages 87-101
Towards Recognizing Abstract Activities: An Unsupervised Approach
Albert Hein and Thomas Kirste, pages 102-114
30-Sep-2008: submitted by B. Gottfried
30-Sep-2008: published on CEUR-WS.org
01-Oct-2008: corrected editors by B. Gottfried