CEUR-WS.org/Vol-296 - Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation (BMI'07)
[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-296

© 2007 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation

Proceedings of the Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation

Osnabrück, Germany, September 10, 2007.

Edited by

Björn Gottfried

Centre for Computing Technologies (TZI), University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Complete Workshop Proceedings (link, ~7MB)

Table of Contents

    Monitoring Behaviour

  1. Extracting Patterns of Individual Movement Behaviour from a Massive Collection of Tracked Positions
    Gennady Andrienko and Natalia Andrienko, pages 1-16
  2. Analysing Movement and Behavioural Patterns of Laboratory Mice in a Semi Natural Environment Based on Data collected via RFID-Technology
    Mareike Kritzler, Lars Lewejohann, and Antonio Krüger, pages 17-28
  3. Monitoring Pedestrian Spatio-Temporal Behaviour
    Alexandra Millonig and Georg Gartner, pages 29-42
  4. Measurability, Representation and Interpretation of Spatial Usage in Knowledge-Sharing Environments -- A Descriptive Model Based on WiFi Technologies
    Teresa Heitor, Ana Tomé, Paulo Dimas, and João Pedro Silva, pages 43-61

    Representing Behaviour

  5. The 9+-Intersection for Topological Relations between a Directed Line Segment and a Region
    Yohei Kurata and Max Egenhofer, pages 62-76
  6. Spatio-Temporal Configurations of Dynamics Points in a 1D Space
    Pierre Hallot and Roland Billen, pages 77-90
  7. How to Handle Incomplete Knowledge Concerning Moving Objects
    Nico Van de Weghe, Peter Bogaert, Anthony G. Cohn, Matthias Delafontaine, Leen De Temmerman, Tijs Neutens, Philippe De Maeyer, and Frank Witlox, pages 91-101

    Interpreting Behaviour

  8. Exploring Context-Sensitivity in Spatial Intention Recognition
    Peter Kiefer and Christoph Schlieder, pages 102-116
  9. Incremental Generation of Abductive Explanations for Tactical Behavior
    Thomas Wagner, Tjorben Bogon, and Carsten Elfers, pages 117-128

    Analysing Behaviour Through Vision

  10. From Distributed Vision Networks to Human Behavior Interpretation
    Hamid Aghajan and Chen Wu, pages 129-143
  11. Division of Work During Behaviour Recognition -- The SCENIC Approach
    Kasim Terzic, Lothar Hotz, and Bernd Neumann, pages 144-159

submitted by B. Gottfried, 13-Nov-2007
published on CEUR-WS.org, 14-Nov-2007