I have a dream. I can go anywhere in the world. Would you like to come with me? ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- うーん、眠いぜ。 春まで眠らせろ。 眠っているオレを起…
Hi everyone 情報を追加したぜ。 webronza.asahi.com ----------------------------------------------------------- 令和の黒船登場 イーロン・マスクは日本人にとっては 「令和の黒船」かもしれない。 ツイッターを乗っ取り、いや買い取り 一気に従業員を…
I feel uptight on a Saturday night Nine o’clock, the radio’s the only light I hear my song, and it pulls me through Comes on strong, tells me what I got to do I got to --------------------------------------------------- -------------------…
I am 22St Century Schizoid Man. I like music. I like sunshine. A cat is laughing. A whale is flying in the sky. Today's happiness is tomorrow's happiness. --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------…
Go to sleep and dream again Soon your hopes will rise and then From all this gloom life can start anew And there'll be no crying soon ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ジミント…
Anonymous idiots are making noise. Ignorant morons are making noise. He is young and stupid. It's hilarious. It's not funny. Poor sheeple. Rotten pigs. Die quickly. ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------…
I am a doomsayer. I am waiting for Japan to be ruined. Someone is pulling your leg. Someone is pulling your leg. A cat laughs and bites you. A pigman is sleeping. I don't love you, but I want to hold you. Tomorrow is the day... -----------…
Hi. Young people. To change the future. Take action. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ もう消費税払いたくない 働くと所得税。 家を買うと固定資産税。 消費すると消費…
I just didn't like the way he laughed. That's why I put the knife in front of you. And then you got all serious about it. Don't make me so sad. ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------…
Today I am happy. Thank you for these wonderful days. You will be happy too. Because you are reading this. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- なあんだあー。アメリカは結局、…
I know that Japan is dying. I will run away. Like rats fleeing a sinking ship. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 英エリザベス女王が永眠した。在位70年。 まさに「英…
Hi there. It's a beautiful day The sun is shining I feel good -------------------------------------------------- Amazon music unlimited 予想通り、Amazon music unlimitedが 3ヶ月間無料になったので利用している。 Spotify比べ、Amazon music unli…
Japan is a unique country. The old are stupid. The young are cowards. It is a peaceful day. Nothing changes in Japan. ---------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone オレはもうブログ書くのに飽きてきたから 前回の記事でフェ…
Some people say life has no meaning or purpose. They are wrong. Life has a purpose, which is to help those in need. -------------------------------------------------- あの~、外国人が創業すると東京都が1500万円を 『保証人無し』&『無担保』…
My Lovely Mary. Japan is in serious trouble. It's contaminated by cults. But I will fight against the cults. 沖縄県はコロナウイルス感染者が激増 沖縄県は新型コロナウイルス感染者が激増し、 4人に1人が感染という状況になっています。 濃厚接触者…
A new day begins. A pleasant breeze is blowing. I am smiling. You are smiling too. Together Let's enjoy life. --------------------------------------------------- 極楽ライフ 南の島・沖縄でのんびり暮らすのは極楽だ。 陽が落ちてから近所の海に…
Life is a comedy. We must play for fun. It's that easy. --------------------------------------------------- 自民党・福田達夫総務会長 「正直、僕自身が個人的に全く関係がないので、 なんでこんな騒いでいるのか 正直よくわからないというのはありま…
I know that Japan is dying. I will run away. Like rats fleeing a sinking ship. -------------------------------------------------- 以下の文章は、オレの主観的思いつきのため、 常に客観性と妥当性を追求しておられる方は ご遠慮下さい。 ----------…
Nothing you can make that can’t be made No one you can save that can’t be saved Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time It’s easy --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------…
Japan is a unique country. The old are stupid. The young are cowards. It is a peaceful day. Nothing changes in Japan. -------------------------------------------------- これは個人的な意見だ。 同意してほしいわけではない。 世の中にはいろいろ…
The sky is burning. You are crying. A goat is eating grass. The same thing repeats itself day after day. ------------------------------------------------------ 以下の文章は、オレの主観的思いつきのため、 常に客観性と妥当性を追求しておられる…
I'm fine today. very happy. Grandpa 62 is doing well. I'm walking into the sunrise. Serotonin is flowing. ------------------------------------------------------ 熱中症に注意を 日本本土は灼熱地獄と化しているようですが、 大丈夫ですか? 熱中…
Hi there I heard voices in the sky today. I don't know whose voice it was. I think it was coming for me. A warm, calm voice. There's nothing to be afraid of. Let's go. On to the next stage. -------------------------------------------------…
The way to create a happy life is. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself and act on it. Life is a long journey. Let's help each other. ------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------…
Japanese people are the most serious people in the world. And the most boring people in the world. ----------------------------------------------------- 値上がりを承認しろと国民を洗脳する日銀 さて、日銀・黒田総裁の発言が笑えない。 「家計は…
The sun shines on me every day. The fresh sun of today. The beginning of happiness. I want to share this happiness with you. --------------------------------------------- 先日の5月15日に、 沖縄が本土に復帰して50年が経った。 沖縄県民として…
I'm giving you On count of three To show your stuff Or let it be I'm telling you Just watch your mouth I know your game What you're about ------------------------------------------------------ 4630万円の誤送金 山口県阿武町の給付金4630万円…
Rainbow in the sky after rain. The rainbow speaks to me. Freedom is everywhere. Happiness is everywhere. If only you realize it. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------…
When you focus on the good the good get better Look at all the beauty in your life and be happy 1億総白痴化 日本人はキャンプが流行ると、みんなキャンプだな。 同調意識・横並び意識が強すぎる。 整備されたキャンプ場で、指定された手順のキャンプ…
Hello. How are you doing? I discovered something today. Please listen to me. ------------------------------------------------------- アメリカ大統領夫人のジルさんが5月8日に、 ウクライナを電撃訪問したそうだ。 やるなあ。アメリカ人は。ガッツが…