Partner With Us | CANARI


CANARI collaborates and develops partnerships with key stakeholders throughout the Caribbean and across the globe.

Partnerships support delivery of CANARI’s mission by:

  1. enhancing the Institute’s capacity and access to resources (e.g. finance, expertise, information, technology);
  2. providing avenues for influencing policy, practice and governance arrangements (e.g. via access to policy making processes and policy makers);
  3. providing avenues for influencing management practice and actions (e.g. via engagement with managers such as forestry and fisheries agencies and civil society organisations [CSOs]).

Our partners include resource users, CSOs, research institutes; donors, government and intergovernmental agencies, and the private sector.  CANARI’s partnerships may be broad-based medium- to long-term collaborations or focused on short-term specific areas of cooperation.

We actively seek new partners and welcome inquiries on opportunities that meet our partnership principles.