CAMPUS LACNIC – Certification


LACNIC Certification Exam

LACNIC Campus students who complete the three levels of any of the specializations in ISP Network Operation, Datacenter Networks, or Campus Networks may now take a certification exam. This examination formally validates the technical knowledge acquired by the student, and the certificate issued by LACNIC serves as a valuable regional acknowledgment that helps promote the professional development of network operators in Latin America and the Caribbean.

What to expect

The exam is administered online and tests the knowledge acquired during the specialization. It consists of up to 30 multiple-choice questions and is completely free of charge. It is available exclusively in Spanish and proctored by Proctorio, which ensures a secure and reliable evaluation process.

This system verifies the participant’s identity, the integrity of the content, and the authenticity of the responses. Before starting, an instructional video will be shown with guidelines to ensure compliance with these conditions.

Examination Requirements

To register for the certification exam, a student must have completed the three levels of a specialization, either ISP Networks, Datacenter Networks, or Campus Networks.

Exam dates

The certification exam for the ISP Network Operation specialization is currently active. Exams for the other specializations will be available in the coming months.