⚓ T70828 VisualEditor Mobile: [Regression pre-wmf16] Cannot scroll up/down a page in mobile when the keyboard is open and cursor active on CE
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VisualEditor Mobile: [Regression pre-wmf16] Cannot scroll up/down a page in mobile when the keyboard is open and cursor active on CE
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce:

1.Open a page with mobile VE
2.Place the cursor somewhere at the top of the page
3.When the cursor is active on Ce and the keyboard is open, try scrolling down the page

Observe dResult:
Scrolling does not work

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 3:34 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz68828.

This is also happening while scrolling down the link suggestions inside link inspector.

Reopening it again,since I just reproduced it.

This is happening now but following a different steps to reproduce:
1.Open a page with Mobile VE
2.Open link inspector
3.Click on the "Done" button
4.Once you are back to CE, tap on it to activate the cursor
5.Now try scrolling up/down

The scrolling wont work

This issue did not get resolved with the revert

This seems to still be broken-ish due to bug 68832, which means you can't scroll all the way up to reveal the toolbar, but scrolling down works.

Closing this one, we'll track the remaining problems over at bug 68832.

Verified the fix for original issue in production.