Maintainers for apt-config-icons are Matthias Klumpp <>.
You may want to refer to the following packages that are part of the same source: appstream, appstream-compose, appstream-doc, apt-config-icons-hidpi, apt-config-icons-large, apt-config-icons-large-hidpi, gir1.2-appstream-1.0, gir1.2-appstreamcompose-1.0, libappstream-compose-dev, libappstream-compose0, libappstream-dev, libappstream4, libappstream5, libappstreamqt-dev, libappstreamqt2, libappstreamqt3, libappstreamqt5-3, libappstreamqt5-dev.
You might like to refer to the apt-config-icons package page, to the Package Tracking System, or to the source package src:appstream's bug page.
If you find a bug not listed here, please report it.