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Research Grants

1.1 Relevant Research Project (RP)


BRNS supports high quality research & development programmes of relevance to DAE. Scientists / Engineers working in universities, academic/ research institutions of higher learning, having a regular position in government recognized universities, academic/ research institutions ONLY are eligible to apply. Researchers associated with government recognized incubation centre and DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research) recognized R&D organizations of Private Industry can also be considered for funding. Those working in DAE units, NGO and scientific societies should not apply.


Applicants seeking financial assistance to carry out research projects under categories of relevant research projects (RP) and Young scientist’s research award (YSRA) should prepare their application as per the format given in the downloadable FORM-PPA and submit their application online. It may be noted that it is mandatory give details of the Principal Collaborator (PC) from DAE and one Co-Investigator (CI) from the same institution, at the time of applying for relevant research project (RP). The CI is expected to take the responsibility of taking forward the project on technical as well as financial matters, in the absence of the PI. Incomplete applications submitted without Collaborator from DAE (Principal Collaborator: PC), not satisfying age criteria of the Principal Investigator (PI), certificate from the institution etc. would not be admitted.


The proposals received and admitted by the BRNS Secretariat after proper scrutiny is referred to the concerned advisory committee for evaluation and recommendations. The applications for the grants are evaluated strictly on the basis of the quality of scientific and technological content of the proposal. They are refereed by specialists in the field and based on their comments, the short listed applicants may be invited to a Technical Programme Discussion Meeting (TPDM) for an oral presentation before a panel comprising the members of the Advisory Committee and the experts. On the recommendations made during TPDM and depending upon the projected budget requirement, the proposal may be forwarded to the BRNS Board for its approval. The committee's recommendations are discussed in the Board meeting. The Board and its advisory committees meet once or twice in a year. This whole process may take up to 6-12 months, depending upon the arrival of referee reports and the budget requested. Final authority for approval of a recommended project depends upon its overall budget requirement by DAE. Financial sanctions for the projects approved by the Board are released by BRNS subject to availability of funds.


Funds for the first year are released along with the sanction letter. While the projects are normally sanctioned for a period of three years, the counting of years is done in terms of financial year starting from 1st April to 31st March of the next calendar year. Grant for the subsequent years would be released only after getting hard copies of audited “Statement of Accounts”, “Utilization Certificate” in respect of the funds received in the previous financial year and claim of funds sanctioned for the current year. The Principal Investigator (PI) is expected to submit renewal application along with progress report in the prescribed format for the third and subsequent financial years. For evaluation of progress made, PI may be called for an oral presentation at a TPDM. If the progress is found satisfactory, a renewal sanction letter is issued. Requests for extension of the project beyond the normal 3-year period are subject to approval by the Board and depend on the scientific merit of the case.


Funding by BRNS is limited to the essential requirement for carrying out the project effectively and expeditiously. The grant given to the Principal Investigators include expenditure towards buying of equipment, consumables, staff salaries, technical assistance, contingencies, travel, computation charges, and overheads. Overhead charges are 15% of the total cost of the project, excluding ‘Contingency’ head, subject to a ceiling of RS 2 lakh for R&D Laboratories and Rs. 6 lakh for all other Institutions/ Universities, etc. Once a project is recommended favourably after its evaluation for technical and scientific content the proposal is referred to different authorities, for final approval depending upon the budget requirement. The progress of the projects is periodically reviewed.


1.2 Young Scientist’s Research Award (YSRA)


The main objective of the scheme is to encourage young scientists in the initial years of settling down in their career. Highly qualified young scientists are provided with the necessary grants for research in setting up their first laboratories. The scheme is particularly aimed at NRI scientists willing to return to the country. This scheme known as DAE Young Scientist Research Award (DAE-YSRA) is applicable to only scientists below the age of 35 years. Unlike regular projects, it is not mandatory to have PC & CI under this scheme.

The Award carries a maximum research grant of Rs. 35 lakh in a block of three years and can be utilized for expenditure on JRF Salary, equipment, consumables, travel and other contingencies along with Overheads in connection with his/her research activities. Scientists / Engineers working in universities, academic/ research institutions of higher learning, having a regular position in government recognized universities, academic / research institutions ONLY are eligible to apply for this Award. Selection of scientists for this award is based on the merits of applicant’s qualifications, experience and the relevance of the project to the Department of Atomic Energy.

    DAE-Scientific Research Council (DAE-SRC) Award

    (Currently this scheme is not operational)


    This scheme is primarily managed by DAE Science Research Council (DAE SRC) through its BRNS Secretariat at third floor, CFB, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai.

    The award includes a research grant of up to Rs. 1 Crore spread over a period of five years which shall be used for the sole purpose of pursuing the research project submitted. The Award is tenable only for a maximum period of five years.

    Besides research grant, the awardees will be given an incentive of Rs. 25,000/-per month for five years in addition to the salary that they draw from their employer. In case the awardees are availing any other incentive (Performance Related Incentive Scheme) from other agencies or parent organization, they must choose only one.


    The candidate will continue to be attached to his / her organization, receive salary and enjoy facilities such as residential accommodation. The funds will be provided to the Awardee through the sponsoring institution. For making any purchases, the Research Awardee will follow the norms of the sponsoring institution. Assets created, if any, will be the property of the sponsoring institution, unless otherwise specifically decided by the DAE.



    Individual Scientists/Engineers of the DAE constituent units, as well as those outside DAE, working in public funded institutions are eligible to apply for these awards.

    The age of the applicant shall not be above 47 years as on 31 December of the year of application.

    The applicants are expected to have demonstrated a high level of competence. Research publications in leading journals or success in developing novel technologies and products would be expected of the applicants.

    The applicant is expected to include the following details in the proposal:

    1. A 1-2 page write-up describing the relevance and importance of the proposed research and what the proposer expects to achieve at the end of the 5-year-period. Title of the project, discipline and subject matter of the project should be highlighted appropriately.
    2. Financial requirements for a 5-year period for equipment, consumables and research infrastructure and research staff.
    3. Other items such as travel and contingency expenditure.
    4. Curriculum vitae comprising name, date of birth, position held, academic and professional qualifications, nature of present employment (permanent, temporary or tenure post with duration), email address and contact numbers, list of publications in national and international journals (peer reviewed), details of patent in the name of researcher, awards and recognitions received from reputed agency and membership of national and international academies etc.
    5. Details of the projects undertaken and amount of grant received for completed and ongoing research project.



    The initial screening of the proposal shall be done by a Committee set up by the Chairman, AEC. If the Screening Committee selects a proposal, applicant would be asked to submit a detailed work plan. The detailed version of proposals will be scrutinized by a Committee of Experts identified by the DAE SRC. Potential awardees would be requested to present their proposed work in person to the Committee before the final selection is made. (The awardees may have to modify the proposal based on interaction with the experts.). Final approval for the project will be accorded by the DAE SRC and its implementation would be under the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS).

    A Committee constituted by Secretary, DAE shall periodically review the work being carried out by the Awardee. Further the recipient of the research grant will be expected to make presentations to the specifically convened review meetings of the Council. There will be at least one mid-term review during the five-year duration of the research. The Council may invite appropriate experts to such review meetings.


    Other Provisions Governing the Scheme

    Grant may also be utilized by the awardee to participate in national / International conferences for presenting the results/outcome of the DAE-SRC research project. The awardee will be assisted in working across institutions, laboratories and industries. The grant may also be utilized to facilitate work at Centres other than the parent organization within the country for facilitating the pursuit of DAE-SRC research project. Such provisions include financial support for collaborative research and travel, visiting fellowship, transit accommodation and other perks as appropriate, for the individual awardee for the period that he is away from his parent organization for pursuing research under this scheme.

    In the event of any dispute arising out of the interpretation of the clauses or the implementation of this award scheme, the decision of the Department of Atomic Energy shall be final and binding.