Brain, Computation, and Data Science
Capturing brain inspired functionalities in molecular circuit elements
The basal ganglia control the detailed kinematics of learned motor skills
Materials for neuromorphic computing
Interactions between emotion, motivation, and cognition.
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Brain and Artificial Intelligence
Certification Program in Deep Learning
M.Tech. (Artificial Intelligence) Programme by EECS@IISc
IISc Launches M.Tech. [Online] Degree Programmes for Sponsored Candidates
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About the group

Computational approaches to understanding brain function form an important and growing area of interdisciplinary research. Gaining a detailed understanding of the human brain has been universally accepted as one of the important grand challenges of the 21st century. The grandness of the challenge and the requirement of diverse forms of expertise necessitate synergistic interactions among neurobiologists, computer scientists and electrical engineers. Many faculty members interested in different aspects of this problem have recently come together and formed an informal research group (also called a thematic cluster) on Brain, Computation, and Data Science. This group comprises more than twenty faculty members from eight different departments (namely, CDS, CNS, CSA, ECE, EE, ESE, MATHS, and MBU) pointing to the interdisciplinary nature of this research endeavour. The group includes researchers in experimental and theoretical neurobiology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, signal processing, electronic systems, hybrid (electronic and neural) hardware systems, etc.

The current work of this group spans the areas of Neuromorphic hardware and hybrid systems, computational models for representation and processing of sensory (e.g., vision, speech, language) information in brain, computational models of biological neurons, neural plasticity, models of learning, signal processing, machine learning, big data analytics, large scale computational models, etc. The vision of this group is to become the nucleus of “Indian Brain Project” and contribute to significant breakthroughs in our understanding of the brain.

Pratiksha Trust

Pratiksha Trust, founded by Mr. Kris Gopalakrishnan and Mrs. Sudha Gopalakrishnan has been extending a very generous support to IISc in promoting research in Brain Science, data science and computing architectures and algorithms inspired by the brain.

The Pratiksha Trust has made a generous endowment for three distinguished visiting chairs at IISc in the general areas of neuromorphic computating, computational neuroscience, machine learning and data science.

Many other academic activities related to the research of this group are also supported by this endowment.

Pratiksha Reports

Activities during

Research Snapshots

Correlating the non-linear time series and spectral properties of IGR J17091-3624: is it similar to GRS 1915+105?

Using the correlation integral method, we explore the non-linear properties of black hole sources IGR J17091-3624 by comparing the underlying…

Interactions between emotion, motivation, and cognition.

Throughout our lives, emotional and/or motivational factors influence our thoughts and actions. Hence, there is a clear need to understand…

Materials for neuromorphic computing

Defects in TMDs (vacancies, substitutional atoms) have been proposed for optical memories and neuromorphic computing. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is…

Spatiotemporal organization of cell signaling

Cells use a set of molecular processes, called cell-signaling, to recognize and respond to stimuli. Cell-signaling processes work together to…

Capturing brain inspired functionalities in molecular circuit elements

We are designing molecular circuit elements that capture intelligence, cognition and decision-making ability at nanoscale material properties. Our aim is…

Cross-Modal Retrieval

In IACV Lab, we work on various applications in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, one area being cross-modal matching. Due…

Large scale computational model of fusion plasmas

The main focus of our research group is on neural network assisted large scale computational model of fusion plasmas. This…

Homogeneous Length Functions on Groups: Intertwined Computer and Human Proofs

This work was an interplay between human and computer proving which played a role in the discovery of an interesting…

The basal ganglia control the detailed kinematics of learned motor skills

The basal ganglia are known to mediate action selection, but whether and how they contribute to specifying the kinematics of…

Prognostic estimates and scenario analysis of COVID-19

A novel predictive modeling framework for the spread of infectious diseases using high-dimensional partial differential equations is developed and implemented.…

Arnab Barik

Stepping barefoot on a pin is excruciatingly painful and evokes an intense and immediate physical reaction as well as an…

Deep Learning for Satellite Oceanography

We developed a W-Net architecture, a novel structure inspired from the classical U-Net architecture for semantic segmentation. Two U-net like…

Computation of Signals at synapses

Our group try to decipher real time molecular mechanisms that contribute to fidelity of signal processing at synapse. We combine…

AI-driven XraySetu for early-Covid interventions over WhatsApp [Chiranjib Bhattacharyya, CSA]

The project was started by Dr. Geetha Manjunath of Niramai Health and Prof. Chiranjib Bhattacharyya of IISc, in the first…

A generalized framework for projection-based methods for sampling in MRI systems [ K. V. S. Hari, ECE]

MRI collects samples in the Fourier domain, called as the k-space. The k-space is traversed along continuous trajectories using varying…

Gamma oscillations as a biomarker for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) [Supratim Ray, CNS]

Electrical signals recorded from the brain often show fluctuations between 30-80 Hz, which is called the gamma rhythm. These can…

Estimating the COVID-19 burden in Karnataka [Rajesh Sundaresan, ECE]

This work, a Karnataka-wide COVID-19 serological survey, provided a wealth of information about the state of the pandemic. It enabled…

Deep Unsupervised Speech Representation Learning [Sriram Ganapathy, EE]

The performance of speech systems is degraded in the presence of noise. The principle of modulation filtering attempts to remove…

Neuromorphic CMOS-MoS2 based hybrid system for low power edge-computing [Chetan Singh Thakur, ESE]

The brain is an ideal template for next-generation computing architectures. We, at NeuRonICS lab IISc, have developed a hybrid architecture…

Temporal Self-Organization: A Reaction-diffusion Framework for Spatio-temporal Memories [Shayan Garani, ESE]

Self-organizing maps find numerous applications in learning, clustering and recalling spatial input patterns. The traditional approach in learning spatio-temporal patterns…

Multiplicative mixing of object identity and image attributes in single inferior temporal neurons [SP Arun, CNS]

Knowing a Ferrari from a Mustang from an image can be hard because one has to detect their unique features…

An Analogue Neuromorphic Co-Processor That Utilizes Device Mismatch for Learning Applications [Chetan Singh Thakur, ESE]

As the integrated circuit (IC) technology advances into smaller nanometre feature sizes, a fixed-error noise known as device mismatch is…

Red induces strong gamma oscillations in the brain [Supratim Ray, CNS]

What changes inside the brain when one sees a colourful flower as opposed to a grayscale version of it? How…

Microchips and Systems For Brain Computer Interface [Hardik J Pandya, DESE]

The BEES Lab, DESE, IISc focuses on developing microchip-based system solutions for screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic applications in neuroscience and…

Neural computations underlying cognition [Sridharan Devarajan, CNS and Govindan Rangarajan, Math]

How does our brain enable us to pay attention selectively to some things, and to ignore others? What happens in…

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