One of our great contemporary scientists reveals the ten profound insights that illuminate what everyone should know about the physical world
In Fundamentals, Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek offers the reader a simple yet profound exploration of reality based on the deep revelations of modern science. With clarity and an infectious sense of joy, he guides us through the essential concepts that form our understanding of what the world is and how it works. Through these pages, we come to see our reality in a new way--bigger, fuller, and stranger than it looked before.
Synthesizing basic questions, facts, and dazzling speculations, Wilczek investigates the ideas that form our understanding of the universe: time, space, matter, energy, complexity, and complementarity. He excavates the history of fundamental science, exploring what we know and how we know it, while journeying to the horizons of the scientific world to give us a glimpse of what we may soon discover. Brilliant, lucid, and accessible, this celebration of human ingenuity and imagination will expand your world and your mind.
0 有用 九牛二鼠 2022-10-29 02:21:09 新西兰
在圆桌派窦文涛的推荐下阅读此书, 没想到是今年出版的新书, 作者是诺贝尔物理学奖得主Wilczek. 此前曾读过霍金30年前写的时间简史, 这回重温现代物理学家所认识的微宏观世界. 尽管作者避免使用数学公式, 但不用数学语言已经很难描述超越经验尺度的世界了. 中文版书名叫<万物理论>, Wilczek知道了估计要气得吐血, 因为书中特别写到, 物理学只是一门学科, 谈不上万物理论. 比如医学的尽头... 在圆桌派窦文涛的推荐下阅读此书, 没想到是今年出版的新书, 作者是诺贝尔物理学奖得主Wilczek. 此前曾读过霍金30年前写的时间简史, 这回重温现代物理学家所认识的微宏观世界. 尽管作者避免使用数学公式, 但不用数学语言已经很难描述超越经验尺度的世界了. 中文版书名叫<万物理论>, Wilczek知道了估计要气得吐血, 因为书中特别写到, 物理学只是一门学科, 谈不上万物理论. 比如医学的尽头是生物学, 生物学的尽头是化学, 化学的尽头是物理, 物理的尽头是数学, 但不能说数学家会治病呀. 物理再牛, 也不能否认艺术\哲学\宗教的价值. 物理学家算是把牛角尖钻到极致了, 活活把宇宙分辨率提到量子维度. 量子力学诞生100多年了, 可惜高中课本没纳入, 导致现在只能靠科普和想象了. (展开)