Zena Hitz 出版社: Princeton University Press 副标题: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life 出版年: 2020-5-26 页数: 240 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780691178714
An invitation to readers from every walk of life to rediscover the impractical splendors of a life of learning
In an overloaded, superficial, technological world, in which almost everything and everybody is judged by its usefulness, where can we turn for escape, lasting pleasure, contemplation, or connection to others? While many forms of leisure meet these needs, Zena Hitz wri...
An invitation to readers from every walk of life to rediscover the impractical splendors of a life of learning
In an overloaded, superficial, technological world, in which almost everything and everybody is judged by its usefulness, where can we turn for escape, lasting pleasure, contemplation, or connection to others? While many forms of leisure meet these needs, Zena Hitz writes, few experiences are so fulfilling as the inner life, whether that of a bookworm, an amateur astronomer, a birdwatcher, or someone who takes a deep interest in one of countless other subjects. Drawing on inspiring examples, from Socrates and Augustine to Malcolm X and Elena Ferrante, and from films to Hitz's own experiences as someone who walked away from elite university life in search of greater fulfillment, Lost in Thought is a passionate and timely reminder that a rich life is a life rich in thought.
Today, when even the humanities are often defended only for their economic or political usefulness, Hitz says our intellectual lives are valuable not despite but because of their practical uselessness. And while anyone can have an intellectual life, she encourages academics in particular to get back in touch with the desire to learn for its own sake, and calls on universities to return to the person-to-person transmission of the habits of mind and heart that bring out the best in us.
Reminding us of who we once were and who we might become, Lost in Thought is a moving account of why renewing our inner lives is fundamental to preserving our humanity.
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Zena Hitz is a Tutor in the great books program at St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, where she also lives. She has a PhD in ancient philosophy from Princeton University and studies and teaches across the liberal arts. Website: zenahitz.net Twitter @zenahitz.
Plato and Aristotle and many after them sought something they called the highest good - the best human activity, pursued for its own sake - for which we have a natural affinity above all others (查看原文)
看了一下goodreads的评价,有些评论真的好犀利,比如这个:This sort of mysticism will no doubt sell well, especially in places like California where there is an established market for this mode of thinking. But it is bunk, ess...看了一下goodreads的评价,有些评论真的好犀利,比如这个:This sort of mysticism will no doubt sell well, especially in places like California where there is an established market for this mode of thinking. But it is bunk, essentially another self-help guide for those who use self-help guides to justify their positions of privilege and power.(展开)
1 有用 X桢 2023-03-31 11:03:37 广东
看了一下goodreads的评价,有些评论真的好犀利,比如这个:This sort of mysticism will no doubt sell well, especially in places like California where there is an established market for this mode of thinking. But it is bunk, ess... 看了一下goodreads的评价,有些评论真的好犀利,比如这个:This sort of mysticism will no doubt sell well, especially in places like California where there is an established market for this mode of thinking. But it is bunk, essentially another self-help guide for those who use self-help guides to justify their positions of privilege and power. (展开)
6 有用 晕过 2020-09-11 10:49:19
1 有用 yofer张耀琦 2022-01-19 10:16:50
到底为了什么学习? 为了学习本身而学习,是人生的终极目的。作为“终极目的”,它满足三个条件: 1.学习本身就是一个“纯目的”,而不是为了达成其他目的的手段;如果做一件事儿是“为了”什么什么,那这件事儿就是工具和手段;那个被“为了”的什么什么,才是目的。 2.学习是高级的;学习就是沉思,是观察世界、理解世界和品味世界的活动。沉思,是观察世界、理解世界和品味世界的活动。沉思就是这本书说的“学习”... 到底为了什么学习? 为了学习本身而学习,是人生的终极目的。作为“终极目的”,它满足三个条件: 1.学习本身就是一个“纯目的”,而不是为了达成其他目的的手段;如果做一件事儿是“为了”什么什么,那这件事儿就是工具和手段;那个被“为了”的什么什么,才是目的。 2.学习是高级的;学习就是沉思,是观察世界、理解世界和品味世界的活动。沉思,是观察世界、理解世界和品味世界的活动。沉思就是这本书说的“学习”。 3.学习是普通人就可以做到的。每个人都可以为了学习而学习。每天花半小时观察、理解和品味世界,每周再找几个小时读书,谁都能做到。现在难处在于人们都被工具性或者娱乐性的事物吸引,错过了学习的精彩。 (展开)
1 有用 Dummyliger 2022-08-25 19:43:03 北京
0 有用 Akrasia 2022-06-19 10:53:48
本身就还行吧,这里提到的一些小说比如刀锋和Martin Eden倒是都挺好看的