The RePEc Blog | Information about Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

RePEc in February 2025

March 14, 2025

This blog post has been delayed by the fact that the EconPapers and LogEc sites have been down for about a week, and will be for a few more days. Indeed, traffic by robots has been extremely high for all RePEc sites, leading to some bottlenecks. After parsing logs for human traffic, we counted 344,409 file downloads and 1,977,566 abstract views across reporting RePEc services. We welcomed two new archives: Institutul Național de Cercetări Econimice din Moldova and EuroKD. And we reached the following milestone:
1,500,000 cited journal articles

RePEc in January 2025

February 6, 2025

RePEc is off to a good start in the new year. We counted, after filtering out all the bots and “illicit” traffic 345,676 file downloads and 1,599,356 abstract views. We welcomed two new archives: Journal of Economics and Business Engineering as well as Risk Journals. And we reached the following milestones.

100,000,000 monthly page views on IDEAS (lots of bots, though)
4,900,000 research items indexed
4,000,000 research items with abstracts

Bob Parks (1946-2025), the Internet pioneer of economics

February 5, 2025

Bob Parks started his academic career with an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1968, followed by a PhD from Purdue University in 1971. He then joined Washington University in St. Louis, where he taught for a round 50 years. He left us on January 24, 2025, having touched scores of WUStL students, been vital to the RePEc project, and leaving a lasting impact on the profession in general.

His academic publishing was on microeconomic theory and he taught also econometrics. A long-time director of graduate studies, he was a mentor for many students even when he was not advising them. He also saw the need for a good computing environment for graduate students and set up a lab early on, complete with a direct line to the Internet drawn through the campus with the help of the students.

Bob realized the potential of the Internet for economists: In 1993, he obtained the code for ArXiv and set up the pioneering Economics Working Paper Archive (EconWPA, now archived by the Library of the University of Munich) that laid the foundation for hosting economics working papers on the web. Bob also provided hosting for all sorts of projects, including the precursors of RePEc (NetEc, WoPEc, BibEc, EDIRC, and more) and RePEc itself, and he lectured about the Internet on many campuses and conferences, often with Bill Goffe. He saw a future for the Internet in economics that has largely been realized, in part with Bob’s early support of RePEc.

Bob was always present on the internal RePEc mailing lists, offering his services and his sharp advice. Bob, RePEc and the profession owe you a bunch.

In the early 1990 the internet started to become a more mainstream communication tool. Four early figures emerged with an interest in bringing it to impact scholarly communication in economics. These were George D. Greenwade, Robert P. Parks, William L. Goffe and myself. With Bob’s passing, we lost the second of the quartet. All four took some risk in looking at this issue rather than staying on a strict academic path. Bob and I were intellectually at opposite sides of thinking about the path forward. However, we were both similar in our communication. We appearing determined and strident in written communication. On the early NetEc lists that I ran, we appeared to agree on nothing except our right to have constant verbal spars. I think we first met in Päffgen’s at the time Markus Hatterscheid hosted the first ever NetEc meeting. We must both have been surprised how nice and friendly we were as actual people.

Bob ran the NetEc mirror in WUStL. In the 2000s he contributed two servers. These were important as I lost access to servers in the UK. Remember this was way before hosted servers became commodified. I traveled to St. Louis to set up the servers. He put me up at his house. This was I believe the most important contribution to RePEc. With the closure of EconWPA his impact waned. He took part in the St. Louis RePEc meeting in 2017. At that moment, I did paid tribute both the the man and the place to say we need more of an archival centre in RePEc, basically throwing weight behind his vision. It will hopefully stay with us.

Thomas Krichel

Bob and I collaborated extensively in the early days of the internet. We first connected in 1993 when I was writing the sci.econ.research FAQ, which later became “Resources for Economists on the Internet” and he sent me some very helpful comments. Our relationship blossomed and starting the next year, we gave 30 talks and workshops on how economists might use this new technology. Locations ranged from the ASSA, to the central bank of Hungary, and to the CIA. By the time we stopped these in 2002, internet usage was well established in the profession, and I would like to think that we played a small role in its uptake.

In 1997 we published “The Future Information Infrastructure in Economics” in the Journal of Economic Perspectives. In the opening of that paper, we outlined how economists might use the internet in the future. This outline has come to pass, with online access to data, papers, and real-time collaboration between authors.

Our collaborations were both fruitful and enjoyable. We had complementary skills, and we thoroughly enjoyed working with each other. Looking beyond ourselves, I’d like to think that others benefited from our work.

In checking my voluminous e-mail folder with Bob (more than 7,000 messages), I just reread what was to be our last messages. We were not able to connect when I was in St. Louis in late 2023 and I said that I hoped we would meet next time I was there. I’m so sad that such a meeting will not occur.

Bill Goffe

In the early Internet days, communications were not that fast and any site with some substance needed local mirrors. This is how I first got into contact with Bob, as he set up a North American mirror for my EDIRC project. It seemed that his generosity had infinite resources, while in fact his office was completely taken over by servers hosting the myriads of other projects relying on him. But that was fine with him, as he saw the utility of what he was doing, rightfully so.

That came to an end in 2005 when he had to vacate all this hardware. I ended up hosting the RePEc Author Service, which came in a box through the mail. Ironically, six years later, I would move to St. Louis on the other side of town, with the same box. By then, he was much less active and we met half a dozen times, once at the Bank where he could meet his computing assistant from the early days, who just so happened to be one of my employees. The world is small. And Bob made it better.

Christian Zimmermann

Comments are open.

RePEc in December 2024 and a look back at Year 2024

January 6, 2025

We concluded the year by reaching a major milestone, 70,000 registered authors, which is triple the membership of the largest professional organization in Economics. We also launched a new service for Bluesky users, as now all NEP reports can be followed there now. Other options are email, RSS, and Mastodon. Authors already had the option to add their Bluesky handle to their profile.

In regular news, we welcomed a couple of new archives: Drexel University and Journal of Sustainable Development Issues. We counted during the month 327,978 file downloads and 1,426,598 abstract views. And we reached the following milestones:
12,000,000 cumulative abstract views for books
70,000 registered authors

Now regarding the year as a whole. We counted 4,721,574 file downloads and 18,772,300 abstract views. Note that this is only a partial picture, as not all RePEc services provide auditable traffic data. 30 new RePEc archives joined. Along with over 2100 extant archives, they added 100 working papers series, 45,000 working papers, 120 journals, 200,000 articles, 130 new software components, 2,500 new books and 20,000 new book chapters (numbers rounded). 3,500 new authors registered, and their profiles include 125,000 more works than 12 months ago.

2025 is expected to be a busy year for RePEc. We will continue to provide services to the Economics professions thanks to our volunteers. Beyond this we hope to launch a new initiative, stay tuned by following this blog.

RePEc in November 2024

December 5, 2024

Given the growing popularity of Bluesky among economists, several features have been added on RePEc sites. The RePEc Author Service now allows authors to add their Bluesky handle to their social media contacts. IDEAS uses that information to create listings of authors on Bluesky by field and country. IDEAS also makes it possible to post any of its pages to Bluesky on the click of a button. This matches what was available for other social media.
In other news, RePEc welcomed one new publication data provider, the Harvard Growth Lab. We counted 417,593 file downloads and 1,659,897 abstract views on EconPapers, IDEAS and NEP. And we reached the following milestone:
250,000 book chapters indexed

RePEc in October 2024

November 5, 2024

Little to report from RePEc this month. One new RePEc archive, Agregat: Journal of Economics and Business. We counted 449,149 file downloads and 1,900,334 abstract views. And we reached the following milestones:

10,000 contributors to the RePEc Genealogy

10 RePEc archives with more than 100,000 indexed items

RePEc in September 2024

October 8, 2024

Over last month, two new RePEc archives joined: International Journal of Economic Policy and University of Malaga (II). We counted 371,431 file downloads and 1,515,605 abstract views. And in terms of milestones, we reached the following:

4,800,000 research items listed on RePEc
1,000 registered authors listed as deceased.

RePEc in August 2024

September 5, 2024

Web traffic on RePEc sites is usually the lowest in August. This year was different. While human traffic was within the expected numbers, 297,597 file downloads and 1,192,388 abstract views, robotic traffic was three times higher than usual, which led to some strains. We also added four new RePEc archives: American Journal of Economics, Swiss Business School, Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa (IDP), Sustainable Regional Development Scientific Journal.

No remarkable milestones were reached in the past month.

RePEc in July 2024

August 8, 2024

Over the last month, we welcomed four new RePEc archives: Explore Scholar Publishing, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Visayas State University Finance, Accounting and Business Analysis. We counted 309,888 file downloads and 1,215,977 abstract views on EconPapers, IDEAS, and NEP. And we reached the following milestone:

1,200,000 paper announcements disseminated through NEP

RePEc in June 2024

July 3, 2024

The Summer has started, which means that all activity gets into a seasonal slumber. Still, the reporting sites recorded 361,135 file downloads and 1,412,724 abstract views, we added an archive from the University of National and World Economy in Bulgaria, and we reached the following milestones:

500,000 JEL coded articles
2,000 departments listed in the RePEc Genealogy