deportment - English Collection

English Collection



2024年11月25日 | 英単語

さて、Eugen Herrigelの "Zen in the Art of Archery" を読んでいます。

More than five years went by, and then the Master proposed that we pass a test. "It is not just a question of demonstrating your skill," he explained, "An even higher value is set on the spiritual deportment of the archer, down to his minutest gesture. I expect you above all not to let yourself be confused by the presence of spectators, but to go through the ceremony quite unperturbed, as though we were by ourselves."

"deportment" は見覚えがあります。多分辞書で意味を調べたことがある単語ですが、思い出せませんし、このブログでも取り上げていません。辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (British English) the way in which a person stands and moves: lessons in deportment and etiquette; He has good deportment.
・Collins Dictionary: Your deportment is the way you behave, especially the way you walk and move.: [formal] She taught deportment classes and ran a course in walking the catwalk.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the way a person behaves: Throughout the ordeal of her husband's funeral, Mrs Kennedy was a model of deportment (= behaved in a controlled and calm way).

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