Open Data Digest: March 2024

Your monthly round-up of open data, featuring some of our most viewed publications from researchers around the world. Subscribe today to receive the Open Data Digest directly in your inbox. For Sleep Awareness Month, we’re shining a light on data about sleep from across the animal world.


Early-life sleep disruption impairs subtle social behaviours in prairie voles: a pose-estimation study
Bueno-Junior, Lezio et al. (2023)

Data demonstrating the effects of early-life sleep deprivation on later life sociality and other subtle prairie vole behaviors.


Data for: Brain activity of diving seals reveals short sleep cycles at depth
Kendall-Bar, Jessica et al. (2023)

Electroencephalographic (EEG) activity data from wild northern elephant seals, showing how these marine mammals satisfy their daily sleep requirements while at sea.


Nesting chinstrap penguins accrue large quantities of sleep through seconds-long microsleeps
Libourel, Paul-Antoine; Lee, Won Young (2023)

Electrophysiological data (4 EEG, 1 EMG) with accelerometry, video, behavioral scoring, GPS, depth, and weather data showing that nesting chinstrap penguins accrue large quantities of sleep via seconds-long microsleeps.


Data from: Microglia are necessary to regulate sleep after an immune challenge
Rowe, Rachel; Green, Tabitha (2022)

Data on the role of microglia, a type of immune cell in the brain, in sleep regulation following an inflammatory trigger.


Subjective sleep quality and sleep architecture in patients with migraine: a meta-analysis
Stanyer, Emily et al. (2021)

Data from a meta-analysis that examined the differences in subjective sleep quality and objective sleep physiology between migraine patients and healthy controls


Data from: Homeostatic control of deep sleep and molecular correlates of sleep pressure in Drosophila
Chowdhury, Budhaditya et al. (2023)

Data from a study in which researchers developed a new method for sleep deprivation in fruit flies (Drosophila) that takes into account sleep-independent effects, demonstrating that deep sleep states are the main focus of homeostatic control.


Sleep/wake transitions in sheep
Schneider, Will (2021)

Automated analysis of quantitative electroencephalography (EEG) to study transitions between wake and non-rapid eye movement sleep in a sheep model of presymptomatic Huntington’s Disease.


Non-rapid eye movement sleep determines resilience to social stress
Ehlen, J. Christopher (2022)

Data from a study on the role of sleep in maladaptive responses to social stress, using a social-defeat model in male mice to study individual variations in resilience.

Explore over 60,000 more free-to-use datasets.

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