Windows Host Setup

These instructions have been tested on Windows 8 Enterprise, 64 bit. This should work also in regular Home versions of Windows as well as the newer Windows 10.

The steps below will enable you to develop Crosswalk applications that run on Windows.

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install WiX Toolset
  3. Install crosswalk-app-tools
  4. Verify your environment

Install Node.js

  1. Download Node.js from ​​​​.
  2. When the installer starts, make sure to add Node.js in the PATH as shown below:

Windows Host Setup_windows

Install WiX Toolset

  1. Download WiX Toolset: ​​​
  2. Install WiX Toolset.
  3. Add the Wix Toolset in your PATH. Edit environment variables for your account. In the Windows Start menu, search for “Environment variables”. Alternatively, click on the System icon in the Control Panel; then go to Advanced system settings and click the Environment Variables button. You should see this dialog box:

Windows Host Setup_windows_02

Edit the Path environment variable as follows:

  1. Select the Path environment variable (in the top select box, User variables…). If it does not exist, add it.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Variable value field, add the path to the executable for each of the installed tools, separated with “;”. For this example, we added the following at the end of the Path variable:
    ;C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.10\bin
  4. Click OK.

The same task can be done on the command-line (note the quotes “”):

> setx path "%path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.10\bin"

Install crosswalk-app-tools

Crosswalk-app-tools is a simple, NPM-based tool to create installable packages of your Crosswalk application.

Type the following inside a command shell (using cmd.exe for example):

> npm install -g crosswalk-app-tools

Note: If you are developing behind a proxy, ​​see this page​

Verify your environment

Check that you have installed the tools properly by running these commands:

> crosswalk-app check windows
+ Checking host setup for target windows
+ Checking for candle... ...ram Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.10\bin\candle.exe
+ Checking for light... ...ogram Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.10\bin\light.exe

Congratulations, your system is ready for Windows development with Crosswalk.

Now the host is set up, you can build a Crosswalk application.

What’s next?

​​Build an application​​