1.配置测试环境 创建数据表空间 create tablespace test logging datafile '/home/oracle/test.dbf' size 10m autoextend on next 10m maxsize 2048m extent management local; 创建用户并指定表空间 create user test identified by 123456 default tablespace test; 给用户授予权限 grant connect,resource,dba to test; 创建表 sqlplus test/123456@orcl CREATE TABLE test2(userId number(8), username varchar2(40), tep number (20)) PARTITION BY RANGE (userId)(PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (10000), PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (20000), PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (30000) ); 查询当前用户下的表: select tname from tab;
2.文件系统表空间迁移到ASM中去 rman target / report schema; 查看表空间 sql 'alter tablespace test offline';离线表空间 backup as copy datafile 5 format '+DATA';Copy类型备份表空间 switch datafile 5 to copy;切换表空间文件到copy副本 sql 'alter tablespace test online';上线表空间 report schema;
sqlplus / as sysdba select ts#,name from v$tablespace where name='TEST' union all select file#,name from v$datafile where ts#=6; select * from v$dbfile;
sqlplus test/123456@orcl select tname from tab;